Recent content by crazychris153

  1. crazychris153

    Clan Ordo sound off!

    Okay, then count me in, currently working on my character sheet as is.
  2. crazychris153

    Clan Ordo sound off!

    Yeah, I'm currently working on my character, who you can count in too, although be warned, he is not the best people person. Just checking, this clan is for post timeskip right?
  3. crazychris153

    Word Association Game

  4. crazychris153

    Word Association Game

  5. crazychris153

    Word Association Game

  6. crazychris153

    Obama is Osama.

    Well, my faith in Humanity is now lost if those nutters actually believe that, hey does anyone know if that whole plan to colonize mars corporately is still accepting applications?