Recent content by soed

  1. soed

    Shadows over Umbara

    The kid dismounted his speeder and called out to Torin, and did so in such a willing, passive way that Torin was taken aback. Did he have the right kid? How many kids would be driving around alone, on Umbara, with weird cases? He gripped his blaster tightly and held it up, aiming directly at the...
  2. soed

    The Battle of Vontor [Trials of Heroes]

    Torin nodded begrudgingly and, while keeping his left hand in front of him, took hold of his blaster with his hand and gently, slowly, placed it on the ground in front of him, and gave it an unenthusiastic kick, before returning also the right hand to the front of his face. "We 'eard what...
  3. soed

    Jayt Saan

    Yeah, I think the sheets are as much for your writing partners as for yourself - perhaps moreso for them, as you already know exactly how your guy looks, what gear he has and how he carries himself. If someone goes in a thread with you, it is nice for them if they can go to your sheet and at...
  4. soed

    Shadows over Umbara

    Torin had amassed a few thousand credits, and then a little more. Happily, with shore leave, he had set his sights for one of his favourite pawn shops on Nar Shaddaa. Looking to pick up both Lady and Stinger, he soon found himself distraught as they had both been purchased. Torin had insisted he...
  5. soed

    Jayt Saan

    It seems like an interesting character, honestly - but this is absolutely dreadful to read through. I just did it, it is well written and encapsulates everything you could ask for in a character sheet, but this freeform style is really NOT easy to navigate.
  6. soed


    That is totally fine, I just think you should focus more on fleshing out your character before adding details like that. Simply mentioning he has combat training will also include/imply that he will cause big problems for any untrained average Joe :-) Anyway I think you're joining at just the...
  7. soed


    Hi, and welcome to the site! Did you accidentally click "submit" before being ready to, or what? Haha! I am also curious what it means that Tyrone will go "complete beast" in hand-to-hand combat, particularly considering he is fifteen and "only" has slighty above-average strength. Interested...
  8. soed

    The Battle of Vontor [Trials of Heroes]

    It stirred in Torin, and he woke up from another daydream as a fellow guard was caught with a punch in his mid-section not far from him. His right hand reached towards his blaster, but hesistated and instead watched the situation unfold in front of him. Torin wasn't sure if the man, an imperial...
  9. soed

    Deutschland über Alles [SIGN UP]

    Is this still open / ongoing? I'd like to participate, if it is - and if not, then just enjoy yourselves, happy new year etc. ;-)
  10. soed

    The Battle of Vontor [Trials of Heroes]

    Torin was something of importance, he had come to realise. Even a mere "acolyte" of the Sith carried a certain clout with them everywhere they went. He would have to wear his new-found status more openly than he had initially thought - and he desperately needed a lightsaber, primarily to affirm...
  11. soed

    Torin's Fantastic Collection of Assorted Goods

    This is for the benefit of myself, primarily, to list anything relevant to Torin. Posting here with questions or otherwise is welcome. Why not listen to Torin's theme while you're here? It's pretty awesome. Anyway, this following section will detail Torin's arms, armour, droid, ship and...
  12. soed

    Last Call

    Torin was sipping his drink, when what he deemed a sultry voice began beckoning him from the other side. He turned his head just in time to be annihilated verbally by the woman, and nearly choked trying to swallow while laughing. Torin, stifling his laughter, quickly put his drink down on the...
  13. soed

    Ilum: Turning Tides

    Legends of the Hidden Temple sounds interesting, but I take it being signed up for a trials of heroes mission prohibit Torins participation? Anyway great premise and have fun, people!
  14. soed

    Last Call

    Something stirred in Torin the way only force use could, but he put the tingly feeling down to alcohol; delicious, inescapeable alcohol. The woman at his side wholly ignored his advances and instead reaffirmed her lack of interest. Torin smiled widely and was about to speak, as the Jedi stood...
  15. soed

    'State of the RP' feedback thread

    Extremely easy to say, when nobody is doing it. I made two seperate threads about wanting a Sith mentor/master for Torin, who is an acolyte, with literally zero response. While it is still feasible for him to attain, I ended up taking him in a different direction than planned. I notice the same...