The Dread Council - Interest Check Thread Next TL


I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
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The Dread Council Story Line:

PC Organisation Idea - Next Timeline and Interest Post
Introduction -
Hey guys, so this is just an interest post for my initial story line for next timeline. I know that not all information is released as of yet so please take what is written here with a pinch of salt. It is after all, a first draft. That being said, the over all idea is something that I want to try and keep as close to as possible.

Overview of the Plan -

One of my favourite storylines while playing the game "Star Wars The Old Republic" was the Dread Masters story arc. I have always loved the idea of a small but strong group of individuals, using their individual talents to combine into something far greater or powerful than they could ever be standing alone. For this reason I have decided to keep the numbers limited, this will avoid confusion, but still give the group style feel.

Initially this is going to be a partnership/team, whom aid each other in there progression, both ICly and OOCly. However I'd like to think that if the threads go well, that it could work its way into a PC organisation of sorts. Due to the nature of the group I will likely be looking for PC's who are following a darker path. Preferably exiles initially, however there is room for consideration of indie style characters such as mercenaries and bounty hunters if there is a compelling reason as to why!

Initial Story Arc & Themes I'd Like to Explore -

From information we have received thus far I am gathering that this timeline is going to explore the creation of the "First Sith" which is something that I am totally stoked about, and I hope other exiles are too. For this reason it will be a heavy influence of the group. Some of the themes I personally would like to explore are the following;

- The Corruption of Kyber Crystals
- The Creation of The Sith Code
- The Erection of The First Sith Temple
- The Roots of the Sacred Band of Ziost
- The Roots of the Sith Empire Itself

The reason I said "Personally" is because there is room for the entire group to pitch in suggestions. I don't want to feel like this is a group of PC's working for me, instead a group of PC's working together for a collective goal. For this reason people who wish to commit to this group are also committing to a rotation of thread creation. This means that every fourth thread is something that can DIRECTLY progress your character if you wish, but also progress the group. This is not to say that other peoples ideas won't offer you anything, but that your turn in the thread rotation gives you the opportunity to explore something that you are keen on doing.

As we begin to gain influence, levels and interest as a group, eventually I would be looking to expand (PC Group) and with that expansion, the roles of the initial four horseman shall also expand. For more information on this, please feel free to ask, however as I feel it is a long way off I shall leave it for the moment.

In terms of the "First Story Arc" - It is going to require us all meeting, as powerful members of the Exiles who are at war with a Jedi it seems like there is plenty of basis for a small group to try and build something as a noteworthy defence.

The Dread Council Themselves -

For diversities sake, I would like to attempt to split the group into four main archetypes. Some of the most common seen on the site and each will help with my future plan of expansion, later down the line. The archetypes are as follows but are in no way shape or form definite;

The Soldier: This is your standard, Darth Vader or Darth Malgus like Archetype.

The Assassin - More of the Inquisitors and Darth Maul Archetype.

The Sorcerer - This is more your force based power junkie, Darth Sidious or Valkorian

The Scholar - The knowledge seeker, similar to Darth Tenebrous
These four positions will be held by PC's including myself. One under each archetype. Those who are members of "The Chosen" shall fall beneath these four PC's whom will be their direct chain of command. This does not mean that you answer to them, remember that at the start of this timeline we will be nothing more than a loose group of Exiles however it does mean that they deserve your respect.

What I would hope that this does is give the group some diversity and by default, our threads some diversity. It also helps to maintain the idea that those who stand together, will be far stronger than those who stand alone. Please understand that ALL the idea's here are subject to change as more
information is released.

What does it mean to be "The Chosen" -

So what does it mean to be a member of "The Chosen" - Well firstly it means that you are able to get involved in this story and secondly it allows you to progress the group, in the same way that one of the members of the Dread Council can.

As I have stated; One Group, One Goal. - This still stands when among this sub group.

The plan (As it stands) is that I will personally provide threads for "The Chosen" to participate in a way that either directly involve them in the threads, or gives them a purposeful set of side missions to complete.

This does not mean that you can't do your own thing, participate in Exiles story threads or conjure up your own threads for the group. All shall have a part in this group to play, however the more who wish to participate, the more structure it will take to pull off smoothly. I hope that you understand that and don't feel like this is a way for me to palm you off!

