Recent content by Radiant Eclipse

  1. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark took a seat as he listened to his master's words. Force Valor was, from the sounds of it, a buff of incredible proportions, that included everything physical! Oh, how he wished he had learned of it sooner! But he was still so young, with so much time... Zark folded his legs and...
  2. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark continued to consider the ideas his teacher was opening him up to, especially the idea that you can 'only move what you see' with telekinesis, but that if he could 'see' the Force within himself via sensing it, then he could theoretically move himself with the Force. The Zabrak shook...
  3. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark winced as he recoiled from deflecting his master's attack. He focused on the closet where the training droid was even as his master asked him about his knowledge of the Force. His answer was delayed until he reassigned his focus towards it. "Oh, erm... I can use it to speed up, a little...
  4. R

    Duel Training, Group 5

    Zark trotted with uncertainty as he maneuvered into an area of the massive flagship that was new to him. He was heading to the special training area designated for this special training that he had been chosen for. The Zabrak youth mentally revisited the directions he had been given. If he had...
  5. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark lowered his weapon into the defensive posture that his master instructed, although he had a bit of trouble understanding what Dakaiosyne had meant by 'only the blade tip moving'. Although he tried not to appear so, he was quite excited that he had managed to hit his target. He also...
  6. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark stumbled backwards as his robes were shorn to ribbons around him by his master's assault. He rebounded as it finished, taking his cues from his teacher's guidance. The Zabrak brought his lightsaber downward from over his right shoulder, pulling with a two-handed grip. The blade was...
  7. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark recoiled as his attack was deflected. His tunic was torn to ribbons as his master's lightsaber flecked across his chest. He was in no position to defend himself due to his inexperience with attacking in such a manner, as well as being counterattacked, and as such was completely blown off of...
  8. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark already had his weapon poised to defend, so he simply rotated his arms at the shoulders and elbows, reversing his stance to an offensive one. Zark took a lead step with his left foot before twisting his wrists and elbows, swinging the saber in a movement that resembled switching to a...
  9. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark wavered, teetering on the heels of his boots. He was nearly pushed aside entirely by only the stroke of his master's jabbing fingers, but managed to stay afoot due to his strong core and thighs. Zark took a few miniature stutter steps to reassign his balance before returning to the open...
  10. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark widened his stance until his feet were just outside shoulder width. He offset them a bit so that he had his balance from all four cardinal directions. Zark took his uniform saber and ignited it before gripping it with both hands and raising it to the offensive posture. He rotated...
  11. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark shook his head. Aside from the tournament he had never been in any fights. He had his training sessions as a youngling, sure, back in the temple on Coruscant. But never a real fight. There was never a real danger. Not one that felt as heavy as Master Dakaiosyne was suggesting with his...
  12. R

    Jedi Ladder Tournament Signups + OOC Read Note

    We're using training weapons. I believe there are some IC rules, considering it's a sanctioned Jedi Tournament and not a mercenary tournament. Perhaps it wasn't included in the rules because it was assumed fair-play wouldn't be an issue. Either way the rules should be mandated. What kind of...
  13. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark entered the room just in time to see his master sink his blade into the old robot. He trotted down the stairs with unactivated saber in hand while looking to his master. I know that in this new Order, we have three mainstream styles of lightsaber combat, but that we've also preserved the...
  14. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark snapped his right hand out and gripped his alarm clock, stirring from his meditation. A split-second later the clock's alarm began to scream. He switched it off and stood from his meditation pad. The Zabrak's training saber still clung to his standard-issue leather belt, and he was...
  15. R

    New Beginnings

    Zark opened his eyes, relinquishing his focus. The stone fell haphazardly against the pedestal before rolling onto its side and falling still. The youth looked up to his master while listening intently to everything being said. From the sounds of it, his master was very much aware of the turmoil...