Recent content by Lucian Belgrave

  1. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Accidents Happen

    In the space less then half a minute, he was chided for the turkey leg he brought in. Exhaling what would have been his reply, he slumped into a chair as well and started to take large bites out of the snack. There was no way he was tossing it, and all that was really left as an option was for...
  2. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    Lucian caught how Ezra shifted the phone away from him and lifted his hands halfway in the air. He gave a cheesy grin, a temporary nickname for the Knight coming to him right then, as he said, "My bad, sport. I was just trying to help." Even though he had the best intentions, he knew how...
  3. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    Entering onto the ship, Ezra continued on as normal but once Lucian was inside, his stride slowed greatly. His mouth practically dropped at the wealth that surrounded him, the ornate furniture and spacious rooms despite only being a personal transport. Someone could have lived comfortably on the...
  4. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Sights to See

    To his surprise, only one extra head would join him on this little escapade. Even with the droid and hanger schedules that he had procured for them, thanks to Ezra offering him the idea, the rest had dropped out. Lucian barely knew who the Padawan was, having only seen him during training or...
  5. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Accidents Happen

    Theia's answer was certainly one way to put it; the shop owners screams resonated down the entire street to support her statement. He had no idea whether it was the honest truth, but her words nonetheless made a quick grin crack across his face before they had to speed up, the reasoning being...
  6. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    After the words left the padawan, his eyes squinted slightly in suspense as he wondered what the reaction to his plan was. The two outcomes that popped into his mind were him being shunned and sent right to the council, or possibly it being viewed as an innocent excursion and allowing him to...
  7. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    Lucian knew he was done when he was told to shut up, barely halfway through his explanation. The jig was up, and his lips pursed as he let out a quiet, "Hmm," as a response that also conveyed his internal thoughts well, Damn, I'm so fucked. There was no point in digging a deeper hole for...
  8. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    Lucian was almost there, butterflies practically flying in his stomach as he somehow managed to just walk past a Knight. But right when he was about to reach the door, that's when he felt invisible restraints form around him and shatter his hopes in a matter of seconds. His last ditch effort was...
  9. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    The seconds ticked by at a painful crawl, but Lucian didn't hear any alarms blare or security rush out. But when the vase was lifted back onto the pedestal, one word was calmly stated within his head: shit. If this was the end of his midnight trips, he wished his end came a little more...
  10. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Accidents Happen

    Lucian was thankful that Theia appeared to be telling the truth after his own preliminary scan of her to double-check. "Good," he replied earnestly as he took a step back from her to give her some personal space. Confusion spread across his face when she made a disgusted one shortly after, his...
  11. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Sights to See

    Lucian's exploits of sneaking around had begun to spread, at least among other padawans, as he was never in bed when curfew struck. Eventually, a small group pressed him about his whereabouts, and he simply told the truth; he had no idea each time, and there were always different reasons. His...
  12. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Accidents Happen

    "THIEF!" "HE'S A THIEF! STOP HIM!" Three burly men chased the padawan through a packed merchant street. Crowds of people formed around the stalls that lined every inch of the street, the air smoggy from barbecue and cigarras, while local music echoed down the entire lane. Lucian would admit to...
  13. Lucian Belgrave

    Ask Starlight We Ride Till Dawn... Hopefully

    In a way, Starlight Beacon was like his home on Tatooine. There was nothing to do. Of course, there was always the option of more training and studying, and the same was true back on the farm, in its own way. "I can always find more chores for you to do," his father and mother would reiterate to...