
What about me? I'm a guy that lives a simple and boring life mostly consisting of work. I'm single, don't have any kids, and live alone with my dog. I'm rather laid back and easy going but I tend to think too much too often. I've been fascinated with Star Wars since I first saw it as a young child and over the years as a I grew up and read and learned more about the EU, I became an obsessive fan of the galaxy far, far away. I also happen to be a gamer, used to be a PS kind of guy but I went over to the dark side and now I'm the Xbox type. I used to be an artist and writer. I haven't drawn or worked on any projects in over two years, much like I haven't role-played but I am hoping to change all that soon. I prefer DC over Marvel but my favorite characters come from both universes. I like to watch movies and tv-shows if it's good from my point of view, meaning, it must be either action or horror. I'm not anti-social, I just try not to bother people unless I need or want to so, don't hesitate to send me a message for any reason. Also, feel free to call me Gray.
May 13
North Carolina