Recent content by Hoss Midnight

  1. Hoss Midnight

    Ask Did I Do Somethin' Wrong Officer?

    While sitting in the corner, he would look around the bar and make sure he wasn't being watched before continuing on his datapad. A bunch of different names and faces popped up onto the screen for the thug to take into consideration when looking to make some money. "Hmmm, not enough money...
  2. Hoss Midnight

    Ask Did I Do Somethin' Wrong Officer?

    Hidden Space Station, Independent Space, 2106 Hours Taking a load off, Hoss would be found in a booth of the saloon found on the space port built into the space rock. It was fun exploring new places and getting a feel for the galaxy, except for when there were Space Wizards and Law Enforcement...
  3. Hoss Midnight

    Ask Scoundrel and a Champion

    When Hoss heard about the meeting with a Sith over opening a spice route on a planet, he couldn't help but think of the money he could off of this. Besides keeping it underground for himself could give him power early on with the syndicates. So getting prepared, he would place his blasters in...