The Force Awakens - Thoughts and Reactions (SPOILERS WITHIN)

Ser Gregor

M*A*S*Hed Potatoes
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2006
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He does say curses clearly at 25:15 , but not at 20:35. To me at least, both do not sound like the same word being said. I can clearly make out an "-in" at the end of the first word. Perhaps it's a layering issue of the game trying to say two lines of dialogue at once, but it doesn't sound like he says curses to me the first time he yells face me.
You're just not hearing it clearly because of the explosion. It is the exact same inflection as when he yells "curses!" later in the video. He is not saying "cousin".


Mr Dyslexia
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Jan 4, 2012
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If you believe that, I have a bridge in Alaska to sell you. =P

This isn't a George Lucas "I had this planned out all along" thing. They're not completing anything, because they don't want Star Wars to end. They will undoubtedly make more episodic films after Episode IX. Disney has plans for Star Wars for the next 50 years, and it's not all going to be spinoff films. The Skywalker storyline will continue.
You don't throw billions at something if you not going to use it to the fullest . Look at Marvel.


Master Leader
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Nov 25, 2014
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If you believe that, I have a bridge in Alaska to sell you. =P

This isn't a George Lucas "I had this planned out all along" thing. They're not completing anything, because they don't want Star Wars to end. They will undoubtedly make more episodic films after Episode IX. Disney has plans for Star Wars for the next 50 years, and it's not all going to be spinoff films. The Skywalker storyline will continue.
I really would prefer for the sequel trilogy to be the end of the episodic films. It remains to be seen what will happen either way.

My point is that, in being the Chosen One, he was supposed to have the greatest natural connection to the Force which would therefore make him the strongest in the Force. I never said most skilled and I never said most developed. You took what I said to imply that I was talking about his developed skills when in fact I was talking about his untapped potential. I could also counter that the only reason that Palpatine was more powerful at the end was because Darth Vader did not have natural limbs and was stuck inside of a containment suit that kept him alive. Had that battle on Mustafar ended differently Palpatine likely would have taught Anakin everything he knew, and Anakin would have succeeded Palpatine as Emperor and killed him to become the new master Dark Lord of the Sith.
I see what you're saying, and I agree for the most point. I don't think the filmmakers are going to let something said, especially a thing that fans universally dislike, in the prequel trilogy limit them as to what they're going to do with the sequels. Like Brandon has said, TFA is Star Wars going back to its roots. If it means shitting on the prequels a little in the process, that's okay in my book. I fully expected that anyway.

And anyway, if we want to take everything at its face value and want find explanations in the universe itself, would it really be that hard to say that Rey has more midi-chlorians than Anakin did for whatever reason? I mean, it's dumb, and I don't think the movies are ever going to address that, but there you go.

I'm still not convinced that Rey has to be a member of the Skywalker family to have such a strong connection to the Force either. There's nothing in universe that makes that an absolute must. The film makes it seem like there's some connection between Luke, Rey, and Ren, but I'm not quick to make that a familial one. It could just as easily be explained as a connection through the Force, or that the trio is the catalyst for the Force awakening however it does. I'm sure there's a ton of other explanations people could come up with.

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
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I think I have a theory, but this theory may have a few holes but I hope to get @Brandon Rhea opinion on it.

I think Rey is Luke's daughter but a daughter that Luke himself doesn't know about. An which means Rey also doesn't know her father is the last Jedi, this would explain why she thinks Luke skywalker was a myth. She even says it which would suggest that she only heard story's about him, the mother whoever she was most likely hide Rey because if she was discovered than she would be a target.

The mother would hide her on Jakku when she heard of the Jedi being destroyed again (they seemed to be having a bad luck streak going). In fear of someone looking for her because of her past with Luke (if they knew each other for longer than a quick in and out ((for the younger members of this site I apologize with the dirty joke)) but this is only a speculation).

Of course this does not account for Kylos reaction but he could just have been upset because a random girl outsmarted storm troopers. Or how she could use the mind trick (but I would put that to the screen writers wanting to show how good she is) but I would say there is little evidence of prior training. She was incredibly young when she was separated with her guardian (this is not a theory but what was shown in the movie) plus I doubt she hear story's of Luke from the ow so nice people of Jakku. Considering we don't see her being friendly with anyone and no one we saw took care of her when she was dropped off, so I'm guessing she hears the story's before coming to Jakku.