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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i couldn't shoot my hand up enough. didn't even read the body of it yet and i already love it. I can really do any of them.
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Jinan B

Thick As A Castle Wall
SWRP Writer
Feb 23, 2016
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Can confirm interest for the position of the Soldier. Planning a brute force style exile for next timeline


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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Color me interetested!


I will have my Clans
SWRP Writer
Apr 21, 2017
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If we are posting interest here, definitely Down for a sorcerer esq character.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Interesting. Was gonna do Dread Masters myself. I could see my Exile as Scholar


SWRP Writer
Oct 19, 2016
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yeah digging this, my exile is going to be a survival of the fittest kind of guy, so he'll fit the soldier archetype.


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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Welp, mine is gonna be some kinda of Grievous sith type, that can fall both in soldier or assasin


SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2015
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This looks neato
Go ahead and mark me down for interested
You know how I like force junkies.....


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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I've got a character planned who would be interested in working not within but with this group, if it'll be possible. He'll be loosely based off of one of my Darth's from the 4th TL (so he'll be an exile), but a lot more focused on a single goal. Once we learn more that might change, of course. But assuming nothing changes, we should talk once the TL launches and you have the group picked.
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Back in Black
SWRP Writer
Feb 3, 2017
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One of my PCs will be an Exile, and I think he would readily fill the role of the Assassin archetype. I really love this idea, I had considered proposing something similar this TL, but I never got around to the details of it. Anyways, two big thumbs up! I hope I can be a part of this next TL!


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Personally my recommendation is keeping the Dread Masters name. Who says there can't have multiple groups under that name. And Horsemen of Apocalypse kinda doesn't sound all too good for a group name. Latter is a bit cliche/cheesy, the other is based around creatures not existing in Star Wars


SWRP Writer
Sep 9, 2017
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On the subject of the name, I have to agree with Dmitri. If the 'Dread Master' name does not fit the theme of the group - the original Dread Masters actually being dreadingly dreadful - a brainstorming session might results in some awesome alternatives to the current name.

On all other accounts, I'm stricken with the concept. I'll get working on a character for the new TL soon, and I'll see if I can come up with some suggestions for the organisation :)


I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
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I am super stoked that so many of you guys have put forward your interest in this idea. I have taken what you said on board and I am looking to change the name, the four horseman was always merely a placeholder name.

In terms of the Idea, I think the amount of people behind this idea might mean that there needs to be some wiggle room in which I can incorporate more than four people in, however as of yet I am unsure how that will work. In the event of that not working, there will always be scope for people to be roped in after the initial threads are out of the way, which may be better as the idea will then become more streamlined and less forced.

Stay posted for more information as the announcements are released.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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I am super stoked that so many of you guys have put forward your interest in this idea. I have taken what you said on board and I am looking to change the name, the four horseman was always merely a placeholder name.

In terms of the Idea, I think the amount of people behind this idea might mean that there needs to be some wiggle room in which I can incorporate more than four people in, however as of yet I am unsure how that will work. In the event of that not working, there will always be scope for people to be roped in after the initial threads are out of the way, which may be better as the idea will then become more streamlined and less forced.

Stay posted for more information as the announcements are released.
heck with this much interest you could become a whole indie faction if you wanted >_>

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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I’m sure even if you have four dudes representing something. You would need apprentices to replace you one day.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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With about 6000 years, I think it may be a bit early to begin the roots of the Sacred Band of Ziost.


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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Is it too late to join the party? Because I'm intrigued.

Great concept, @Tsunami. Looking forward to upcoming news 'bout this "Four Horseman" organization! Or [insert badass name here].

Topher Ridge

The Ever-tired
SWRP Writer
Jun 2, 2013
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Well boy howdy I'mma jump right on this hype train! Sounds very cool. The exile I'm working on for next timeline could fit very well here. I'm hoping force forging is going to be more prevalent next TL so I'm working on a character that will be a weapon master and weapon forger. He could be brought in to provide some awesome weapons for the group and would give him a great purpose for his work. Great work on this @Tsunami


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Whilst I'm not about to start RPing a Sith (at least to the level that would do this justice) I will be flying with a Smuggler next TL - and would love to interact with you guys, fetch and carry missions and the like if you wanted. (pretty sure that's all the smuggler did in swtor anyway!)