Recent content by Edin Rayth

  1. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin was silent for a long time. He looked into her eyes, looking for signs of her obviously lying. He was normally the quiet, observant type, and that made him much better at judging others. He was silent the entire time she spoke, his face falling when she revealed there was no lead on his...
  2. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin rolled his eyes as she started talking. She was profiling him, and he was growing more and more agitated. His jaw tightened, and he grumbled quietly, “You must be a hoot at parties,” Edin ran his fingers through his hair, continuing his walk and keeping his gaze trained ahead. He was...
  3. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    “I’m fine,” He grumbled as he got to his feet before they started walking down the path. Edin’s mind was on finding a way out and potentially low running supply of oxygen. The air was thinner down here, and he noticed he had to breathe in deeper. If they didn’t find a path out soon, they could...
  4. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin practically had his nose pressed against a wall, fascinated by the paintings he saw. He was delightfully oblivious to the chaos going on upstairs. After a moment, he felt a slight tremor, and dust fell from above him. He looked up and brushed it off his shoulders, eyebrows furrowed in...
  5. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin couldn’t help but crack a smile at her mentioning she was kind of a big deal. He shook his head and continued walking nonetheless, looking down at the stairwell. He looked back and realized she didn’t even come over, remaining back where she was. She even made a snarky quip, and he simply...
  6. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin was a mixture of surprised and impressed when she actually pulled out a deck of cards. Sure they were soaked, but it meant she wasn’t a complete stick in the mud. He looked down at the cards that plopped to the ground wetly, chuckling to himself. He reached over and began to shuffle through...
  7. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin quirked an eyebrow as she mentioned she sucked the souls out of young brats like himself, “Well you certainly look the part,” He muttered back quietly. He let her step ahead, following behind and glancing back to ensure nothing came after them. Unlike her, no one would be out here looking...
  8. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    The rain began to pour, and Edin was soon soaked. He grimaced and stared ahead at the grouping of trees. Before he could start to walk, he was distracted by the woman asking who he was. He scowled at her, “We have more pressing matters than introductions, granny, get moving,” He barked back...
  9. Edin Rayth

    Ticks and Leeches

    Edin was happy to at least see her make herself useful. He half expected her to ditch him right after she freed herself, but she took the time to take the binds off him. He still felt groggy and out of touch with the Force, but it was slowly coming back to him. Before he could say anything, she...
  10. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin watched as the woman slipped off and fell into the water. He jutted his chin proudly, a smug grin on his face. Served her right. However, that didn’t stop the boat from continuing to sink. Edin scrambled to stay aboard, the loss of the woman’s weight doing nothing to fix the issue. He...
  11. Edin Rayth

    Ticks and Leeches

    Edin was happy to see her jump right to it with the insults. He nodded encouragingly until she decided to headbutt him. She slammed her head directly into his nose, and he saw nothing but white. Excruciating pain coursed through him and he could feel warm blood seeping onto his upper lip. He...
  12. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin was happy to see they were making progress. He turned back to look at the woman, and she was pointing a gun at him. He didn’t have any reaction other than to roll his eyes, “Yeah? Go ahead and shoot me then,” Edin stopped applying the Force push and withdrew back, crossing his arms over his...
  13. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin took her hand and shifted over to keep away from the sinking end. She looked entirely helpless, and he felt utterly useless in the situation. He scratched his head, trying to keep a calm resolve as he analyzed what played out before him. Edin shrugged, “Perhaps we can simply jum-” His gaze...
  14. Edin Rayth

    Great Starts

    Edin was beyond relieved to see the woman wasn’t just writing him off as some random creep to avoid. He did his best to look as unassuming and non-threatening as possible, even putting his hands up to show he was unarmed. As she mentioned it was curious to see someone out here, Edin couldn’t...
  15. Edin Rayth

    Ticks and Leeches

    Well, at least it actually was the woman he recognized from earlier. He half worried it was some random prisoner across from him that would cause extra problems. She sounded about as miserable as he felt, and he was in no shape to exactly play hero this time. He remained silent for now, watching...