Recent content by Juno

  1. Juno

    Open Yavin IV A Temple Venture

    Just when the end seemed nigh, Juno was once again proven wrong by the guidance (intervention?) of the Force. "Yes! Hello there my friends. A thousand pardons for my being direct but I am stranded somewhere in the nearby forest thicket. I am Juno, a padawan seeking guidance in the ways of the...
  2. Juno

    Open Yavin IV A Temple Venture

    After only a few minutes of silence, Juno couldn’t fathom the complexity of what he was sensing. The pathways of the force were so vast, so intricate, and stood as a mighty labyrinth of energy vectors. Juno quickly realized that he would sooner be able to decode a Holocron without the use of the...
  3. Juno

    Open Yavin IV A Temple Venture

    Juno was at a loss. The thick underbrush of the moon’s forests constantly snagged and stained his robes, only adding further insult to his lack of progress. “I couldn’t have read it wrong twice! Could I?” Juno spoke aloud to no one in particular as he continued to mull over the datapad in front...