Recent content by Blank Solus

  1. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Kyusil ran off to Manda knew where to retrieve his helmet and Blank breathed for a moment as silence settled in the cabin. Okay that was enough. Steering the ship in towards the power signature, Blank peered through the viewport intently, eyes scanning the rocks that floated by. Kyusil...
  2. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank looked at Kyusil again as he apologized, offering to change his ways for professionalism's sake. She stared at him for a moment before giving a light grunt and turning back towards the viewport. She would stay silent for a few moments, thinking, before speaking. "Don't apologize. It's not...
  3. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank was busy checking the scopes and keeping an eye out for any possible signs of the Z-98's base of operation while Kyusil went on about the zest of adventure. She would turn her helmeted head to look at him during his spiel briefly, returning her sight back to the viewport before speaking...
  4. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank snorted a small laugh under her helmet as Kyusil went on to describe the different ways of "celebration". What the man lacked in nerve he attempted to make up for with words, so many of them that they might go right over the head of a less astute listener. "Well we can definitely scratch...
  5. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank glanced over at Kyusil as he returned to the cockpit, going on about the necessity of celebration. There was a moment of silence as the Mandalorian got a full view of the fanciful Mando's bare face. Blank wasn't a strict adherent of the Way, though she was more than a bit face shy around...
  6. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    There had been a distinct lack of laser fire from the turret that Blank had noticed as she continued to hammer the first Z-98 with light laser blasts. Another explosion ripped it's wing and a grin cracked her face as the ship sailed past the edge of the asteroid. It seemed that Kyusil had...
  7. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank rolled her eyes as Kyusil went on about how of course he was because he had a long name with a nickname attached to the end of it. She let him go without comment as he got himself situated on the turret or whatever he was doing back there. He had sounded shaky so she was pretty sure the...
  8. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank snorted at Kyusil's first comment, clearly amused at something he had said. He then went on to make some vaguely insulting remarks before claiming to be some sort of great uniter, spitting out a name that was so long nobody could be expected to remember it. She was surprised he even...
  9. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    Blank almost regretted asking the question as soon as it left her mouth. The Solus Mandalorian looked over the Veren as he gestured to his 'potential fracas' attire, the pink painting accented with green swirls, a jutting helmet with a bedazzled jawline. It was certainly... something. Blank's...
  10. Blank Solus

    Ask Red Hands: Where's the Drip?

    The hull of the Lancer Pursuit Craft thrummed quietly within the cockpit as Blank brought the ship out of hyperspace at the edge of the Zaddja system. It was a simple scouting run, looking for likely places to run some operations in the area from and the planet seemed like the perfect hideaway...
  11. Blank Solus

    Ask Gargon'Solus

    Blank glanced at Dalair as he said he didn't dance. The expression hadn't been literal. Blank didn't dance either. "Shame." The Solus clan warrior said as they entered the saloon, scanning the room with her eyes behind her visor. There were plenty of patrons just drinking who quickly shied back...
  12. Blank Solus

    Ask Last Call!

    A few of the hastily placed shots splashed against the shields of the Rim Skipper, energy dispersing harmlessly for the moment. It was a careful balance that had to be maintained. Enough aggression to fool their prey, but not enough to accidentally blow her fellow Mandalorians into space dust...
  13. Blank Solus

    Ask Last Call!

    Blank Solus flew at a fair distance behind the Rim Skipper, the familiar and well worn controls of her Fang-class fighter at her hands. The Mandalorian had been all ears and all yes's when it came to Rynn's idea of pirating a old Corsair that had been modified to serve as a pleasure cruise for...
  14. Blank Solus

    Ask Gargon'Solus

    Blank listened to her fellow Solus' comment about the fact that the local gangs would almost certainly have other Mandalorians in their service. A handful maybe. Blank had fought and killed her fair share of fellow Mandalorians growing up on Concordia, bitter feuds over rivalries and resources...
  15. Blank Solus

    Ask Gargon'Solus

    Gargon, Edge of the Mandalore Sector The planet of Gargon was a shit hole, like most planets in the Mandalore sector. Something about the way they were always itching for a fight meant that Mandalorians weren't exactly the best at keeping their shit nice. Something Blank Solus could relate to...