Operation Talonstrike


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2014
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Friends, Jedi, people who hate me, I present to you this thing:

  • To take Base 11A in the name of the Jedi
  • To shift the fight for Balmorra in the Jedi favor
  • dank credits
  • To beat them dirty, no good, rotten Exiles

[fancybox4="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSPiKWjiQ-OHl9zVuF1B8Vk5kUFBjyzJfrGXrNxcxwucLw-POK"] Operation Talonstrike

The call to arms has been issued. The Republic has asked for the aid of the Jedi Order to reclaim the planet Balmorra, both to secure their cooperation and to establish a base of operations on the industrial planet. Jedi Knight Fiona MacBheathain, in her finite, often lackluster wisdom, has come up with a battle plan to secure Base 11A from their traitorous brethren. The first phase is to create a cool name for the endeavor. With a name like Operation Talonstrike, what could go wrong?

Cast of characters:
Thread 1 Name:King of Battle (Ongoing)
Characters:Fiona MacBheathain (@Painus)
Telunaris (@Korvo)
Ralaa Talus (@MatureContentWarningx)
Open PVP Thread
Summary:Sobrik may be a safe haven for Republic forces, but that won't last long against a sustained attack. Daily artillery strikes hammer the shielded city, causing unease among the populace, both civilian and military. Intelligence reports an Exile-controlled artillery battery several kilometers away from Sobrik. Given the pace of the attacks, it is estimated that there are six weapons platforms in the gun line. Control of those artillery pieces would give the Republic breathing room to conduct operations outside of Sobrik as well as give them the ability to repay the Exiles' generosity.

Thread 2 Name:Hill 932
Characters:3 Jedi/Allied PCs
Open PVP Thread
Summary:Hill 932. Nicknamed the "Meat Grinder" for its position atop a significant piece of key terrain and the deadly potential it holds over the surrounding territory, this hill is in full control of the Exiles. Clearing through, seizing, and securing this hill for the Jedi would give their forces a marked advantage over their enemy. However, uphill battles are never easy, and this one may prove to be rather costly if not handled properly.

Thread 3 Name:Supply or Die! (Ongoing)
Characters:Vollen Shai (@Nightfall096)
Jalen Saal (@Roentgenium)
Bri'ella Mika (@LasagaJ)
NPC Opposition (Ask)
Summary:Logistics is one of the most crucial components to any offensive operation. Recently, Republic supply convoys have been ambushed and ransacked by marauding forces along a particular stretch of hardball. Republic military officers would like for these attacks to stop so they can get back to their campaign.

Thread 4 Name:Markaran Massacre (Ready)
Characters:Cregan Doldan (@Nefieslab)
Jalen Saal (@Roentgenium)
Evandev Brevarn (@Great Jamie)
Open PVP Thread
Summary:No man, woman, or child is safe in war. The citizens of a small village on the Markaran Plains have learned this lesson all too well. Reports of the entire village being slaughtered have made their way to forces in Sobrik, and morale is waning as a result. If they cannot protect the citizenry, why should Balmorra look to the Republic and the Jedi for aid?

Thread 5 Name:Signal Loss (Ongoing)
Characters:Aliyah Coven (@Autumn's Firefly)
Venatus (@Aurius Pheonix)
Open PVP Thread
Summary:Communication is the key to success. Or, it would be, if the Exiles didn’t keep taking out the Republic listening outposts. A team will be sent to provide security for the next post expected to come under attack and hopefully be able to turn the tables on their foe.

Thread 6 Name:Tunnel Rats (Ongoing)
Characters:Evalyn Dan'ela (@Valen Pelora)
Telunaris (@Korvo)
NPC Opposition (Ask)
Summary:A series of tunnel networks runs through the mountainous terrain throughout the region. A select team of Jedi will be sent in to clear through these tunnels and secure what is assumed to be a command center within. Unfortunately, intelligence is lacking and we have no clue what to expect inside.

Thread 7 Name:Rolling Thunder (Ongoing)
Characters:Cregan Doldan (@Nefieslab)
Vollen Shai (@Nightfall096)
Cormack (@TWD26)
NPC Opposition (Ask)
Summary:A Republic strategic bomber has gone down behind enemy lines and needs Jedi reinforcements immediately! If the Jedi leave these brave souls to die, Republic opinion of their ally may waver. Perhaps this bomber has more to it than simply a wounded crew?

