Recent content by Rodan Pierce

  1. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    Rodan scrambled back into the rear turret, noting once again the lack of a safety belt. He began firing, closing in on the weaving Mandalorian fighters. Every time he got close, however, he would slide out of his seat as Rue put the ship through another set of rolls and dives. "I think I would...
  2. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "You have a tail gun? Isn't that illegal in twenty-f-" Seeing the intensity of Rue's request, Rodan headed down to the tail gun. The control system was fairly standard, and he seated himself in the turret. "Right. Who am I aiming at?"
  3. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    Rodan listened in intently.
  4. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "I haven't seen a lot of ships, but those look Mandalorian. Are they friends of yours?"
  5. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    After a long and awkward silence in which Rodan tried to count the ship's doodads (and failed), he spoke up. "So. What is it you Mandalorians actually do? I've seen news reports, but they never mention anything concrete."
  6. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "I assume you mean that figuratively, as the seat belt on the seat I was formerly occupying has been removed. Still, I will do my best to avoid falling out again."
  7. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    As Rodan adjusted his position on the chair, the sudden acceleration spun him out of the seat and into the back wall. As he slammed into the bank of switches, one of them clicked off. Warning lights filled the cockpit. "This is supposed to happen, right?"
  8. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    Rodan will sit in the chair for some time, nervously shifting around on the chair, until hyperspace is entered.
  9. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    Rodan pulled up a map on his datapad. He traced a line from Chandrila to Mandalore, his finger stopping on a planet on the edge of Jedi space. "Ejolus. It's a semi-significant planet, and full of Jedi. They seem like adventurous folk. I would like to go there." As he finishes his examination of...
  10. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    Rodan opens his mouth to point out that he is already seated but then thinks better of it. He looks at his immediate surroundings for something resembling a seatbelt. If he can find no such device, he simply holds on.
  11. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "Apropos of nothing, how many doodads do you need to push to get this thing in the air? So far, you've hit 2 toggle switches, 3 round buttons, 1 square button, and 5 rotary dials. You've also hit yourself in the face. And yet we are still on the ground."
  12. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "You Mandalorians are cannibals? I've heard crazy stories, but this tops them all! I should be able to handle myself, as long as I don't accidentally challenge anyone to a duel of honor or something. Mandalore is your destination, and now it is mine."
  13. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    Rodan sat in silence for some time, watching Rue press doodads. Then, a thought came to him. "So... where are we going? If Chandrila is just a stop on your flight, what's the destination?"
  14. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "How dare you! I am hardly pitiful! And while I am alone at the moment, I fail to see why that is a negative thing. You are right about the last bit, though - I have hardly ever left the city where I grew up. That's why I'm on your ship..." Rodan lapsed into silence and looked around, curious as...
  15. R

    Ask Chandrila A Larger World

    "Very well. I - wait. Down in the dumps? What do you mean?"