Recent content by Ales

  1. Ales

    Rogue One - 5 FREAKING DAYS

    Rogue One - 5 FREAKING DAYS
  2. Ales

    My cat REALLY likes turkey but he's scared of people

    My cat REALLY likes turkey but he's scared of people
  3. Ales

    I wish December came faster! I can't wait for Rogue One

    I wish December came faster! I can't wait for Rogue One
  4. Ales

    Cursed Place

    She looked to the side, at the man that was approaching. She nudged her guarlara, and ignited her saberstaff. "Who are you...." She spoke to the traveler. She filled her canteen and looked at him, while holding her saberstaff at her side. (Soooo sorry its short!)
  5. Ales

    The title for Episode VIII is coming this month *cries*

    The title for Episode VIII is coming this month *cries*
  6. Ales

    Cursed Place

    Ales walked in the red sand of the planet. She was upset, but not too bad. Her Guarlara walked slowly alongside her, carrying her stuff. This damned guarlara was her only friend, and its all she had. She’d never trade him for anything, even if it was to save her life. A small watering hole...
  7. Ales

    Alesheba Drakkr

    @Wit thanks, I'm still writing her stuff
  8. Ales

    The Fire Storm

    The volcanic place on Mustafar was burning in flames. The old city in ruins, and only a few resting in its perimeters. The girl sat crouched on a floor of one of the old buildings, watching the flames engulf another building not too far from her. Her lightsaber shifted on her belt as she shifted...
  9. Ales

    If you guys like FanFics, and you won't kill me for REYLO TRASH.... I have a wattpad :3

    If you guys like FanFics, and you won't kill me for REYLO TRASH.... I have a wattpad :3
  10. Ales

    Skrt Skrt, @Proleptic

    Skrt Skrt, @Proleptic
  11. Ales

    Super hyped for Rogue One! Who Else is?

    Super hyped for Rogue One! Who Else is?
  12. Ales

    Long Distance relationships suck... I wish he hadn't cheated on me..

    Long Distance relationships suck... I wish he hadn't cheated on me..
  13. Ales

    Happpppyyyyyyy Hallllooooowweeeennnn Everyone!!! I hope you got lots of goodies! :3

    Happpppyyyyyyy Hallllooooowweeeennnn Everyone!!! I hope you got lots of goodies! :3
  14. Ales

    Song for today :3

    Song for today :3
  15. Ales

    I like this song a little too much.. Thanks...

    I like this song a little too much.. Thanks @Proleptic for finding its name for me :D