Thread 8 Name:Strike Team Mortem
Characters:Cregan Doldan (@Nefieslab)
1 Jedi PC
Open PVP Thread or Admin-DM'd Opposition (Ask)
Summary:Surprise, Concentration, Audacity, and Tempo. These four elements are vital to a successful offensive operation. This team of handpicked Jedi will infiltrate the bunker itself and strike at the head of the serpent: the base commander. This will be a dangerous mission, but success will devastate internal communication among the enemy during the final offensive push to take the base. Whoever goes will be deep in enemy lines alone with only their skill to keep them alive.

Thread 9 Name:Strike Team Industria (Ready)
Characters:Evalyn Dan'ela (@Valen Pelora)
Jinlo Halan (@Plebometer)
Open PVP Thread
Summary:During the final offensive, another team of Jedi will fight their way to the reactor control room to wipe out the base’s power, thereby disabling any interior and exterior automated defense platforms they may have to help turn the tide of the battle in favor of the Republic and its allies.

Thread 10 Name:Strike Team Oratio
Characters:Bri'ella Mika (@LasagaJ)
1 Jedi PC
Open PVP Thread
Summary:While the other two teams fight the base commander and the power grid, a third team must make their way to the communications center deep inside the bunker before they can get word out of the assault. Whatever it takes, the Exiles must not send for reinforcements.

Thread 11 Name:Talonstrike
Characters:Cregan Doldan (@Nefieslab)
Fiona MacBheathain (@Painus)
Bri'ella Mika (@LasagaJ)
1 Jedi PC
Open PVP Thread
Summary:With most of the bunker secured, there remains only a small pocket of resistance holed up deep inside. If they can wipe out this final pocket of Exile forces, the Jedi and Republic can finally claim Base 11A, complete with a rousing speech to the surviving troops and a message to the rest of the galaxy: the Republic is not to be trifled with.

UPDATE: The threads are updated! I included the new estimated PC count per thread, as well as what type of thread it'll likely be (Open/PVP vs. Ask). As you can see, it will be a very combat-heavy (read: entirely combat-focused) plot, since this is a war zone. Not for the faint of heart, but victory will guarantee your Jedi/Ally PC will have some degree of respect and/or fame for taking such a key objective! Fight the Exiles!

Sign up for any particular thread below, or just tell me to put you anywhere. The latter option leaves no room for complaints, though. You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit.

The threads will go simultaneously to prevent it becoming stagnant. The events may not all happen at the same time, obviously, so don't be afraid to sign up for multiple threads if you want. Only the final four threads will have to wait until the previous seven are complete, to show that we're ready for the final assault. Then the three Strike Teams will go simultaneously, then we'll have the final thread at the end to conclude the plot.

We will follow either a 48-hour posting time limit or the PVP thread rules. Whichever is shorter depending on your thread.

Last edited:


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
Fight me for the right to charge up a hill named for death and murder! :P


SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2018
Reaction score
Registering interest, I'll throw my Jedi into the mix for any of the threads.


World Builder
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
In the event I get approved before this starts, Telunaris is up for joining


Oops, didn't mean to interrupt.
SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2018
Reaction score
I would like to offer Bri for the 3rd thread and any open after that once she gets accepted. It would be pretty cool for her to work on protecting a supply ship then join the fight!


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
I've submitted the plot and will be working on the slots for the threads over the next few days. Get pumped.

Tell all your friends, too!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2014
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Cormack, Republic Judical Forces Member Reporting for Duty.


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2014
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@Nefieslab @christhebarker @Roentgenium @Nightfall096 @Valen Pelora @Korvo @LasagaJ @Autumn's Firefly @Aurius Pheonix @TWD26 and any others:

The OP has been updated with the latest information per the plot submission. It's been approved, I'm just waiting for feedback on the PC count and such. Tell your friends to start signing up!

The threads will go simultaneously to prevent it becoming stagnant. The events may not all happen at the same time, obviously, so don't be afraid to sign up for multiple threads if you want. Only the final four threads will have to wait until the previous seven are complete, to show that we're ready for the final assault. Then the three Strike Teams will go simultaneously, then we'll have the final thread at the end to conclude the plot.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2014
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As a generic republic grunt, I don't know if I would be the best against an exile. But yolo. Throw me in whatever @Painus


Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
@Painus but Cregan down for Markaran Massacre, Rolling Thunder, Strike Team Mortem and Talonstrike if you'd please!

I was tempted by Hill 932 though so if needs be I can swap it for Markaran Massacre if you need me to


Oops, didn't mean to interrupt.
SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2018
Reaction score
I still need to wait on Bri's acceptance. I'll let you know as soon as it happens!