Recent content by Controllable

  1. Controllable

    Another newbie is here!

    Lol, that is my only response to that France, lol
  2. Controllable

    A few questions

    Yeah, he is going to use a lot of force powers that don't require him to move very far, but I think the character will be humerous and fun to roleplay, so yeah I don't care about the IC teasing or anything I'm just here to roleplay (like everyone else)
  3. Controllable

    A few questions

    Lol I don't know the point, I've changed the character so he is not so overweight (but still fat) But mostly I did the overweight thing for the laughs
  4. Controllable

    Another newbie is here!

    I just changed it to avoid trouble and technical stuff Mr. Mischeif And don't worry about that Padme, at the moment beer and booze disgust me in real life
  5. Controllable


    Those edits have been made, thank you everyone for the advice! :)
  6. Controllable


    I'll do that, sorry about the trouble
  7. Controllable


    I edited the name to make it original, and I edited the image and weight,
  8. Controllable


    I didn't know this hadbeen done before, I can edit some things to make it different. The rest I will change the weight and edit some other things as well
  9. Controllable


    Lol yes that would be rather embarassing wouldn't it.
  10. Controllable


    I can imagine -squash-
  11. Controllable


    Edited it :)
  12. Controllable


    Oh sorry, I didn't really knowthat, I will just edit it toa group of Rouge Jedi or something like that
  13. Controllable

    A few questions

    Lol, it is posted and the image I used was pretty funny (just the expressiononthe facemademe burst out laughing) So yeah my character is up now :) Ihope it is good for a first timer.
  14. Controllable


    The Je'daii just told him he was force sensitive
  15. Controllable


    Done the edit.