Recent content by Rob the Player

  1. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 2

    "I'll just follow your lead," Renn said. "For now." He slowly continued to move ahead until they reached the checkpoint. Renn pulled the rifle from his back and took aim at the guard's head. "Alright, move in." Hunter lowered his rifle and walked to the guard. Looms already had his hands up...
  2. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 2

    Renn nodded and followed Jace away from the canteen. Whatever was happening in the hanger, wasn't good. Looms ran inside of the ship. If he had a weapon, and wasn't injured, he would fight. Meanwhile, Hunter reactivated, and took aim at the two mandalorians. It wasn't likely for a droid of his...
  3. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 2

    Renn took a sip of the water. Ice cold. He looked up at Jaco when he sat down next to him. "I'm from Mandalore. The name's Renn." He took another sip. Looms grunted when the charge went off. "I'm surrounded by crazies." He mumbled. Hunter fell to the ground in a metal heap. He wouldn't turn on...
  4. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 2

    Renn raised an eyebrow at the droid. He hasn't heard anyone speak mando'a for a while, and was surprised to hear it from this droid. "Y3s. I think wat3r will do." He said, and sat at the bar. Meanwhile, on the ship, Hunter detected the two mandalorians boarding the ship. "Stop. Tresspassers...
  5. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 2

    Renn left Looms with Hunter and the ship and headed towards the canteen using the map. He had left his saber and helmet in the ship. His blaster rifle was strapped on his back, and he was wearing a knife on his belt. Renn didn't know what to expect when he walked into the canteen.
  6. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 2

    Renn looked through the cockpit in awe. "I've never been here before. This place looks sweet!" Hunter walked back into to the room on his normal patrol. "How can you know if this place is sweet master? You've never been here, and you haven't tasted it yet." He continued to walk. Renn shook his...
  7. Rob the Player

    The run

    Roger that. There's no problem.
  8. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 1

    Renn was surprised when he saw an assasin droid inside the crate. It was folded up so it could fit, and it even had an old blaster rifle at the bottom. "Why the hell would the pirates have one of these?" There was a note inside that said not to activate the droid. Renn shrugged and started to...
  9. Rob the Player

    The run

    What happened to Mulako?
  10. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 1

    Renn smiled under his helmet. When the airlock opened, he was happy to see familiar faces. "Well that worked out somehow." He climbed out and grabbed his mysterious crate he stole from the pirate ship. "By the way," Renn distractedly gestered towards Looms. "He's on our side now." He took off...
  11. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 1

    Renn almost fell over after that last explosion. They really did need to move before they were sucked into space. With a nod, he quickly followed Looms to the pod. Grobu's bounty should be able to pick them up once they get out. After a few stumbles, they made it to the pod, but something caught...
  12. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 1

    Renn pressed the red button on the detonator, and threw it. He subconsciously guided the detonator toward the glass window with the force. Quickly, he jumped back into the corridor and closed the door with a wave of his hand. He heard the boom behind him, so he made a mad dash towards were he...
  13. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 1

    Renn could tell Myshak was stalling. "I'm serious man! Call off the attack or that's it! BOOM!" He made an exploding motion with his free hand. Renn noticed that the rest of the pirates were armed. If this didn't work, he was in big trouble.
  14. Rob the Player

    The run: Part 1

    Renn nodded. Should he kill Looms here? He's obviously dangerous, and wants him dead, but Renn wasn't sure. Jax warned him of the dark side, and how it can destroy people. Killing Looms here would lead to that, so Renn simply left him lying there. Renn turned off the saber and ran down the...
  15. Rob the Player

    Smuggling Job

    Renn heard the bang in the distance, but it had to wait. He had just received a call that would benefit him more than his current job. He tossed a thermal in the general direction of the sound, and returned to his ship. "Time to go to Ord Mantel. This better be worth it." With that, the ship...