Recent content by TehZach1993

  1. TehZach1993

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    Yes I'm ignorant/obnoxious and idiotic because I have a differing opinion on a ****ing movie than you. Pfft, you guys need to grow up and move out of your mom's basement. Stop getting your little fanboy butts hurt everytime something differs with any sort of mythos you've got a hard on for.
  2. TehZach1993

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    Its not sexist at all unless you're extremely sensitive.
  3. TehZach1993

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2

    I really can't understand why no one in this thread likes the looks of this. It looks a hell of a lot better than those god awful Sam Raimi movies where they had him spraying jizz out of his wrists and having to rescue that ugly bitch Kirsten Dunst EVERY MOVIE. I got so sick of hearing Tobey...
  4. TehZach1993

    Star Wars Rebels (original thread)

    Depending if they're going to introduce her in Episode 7, and if my knowledge of the EU timeline isn't failing me right now: Perhaps Mara Jade? Or maybe this is a bit too early in the timeline?
  5. TehZach1993

    Star Wars Rebels (original thread)

    Hopefully one of them will be, most of the haters of Ahsoka ate their own words by the time the CW ended. Here's hoping if she's not a lead, then at least show us what the heck happened to her.
  6. TehZach1993

    [Hutt Mission] - Revenge a Hutt

    Mintaka had pursued Kiff all the way up to the rooftop of the Meltdown Cafe. The city lights were before him as he kept his own blaster out, the L-23 as opposed to the heavier blaster he carried, Bade had not forgotten that they still had to find out where the dirty scum had stashed the spices...
  7. TehZach1993

    Posted yesterday :P

    Posted yesterday :P
  8. TehZach1993

    [Hutt Mission] - Revenge a Hutt

    Mintaka waited for his partner to go into the restroom, watching his quarry enter into the VIP section and get past the bouncer with ease. Bade had noticed the small but deadly vibro-axes carried by the two Klatooinian bodyguards, they were hung on their hips for easy access and swung with each...
  9. TehZach1993

    Posted the thread!

    Posted the thread!
  10. TehZach1993

    [Hutt Mission] - Revenge a Hutt

    Mintaka Bade looked up from his drink, non-alcoholic, simply a glass of least he hoped so. With what goes on on Nar, you never knew if someone had tipped the bartender to add a little something to your drink even if it was only water. The ice in the glass chinked as he stirred it...
  11. TehZach1993

    First anniversary of Episode VII announcement.

    Well I know that about people HERE, didn't mean to insult anyone here. And I apologize if I caused any ripples with what I said in the first place ^.^. Anyway you asked for basis on what I said. I guess the basis would be that I don't neccessarily trust any other company to handle this canon...
  12. TehZach1993

    First anniversary of Episode VII announcement.

    Kinda like people and their adorable hate on the Special Editions and Prequels and anything that isn't the original trilogy?
  13. TehZach1993

    First anniversary of Episode VII announcement.

    Hollyweird is the definition of stupid when it comes to destroying the things we hold dear my friend.
  14. TehZach1993

    So how do I restart it?

    So how do I restart it?
  15. TehZach1993

    First anniversary of Episode VII announcement.

    Well...hopefully that means they won't change existing canon just to be 'hip' and cool with younger moviegoers. Like putting Earth in Star Wars just so certain newbies would be able to relate to the story more.