Recent content by Cawar

  1. Cawar

    Breaker of Chains

    Cawar's blade being a defensive position helped him react quickly to the bolts. His blade swift, his arms just getting warmed up, he swatted the bolts away from the Mandalorian. A deflected blaster bolt wouldn't be enough to dispose of the warrior, they were too smart for that to simply drop...
  2. Cawar

    Breaker of Chains

    His lightsaber flew to his hand, fast to ignite the blade. There way no way to dodge everything, it simply couldn't happen in time. A bad position made worse by the fact that the elevator was so small. The messy entrance was definitely made. Cawar managed to block the bolt that was sailing for...
  3. Cawar

    Breaker of Chains

    Cawar waited, looking at the elevator doors, the durasteel giving him his own reflection back to him. One should always be prepared, his hand next to his lightsaber hilt, just in case they had to make a messy entrance. Maybe the elevator was too direct, maybe they should have tried a different...
  4. Cawar

    Breaker of Chains

    "Yes" Cawar answered shortly. He was a man of few words, nothing more than maybe a couple of sentences at a time at most. Slaves were always a touchy subject with Cawar, as he grew into slavery but managed to set himself free through gladiatorial combat. Freedom was better, but slavery, he felt...
  5. Cawar

    Fear the Brave

    Exhausted, wind ripped and sand pelted, Cawar was happy to finally be inside. The dark corridor was almost as dark as night, nothing to truly see except from what he could with the light from his saber. Slowly, cautiously, he continued to step forward, reaching out for any sign of Essien that he...
  6. Cawar

    Fear the Brave

    He's running, damn it! Cawar assumed that the man was going to attack. A calculated risk and now he might lose him for the moment and put himself at a tactical disadvantage. These types of mistakes are ones that can end up getting you killed when you lose your focus. His masters almost...
  7. Cawar

    Fear the Brave

    Nerves and fear. That always was what Cawar felt before a fight. Sure, eventually one gets used to the gladiatorial ring, but that doesn't make it any less of a shock to the system. His opponent was right on him with speed, quickness, just enough time to compose himself. His hilt in his hands...
  8. Cawar

    Fear the Brave

    "Cawar." He responded shortly. Meager talk before a battle, the chatter and gamesmanship of a fight never was something Cawar cared for. It would be like naming a pet before you cook it and devour it. Pleasureful, sure, but so much more tasty without putting emotional investment into the...
  9. Cawar

    Fear the Brave

    This is what the Sith expect of you. Thoughts buzzed through his brain, needling him. No honor, no bravery in stalking his prey, to see where it was leading him and then to pounce. Gladiators are proud, ruthless and dominated with their abilities. Hiding, crouching, sneaking was the way of...
  10. Cawar

    Power is power, strength is strength

    Cawar felt hate when he heard the solider respond. The Dark Lord's death had nothing to do with him being a military mind, he thought, as he stewed looking at the solider. "I'm not sure these military minds that he spoke of" Cawar said, dismissively "Is going to make any difference when running...
  11. Cawar

    Power is power, strength is strength

    There was so much work to be done. A ship such as this was always bustling and work was everywhere. Cawar had taken it upon himself to start moving boxes of food from the cargo area to the kitchen. Food was also a necessity. On his way to the kitchen, Cawar saw the man, and heard his inquisitive...
  12. Cawar

    Play me a song, you're the Piano Man

    These guys are really just comparing home planets Cawar thought to himself, although he was feeling more lively than usual. It was surely the spirits getting to his head. Bah, they know nothing about a good time. He approached the table, his legs feeling a little heavier and slightly more...
  13. Cawar

    Play me a song, you're the Piano Man

    This must be the place. Cawar thought to himself. He didn't have many friends, but he was good at listening. Probably why I love listening to music and drinking he thought to himself, thinking it was kind of weird that he would be at a place with so many people. Either way, what would it hurt...