Recent content by Jasalex Goslara

  1. Jasalex Goslara

    Ask Connecting the Dots

    He realizes his mistake and stands up and bows. "My humblest apologies Your Majesty. I had downed several enemy pilots and executed many tactical successes, leading to helping the battle be won." He had hoped he would still receive commendation, but knew it was possible that it may not happen...
  2. Jasalex Goslara

    Ask Connecting the Dots

    Jasalex's eyes widen as he finishes working on his bomber after the fight, as a soldier comes up to him telling him he is to meet Lord Caelestis. Though most feared the Sith, he worshipped them, and would be honored to meet the man. He began not walking, but sprinting out of the hangar bay...