Recent content by Pumpkin

  1. Pumpkin

    Hutt Cartel Bounty Sign-Ups

    Bounty Character's name: Sin Kalis Link: Click. Target: Ishh
  2. Pumpkin

    Sullied Heights of Backend Phelar

    She gave a little laugh at that. The Nautolan were not particularly good at giggling, but it would serve. When she spoke, her Galactic Basic was unaccented. One could detect a twinge of the Coruscant accent if they listened hard enough. "I'm sure the coffee is delicious, to the humans. On Glee...
  3. Pumpkin

    Sullied Heights of Backend Phelar

    Sin crept silently into the establishment, with all the litheness of the Nautolan. Eriadu made a change from Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta - it was not full of the same pheromone scent of desperation and pity that permeated the lower levels of the other planets. It had been an important planet, too...
  4. Pumpkin

    [Open] History of the Jedi Order - Part I - Foundations

    Nerves. Why did it have to be nerves? She had survived the attack on Coruscant at thirteen and for the last decade had fled the galaxy. Her fate had been on the cusp of disaster several times - and she had watched friends, mentors and leaders perish at the hands of the Sith. Yet, Malari Kas...
  5. Pumpkin


    You don't need a massive knowledge of the previous canon to jump in, I wouldn't say. Once you start to become more involved in the main storylines it will begin to become clearer to you. As long as you know the general story - which I just read here, you should be OK to get started. Check the...
  6. Pumpkin

    AIs, Rampancy, and a possible new character?

    That does sound like a lot of fun. I would certainly love to get involved in an RP series involving AI rampancy - and it would be an excellent opportunity to get some real philosophical dialogue and characterisation in on the action, as well. Especially on a space station! The idea of a space...
  7. Pumpkin


    I've looked at and even signed up for a wallet before, but I really had no idea what I was doing and furthermore no money to invest. Also, I have no idea what to do with them when I have them. Are you meant to just sit on them until their value grows and then sell them?
  8. Pumpkin


    Hi there and welcome fellow newbie! The community here seems really friendly, and if you want to set up some RP (if the main faction's missions and whatnot seem a bit daunting to begin with) feel free to PM me and I can get something up with one of my own characters and your own.
  9. Pumpkin

    Your Favourite Sith Lords

    I feel like Darth Nihilus was underestimated in KOTOR 2. Surely, Darth Sion was more evil looking and Darth Traya was more manipulative... but Nihilus could suck the life out of worlds.
  10. Pumpkin

    Seeking master for Malari Kas!

    I'm still looking. If you can't commit to being her master, then I would be happy for someone to help her build a lightsaber without full commitment.
  11. Pumpkin

    Hutt Cartel Sign-Up Thread

    Character Name: Sin Kalis Link: Click. Noted 'Events': Assassination of Sith Acolyte; Assassination of Stormtrooper Captain. Several other high profile assassinations completed on Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant, some of them for the Hutt Cartel as a freelancer. Noted 'Skills'...
  12. Pumpkin

    History of the Jedi Order - Part I - Foundations of the Jedi

    Ok, thank you. I'll be sure to do so when I get to that part of the lecture.
  13. Pumpkin

    Sin Kalis

    SIN KALIS - Assassin & Bounty Hunter Somewhere in the bowels of Nar Shaddaa... It stank down here. The smell hung heavy, like one of those days back on Glee Anselm when the marsh stench permeated. But it was worse here. The delicate pheromone detection that she possessed was a...
  14. Pumpkin

    History of the Jedi Order - Part I - Foundations of the Jedi

    Well, should this particular discussion go over well I'll definitely talk to some of the more experienced staff so I know what to add/change for the future.
  15. Pumpkin

    History of the Jedi Order - Part I - Foundations of the Jedi

    All right, thanks all. I hope that I can see some of you here when I get the event up and running?