Recent content by Delila Castillon

  1. Delila Castillon

    Ask The Taken

    "Safety fee? Real rich coming from this....organization..." Delila was offended to be considered a marked, lowlife criminal. While herself and Xin had spent the better part of half-a-decade trying to build themselves as reputable criminals the observation still stung. If they had been in a...
  2. Delila Castillon

    Ask The Taken

    "We look like low-life criminals now. Not sure how to feel about that." Delila whispered to Xin, knowing the Twi'lek could probably hear her. She didn't care. The door they were lead to was old and carved, fitting for a place such as this. Dells supposed it was to keep up appearances - antique...
  3. Delila Castillon

    Ask The Taken

    @Xin Boa Dells' eyes narrowed as Xin rapped his knuckles across his chest. Armor plate? When did he grab some armor? How did he conveniently leave her out of the loop? It's always the ones that you love the most who always tend to betray at the most unexpected times. On the plus side she...
  4. Delila Castillon

    Ask The Taken

    @Xin Boa | Location : Vandor Snow swirled around her form as she ducked inside one of the many carved out entrances on the side of the mountain city. A frontier planet, Delila had found the building system ingenious considering the climate on Vandor. Inside the blasted out corridor, it was...
  5. Delila Castillon

    Ask Springing A Princess

    @Taldorak Trenessar || @Drow Venn Jedi.Sith. Force Users. They were all the same to her - one was just more transparent in their intentions in the other. Fingers tapped on her console as she awaited her portion in the plan. Former Coruscant Security Force, the redhead much preferred to be the...
  6. Delila Castillon

    HoloNet News GALAXIES MOST ELIGIBLE! - At-Home Viewership Thread (Week One)

    There wasn't much to do in down times on long haul assignments. Most cargo was crated and tended to itself. Normalcy was found in a set pattern, a schedule of tasks done on the Saegassum each day, a countdown to the next spaceport. Part of staying sane was also to carve out a routine in her off...