Recent content by Luu Karr Rhulain

  1. Luu Karr Rhulain

    Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me

    Sneaking through the underbrush of the forest to approach the poacher camp from the rear, Luu narrowed his eyes in unison with the shocked poachers at Arda's brazen entrance. Shaking his head to force his attention back on his task, the Zabrak padawan studiously ignored the gasps of surprise...
  2. Luu Karr Rhulain

    Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me

    Luu loped easily through the forests of Ithor, his mind focused on the task ahead but his senses stretching out as if trying to absorb everything around him. Ithor was alive in ways that other worlds were not, the unblemished forests teeming with beasts and plants that made the wastes of...
  3. Luu Karr Rhulain

    The Voice of a Jedi

    Scowling at the controls of his SP2 Stardancer as the stabilizer gauge indicated a leftward drag - again- Luu Karr brought the fighter in low to land at the Praxeum while reaching out shakily with the Force toward a familiar presence, brief impressions of gratitude and greetings seeking out the...
  4. Luu Karr Rhulain

    Blade of Hope, Heart of Kyber

    Moving through the crowded bazaar at Alysanne's side, his bulk and the frustrated scowl on his tattooed face effortlessly parting the sea of pilgrims and shoppers down the path to the Temple of the Whills, Luu bit back the urge to turn and 'politely' ask the Imperials to leave at the point of...
  5. Luu Karr Rhulain

    Blade of Hope, Heart of Kyber

    Standing in the central bazaar of NiJedha with his arms crossed over his chest and the hood of his tattered traveling cloak pulled over the horns crowning his head, Luu Karr Rhulain looked for all the world like any one of dozens of bodyguards and security personnel escorting one of the rich and...