Casany Praxor


Clan Praxor

Die Shize's Character Repository
Die Shize's Thread Tracker
Die Shize's Thread Needs
Die Shize’s Workshop

Roleplay. Not roleplan.

Notice - Chronicles
As I have written and am writing a number of Chronicles that can be about as in depth as threads on The Story, I am taking the liberty to attempt to cure any concerns or curiosities as to what all this nonsense is about lol.

First and foremost, my Chronicles cannot be used as direct or supporting material to gain assets, abilities, ranks etc. for my Playable Characters. This is definitely not the purpose or an attempt, whether present, going forward or retroactively.

Instead, I am capitalizing on the ‘solo storytelling’ setup of the Chronicles feature to explore a character’s history, relive memories, express their thoughts and personality, test abilities out like in a gym, or even for poetry.

Basically I do this because I enjoy it, it feels more impactful, not to the site, but to me personally, than plugging it into a Google Doc. This stuff is treated by me as ‘side stories’ in addition to the actual main story material in The Story board. Supplemental.

I essentially treat my Chronicles as filling in the spaces between events in The Story. For instance, I can start a Story thread with another roleplayer where we begin the thread arriving at and exploring ruins and progress post by post until we find an artifact and reap the reward, or I can start a thread in a space station validating the location of the ruins post by post and then getting to those ruins. I don’t believe there is automatically a right or wrong approach (unless the artifact is Darth Vader or something).

What I’m doing with Chronicles is kind of the latter part. While the backstory behind how the characters get to the ruins (to in turn put the work into finding their artifact) may not be required, Chronicles is an avenue for me to explore that missing piece of the pie. So even if it seems like my characters in Chronicles are doing big impactful things, that impact cannot be utilized like it can in The Story, and I will never push for it to be.

I haven’t ran into any issues with them to be honest, staff would have reached out to me if so (can message me on the site or can add me on my Discord at ‘dieshize’), but I felt like I’d address this on the front end preemptively.

P.S.: I’ll probably find a way to trim the above fat in this notice but till then this is it I’m longwinded lol