Recent content by Narri Emrour

  1. Narri Emrour

    Big Fun on Serenno

    Ah Rinoa, yes she recognized the name now. A Sith knight who had recently risen to prominence, or so she heard at least. In truth, Narri rarely paid attention to such reports. She was surprised she'd remembered as much as she did about this woman, it must've been the pretty face that had drawn...
  2. Narri Emrour

    Big Fun on Serenno

    Narri smirked lightly as she considered the other woman, sipping her drink in silence for a moment. The other Sith was drunk already she could see, testament to a night full of fun no doubt. But it was a good drunk though, hovering on that little line between plastered and buzzed that made...
  3. Narri Emrour

    Big Fun on Serenno

    She didn't miss the sudden presence within the crowd, the aura of a powerful force user adding a strong allure to the thronging masses. Obviously it was another Sith, especially in a place like this, one which Jedi wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The presence was getting closer too, homing...
  4. Narri Emrour

    Big Fun on Serenno

    It was with a slightly fuzzy mind and body that Narri entered the nightclub, the buzz running through her egging her on. Oh this had been a good night so far, full of booze and spice and happiness. Even better was that she was still raring to go, even after imbibing enough to take out creatures...
  5. Narri Emrour

    Crab Hunt

    It was indeed a thankfully short walk, especially when they had tracks to follow. Slowly, they came into view of a cluster of creatures on a plain, surrounded by colorful mushroom trees. The tracks were leading right to them. Proceeding forward a little farther, her suspicions were confirmed...
  6. Narri Emrour

    Ending the Strike

    Narri turned to look at Vash as he interjected, holding her lightsaber still for the moment. He was showing his datapad, and connecting it to the holoprojector. She watched as he showed a clip of footage from an earlier battle, of the War Master engrossed in slaughter. Heh, so he was doubling...
  7. Narri Emrour

    Ending the Strike

    She HAD been debating how many of them she was about to murder, starting with Mr. Courage over there. Vash beat her to it however, gripping the fool with the force as he spoke up. Good thing too, it gave her a chance to control the RAGE rampaging within, the sight of the choking board member...
  8. Narri Emrour

    Ending the Strike

    Stepping out from behind the desk, Narri paid no mind to Vash's activities behind her, caring little for whatever he was doing to the receptionist. Instead she looked for the stairs, leading the way once she found them and glowering at the guard on the way by. Ascending wearily to the third...
  9. Narri Emrour

    Crab Hunt

    Narri stopped and shot the man a look of surprise when he nudged her, raising an eyebrow quizzically. Huh, that had been a bit unexpected, most people were too antsy to dare touching her like that. Then again, she HAD been spending quite a bit of time with Gunner lately, him helping her with...
  10. Narri Emrour

    Ending the Strike

    It took a moment to find her bearings, especially to search her ragged memory for the specifics, but soon she was walking towards the designated meeting area. It was a large building next to the main complex, a somewhat rusty and disheveled heap that seemed to be barely standing. It matched the...
  11. Narri Emrour

    Ending the Strike

    Narri sighed as she stepped into the light, looking out as the ships ramp lowered down. She cringed back immediately. Oh kriff she wasn't ready for this, not this early in the morning. Her head still ached from last nights adventures and the light....ooooh it hurt. Of course there was also the...
  12. Narri Emrour

    AC:K - Cracks in the Ceiling

    Narri followed after Vex passively towards the last area, carefully monitoring the fool behind her. He was getting annoyed again that she hadn't started working yet, she could tell by the way his face had visibly reddened each time she looked back. Either that or he was just getting tired from...
  13. Narri Emrour

    AC:K - Cracks in the Ceiling

    Narri stopped and watched for a moment as Vex approached the first site, and all the people around it. She was ready and waiting in case they took issue with the other Sith and attacked. Not that Vex would need help, not with a group of unarmed miners like this. But they WERE partners for this...
  14. Narri Emrour

    AC:K - Cracks in the Ceiling

    Another day another mission, or at least that's what most might've said. For Narri however this was actually the first one she'd gone on in over a month, and maybe only the third one done happily. And why wouldn't she be was KESSEL, and a spice mine at that. Sure she was there on...
  15. Narri Emrour

    Crab Hunt

    Narri stepped from the freighter happily, looking about the environment curiously, ready for the final payoff she'd been waiting for. She stopped suddenly however, fully taking in the....colorful surroundings with raised eyebrows. Wow....had she hit up her celebratory spice stash already? Narri...