Recent content by Varyn

  1. Varyn

    Seeking A Master

    Self bump; Weiss and I came to the conclusion that given our time-frame differences, it'd be too difficult for him to train Varyn. So Varyn is available again.
  2. Varyn

    A New Arrival

    A small amused laugh echoed out from the back of Varyn's throat at the bombardment of questions, offering her a small reassuring smile to say that he was that he was perfectly fine, in his own way. "Right.. Well." he paused, before starting his story. "I was on Hoth, trying to sort out some...
  3. Varyn

    A New Arrival

    Varyn allowed a smirk to find his lips, she was probably right, after all she was a Padawan and he still an Initiate. Glancing over her shoulder for half a moment, Varyn observed a couple of Jedi moving around the various tables set in palce for eating, he seemed slightly distracted, but his...
  4. Varyn


    Ah thanks Sid, I appreciate it!
  5. Varyn


    Yeah, is there a rule against this? :s I just felt like making another. xD
  6. Varyn

    Jedi sign-up thread

    Name: Weebesh Profile Link: Rank: Jedi Initiate
  7. Varyn

    Growing Up Jedi (Jedi Padwans/Intiates Only)

    Varyn narrowed his eyes a little bit, watching Ghan land directly in front of him. Thinking quickly, Varyn stepped off to the side as his opponents lightsaber struck out at him, moving around it, he parrying it from a sidelong angle, attempting to knock Ghan forward to the direction of Deenar...
  8. Varyn

    New Friends (Open)

    (( We'll end this thread with this post. And you can make the Force Valor Thread this time if you'd like; thanks for the feedback. xD )) Shaking his head, Varyn doubted that he was any more competent with the Force than Rathru. "Don't doubt yourself Rathru, you're more capable than you...
  9. Varyn

    A New Arrival

    Varyn began to laugh at her comment on walking into walls, and shook his head a little bit, a smirk playing across his thin lips. "I do need a healer though, I managed to hurt myself on Hoth." he said grimly, shaking he head a little bit. Lifting a hand Varyn brushed aside his hair, which had...
  10. Varyn

    Times Gone By

    "I'd be happy to join you, I was reading about the Jensaarai earlier this morning, but they're a mix of force sensitives and non-force sensitives." Varyn shifted his weight between feet, fiddling with his belt-pouches as he awaited a response from Terris whether he could join them or not. It...
  11. Varyn


    I just realized when I looked into it just then. >,< eugh, I can't be bothered changing it around at the moment, I'm exhausted. I'll just roll with it for now.
  12. Varyn


    NAME: Weebesh FACTION: New Jedi Order RANK: Jedi Initiate SPECIES: Unknown AGE: 460 years old GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 3'0 WEIGHT: 23kg EYES: Green HAIR: Bald SKIN: Green CREDITS: 1,000 DISTINGUISHING...
  13. Varyn

    I'm not bothered, choose between knocking, or just walking in.

    I'm not bothered, choose between knocking, or just walking in.
  14. Varyn

    A New Arrival

    Varyn glanced up in surprise, half startled and half in shock that there was a familiar face standing in front of him. His look of surprise soon rearranged into a warm and friendly smile, gesturing to one of the seats, Varyn adjusted his composure into something more complacent. "Terris, I...
  15. Varyn

    A New Arrival

    Varyn Tanis Varyn's face was pelted with the cool air of Empress Teta, it was early morning and he had just arrived on the planet and was making his way to the Sage Halls. Varyn knew little about the planet, his eyes drifting back and forth mixed with curiosity and rapt interest in the...