Recent content by Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

  1. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger


    Ocelot and Giana engaged in friendly chatter for a while as the night drew on, various sentients coming and going from the busy establishment. Ocelot had mentioned that he'd only been in the military for a few years but tended to keep his past less talked about. A drink or two later a...
  2. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    "Like hell you were looking for a job, street slime!" A tone of Ocelot's mercenary past came out in his voice, sounding angrier and less uptight than their previous encounter. Grabbing the kid by the collar, he shouted in his face. He didn't have the time for being trailed by some pickpocket...
  3. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    Scanning the streets in front of him, Ocelot patted his jacket with a slight look of concern. The small cubic box was still tucked into his inside pocket, relatively safe from prying eyes and hands. Relaxing his posture slightly again, he headed towards a side street off to the left, hoping to...
  4. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Battle of Mandalore - Insurgent Threat

    Various images drowsily swirled through Ocelot's head through the murky depths of unconsciousness. The shots. The screaming. The anger and helplessness. Subconsciously he always seemed to drift back to her memory. Never the happier times. Only the final gasping moments, the blood pouring out of...
  5. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    Making his way through the busy morning crowds, Ocelot kept an eye out for anybody trailing him. That kid was probably harmless, but he was obviously prepared to fight and steal for a living. Whether he knew about the data or not Ocelot wasn't exactly sure of. Moving with purpose through the...
  6. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    The kid backed off and Ocelot didn't see any reason for deceit. It was unlikely he knew what kind of package he was carrying and whether he'd even know what to do with it was doubtful. Taking a few paces to recede into the alley, Ocelot took out his commlink again. "Command, this is Ocelot...
  7. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Battle of Mandalore - Insurgent Threat

    The detonator behind him let out a short beep as Ocelot entered the workhouse. It wasn't a dud, it was a remote detonator. "Kriffing He-" The device let forth a mighty explosion, vaporising most of the hangar and sending the remains of the structure scattering out around the Hub. The workshop...
  8. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    Glancing at the knife on the floor and then back to the kid, Ocelot waited for him to do something. "Your form is sloppy. Think twice about who you mess with next time, kid. There are people around here that would've just shot you." He spoke sternly, this guy was only young and it would be no...
  9. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    The kid made a clumsy swing towards Ocelot, it was evident he wasn't the most experienced of fighters. As his opponent's arm swung out to him, the lieutenant struck his forearm to knock the blow of course before pulling him in and unleashing a quick succession of three powerful jabs to the chest.
  10. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    Ocelot saw the man go for his knife and draw it and without another work he jumped backwards into a combat stance. Leaving his knife in its holster, he raised his arms in a defensive guard, ready to intercept any incoming attacks. He'd fought for years and a humble street fight wouldn't be a...
  11. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    "To you it is, buddy." Ocelot got up in the man's face, his expression transforming into one of aggression. "If you value your life, find somewhere else to loiter." Of course, he had no intention to kill this guy, ill intentions or not, but hopefully he'd be intimidating enough. Staring into the...
  12. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    He was a bad liar. The man stammered in front of him as Ocelot slowly pushed his jacket aside to reveal the rifle on his hip, casually placing his right hand down by its trigger. "Hm. How about you go think somewhere else, huh kid?" The GAR lieutenant said, speaking in a friendly manner with a...
  13. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    Reaching into his jacket, Ocelot took out a small comlink. Pressing down on a button, he began to quietly speak into the device after a short beep. "Command, I have the package. I'll get the del-" Pausing, the lieutenant saw a young looking man leaning against the side of the alleyway. Either he...
  14. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Battle of Mandalore - Insurgent Threat

    As Ocelot neared the hangar, he realised just how open to attack he was. At that moment the clinking of a thermal detanator echoed in the room just ahead of him. Stopping in his tracks, he just had time to notice the two mandalorians before they began firing at him. His partner shot at one, her...
  15. Galven "Ocelot" Jaeger

    Christophsis Calling

    Up ahead of him, Ocelot saw what he presumed to be his contact casually leaned against the side of a building, keeping an eye on the crowd as they passed the street corner. The Duros man stood with his hands in the pockets of a gray coat, wearing some kind of rebreather over his mouth. Slowly...