Recent content by Julia Hipori

  1. Julia Hipori

    Tabloid Julia Hipori, CEO, dead in 'targeted attack' at heart of Imperial defensive industry

    JULIA HIPORI, CEO, DEAD IN 'TARGETED ATTACK' AT HEART OF THE EMPIRES DEFENSIVE INDUSTRY Reknowned CEO, Julia Hipori has been confirmed dead in a 'targeted terror attack' directed at the Imperial defensive industry, Imperial sources have confirmed. The attack, which is the latest in a slue of...
  2. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    Julia let out a small yelp as she was thrown to the floor of the security room. She rolled over, trying to see what was going on - but it was all happening too fast. Trying to regain her footing, she watched as the door closed, but not before a thermal detonator was cast into the room. ”F-”...
  3. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    She kept as still as she could as she was moved from the elebator and to the cargo level floor. With a ligtsaber at her neck, there was not exactly much she could do that would end her life prematurely. Soon, she was shunted to the floor again, and picked herself pack up gingerly. Her eyes...
  4. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    She didn't like feeling powerless. At the mercy of a mad force user was not how she had seen today going. Julia knew her aides would expect her soon - she also guessed Roman had probably worked that out as well. Julia had to think fast. There was no way she could fight the man and win. She...
  5. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    There was no way she could have seen the attack coming. Julia was thrown back against the 'wall' of the elevator, she screamed as the lightsaber sliced through her arm, severing it at the elbow. The pain was enormous - and she nearly blacked out. Perhaps it was spite that stopped her. She...
  6. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    For God's sake. This man was persistent if nothing else. She waved her guards away. If he had something to say, she may as well let him say it. She nodded as he stepped into the elevator, leaving her guards outside as she pressed the button to send them to the 50th floor. "You're persistent, I...
  7. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    Close protection? She didn't need the assistance of some Imperial Knight to keep her safe. Julia had been through worse than some minor scuffle with a Cartel, and she was still here. She shook her head - here in an Imperial Corporate Authority, she held the power. "I don't need your protection...
  8. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Burning Bridges

    "I'm busy, make it quick." Julia wasn't lying. Since heading back to Raxus it had been nothing but meeting after meeting. The Imperial war effort demanded her full attention, as the CEO of one of the largest Imperial Companies inside their space, she had a considerable part ot play in ensuring...
  9. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Prospects

    ”Grow production and integrate it with our current distribution channels.” Julia replied flatly. She was getting the impression that Ceris was not overly committed to the idea of selling, despite Julia's own belief that it would be to the New Alderaanian's benefit to do so. The opportunity to...
  10. Julia Hipori

    Ask Cantonica Recruitment Drive

    Julia looked the cyborg up and down as he stepped into her field of vision, waving her bodyguard droid back as it tensed up. Indeed, the cybernetic man was a sight to behold, commanding a fearsome presence over the area. Unfortunately for all of them, she couldn't understand sign language, which...
  11. Julia Hipori

    Ask Cantonica Recruitment Drive

    It was good to get out of Core. Julia had long stopped considering Coruscant with that moniker; these days Raxus held the crown in her eyes. As CEO of one of the premier businesses in Imperial Space, she felt something of a moral obligation to hype up her new homeworld after all. Yet such a...
  12. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Prospects

    Julia shook her head. "No." She remained impassive as she explained her reasoning for turning down the deal as it stood and proposed her alternative "I can give you access to the largest and fastest growing contiguous market in the known galaxy." she confirmed, unwilling to compromise on her...
  13. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Prospects

    She was keen to get to the point of their discussion, and Julia was concerned already that the heiress would try and obfuscate if pushed too quickly. In her experience, the Corporate world was all-to-often cluttered with those who had fallen into money and now sought to spend it. People like...
  14. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Prospects

    She didn't look up as her contact came and sat down, only doing so when the 'gift' was offered. Gently, Julia shook her head "My apologies, I cannot take 'gifts', no matter how well intended, from foreign politicians." she was reasonably curt but tried to keep a polite tone to her manner "As the...
  15. Julia Hipori

    Ask Raxus Prospects

    It was night on Raxus as Julia's speeder darted across the skyline of the planet's capital. Escorted by four probe droids, the luxury speeder car cut a clear line toward their meeting place, a park and restaurant in the city's upper levels. Stepping out of the speeder, she was accompanied by an...