Mission Pack Imperial Czerka Missions


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SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Imperial Czerka Missions

One of the major industrial powerhouses in the galaxy, the Czerka Imperial Holdings & Trading Corporation (more commonly known as Imperial Czerka) is always on the lookout for new ways to further its own position and to harm that of its rivals. Yet, threats to its position are plentiful in the dog-eat-dog world of corporate and political intrigue. Corporate Security can hold the fort in most cases, but a more discrete set of operators is required for the more explicit missions.

And that's where you come in.

Fixers, slicers, assassins, bounty hunters, smugglers and more; can all find gainful employment with the Czerka Corporation. Done 'off the books', Corporate Agents engage third-party entities to carry out missions, screwing over rival corporations and rivals within their own firm. What follows is a list of 'open missions' for anyone to sign up to as an 'independent contractor'.


Whilst it is quite commonplace for members of the 'Corporate Class' to move between companies at a certain level, they tend to avoid doing it without informing their current employer. Deputy Director Hark Saleen, previously of the Czerka Weapons & Development Division, bolted from the testing facility he oversaw late last night. He's headed to the Corporate Sector, where our intelligence understands he intends to sign on with BlastTech. We cannot touch him without severe repercussions if he signs the contract. Kill him before that happens.
Participants: @Eccles @Charles @Fantasy Liver

Data Loss

Mobquet Swoops & Speeders has a reputation for developing state-of-the-art repulsor technology. Czerka needs that technology to expand its line of speeders, and we've uncovered new plans to be transported through Imperial Space later this week. The data courier is headed for Raxus, where they are stopping over for a short meeting with a friendly distributor. You're hired to pose as a gang, kidnap him and take the data - once done, hand the shard to our Czerka contact.
Participants: @Altaria @Raydo

Please note that this post shall be updated with new missions once available.

Mission rewards are 'credits', wi.th the range of payment capped at 10,000 for a successfully completed mission, to be split between all participants. If the payment is higher, it shall be specified in the mission write-up.
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