An the final part of this theory is that the planet which we find Luke on is a place Rey may have been on, I think this because the image in her head were of a ocean and a Island, the same scene we find Luke at. Though it could have just been the place from where she was just picked up (sorry don't remember the planet with the weird yellow girl) but if lets say she was there before. I would than surmise that Luke is there not to find the first Jedi temple but to find the girl he loved. As it was where his possibly past lover lived, (This is completely just my theory, but I wouldn't be surprised if was wrong.) though there is a lot of speculations I hope I have my reasonings for it in a clear manner.


All Indie, All the Time
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Jun 9, 2014
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Ok, so I just got finished watching The Force Awakens. And, to give my honest opinion, it was amazing. Quite possibly my favorite Star Wars film.


Formerly Known as Vulpes
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Jul 30, 2012
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A lot to sit through, but he does bring up some good talking points for the movie. Knows his lore, too.

Brings up the possiblity of Benicio del Toro's role in Episode 8, which they think could be thrawn, or maybe just another Sith.

Off note; Any opinions on the two gangs Han and Chewie crossed? Think they'll have any larger significance, or maybe expansion in the EU, like the Black Sun and Hutt Cartel?


Cranky Jedi
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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That scene with Han and the gangs seemed like something from H2G2. I could have done with something a bit more serious or rigid. With that, I've blocked it out of my head and don't have an opinion.


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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That scene with Han and the gangs seemed like something from H2G2. I could have done with something a bit more serious or rigid. With that, I've blocked it out of my head and don't have an opinion.

I disagree actually. When it comes to Han Solo, he was always kind of the con man. A real wisecracker. So to see that come back on him in such an over the top way; I really enjoyed it.


Cranky Jedi
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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Well @Outlander I meant more the production value. Just looked and felt campy, like Dr Who or H2G2 like I said. I get what you said and it was indeed good to see him in his prime, but I would have liked something less whimsical.


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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Well @Outlander I meant more the production value. Just looked and felt campy, like Dr Who or H2G2 like I said. I get what you said and it was indeed good to see him in his prime, but I would have liked something less whimsical.

I see what you're saying, and I think that's some very valid criticism, but I still enjoyed the scene, and saw it as no more or no less campy than other siminal scenes from the series.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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I have a similar theory, in the sense that Luke doesn't know Rey is out there - sort of.

First, go back to Rey's vision. She sees the Knights of Ren destroying Luke's new generation of Jedi. She is in that moment, in that place. It suggests that she has some connection to it, and probably that she was there. As that part of the vision ends, Kylo stalks towards her. The scene immediately cuts to Rey as a girl on Jakku, screaming for her family to come back.

That cut from Kylo to Jakku is where I get my theory: Rey is Luke's daughter, and therefore Kylo's cousin, and Kylo was the one who hid her on Jakku. I imagine this as being because Rey was something really good in Kylo’s life. He adored his little cousin, and she was his light. He couldn't bring himself to kill her, but he also knew that he couldn't let Luke ever train her either. That would mean his only option was to make Luke and everyone else think she was dead, and then hide her away somewhere. He also probably wiped/altered her memories, or she somehow repressed the truth.

Kylo believes that Darth Vader had a lifetime of good work with the Sith and the Empire, but that he was brought down by one moment of weakness - his choice to save Luke in the Battle of Endor. So Kylo would always be afraid that his sentiment in saving Rey would one day come back to haunt him. That's why, I think, he freaked out when that one Imperial officer told him that Finn had help from a girl from Jakku. The knowing glances and comments Kylo makes for the rest of the films suggests he knows that this is the cousin he left behind.

How her mother factors into this, I don't know yet.


SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2014
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Initially, the whole bit about the "Starkiller Base" in TFA honestly didn't bother me all that much; I saw it as biting, of course, but it served its purpose rather well in my opinion and I loved the "look" of the landscape during the final duel between Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren. However, upon further reflection, I realized that the climax of the film could have used an entirely different "set piece" so that fans wouldn't dog the film for including a "Death Star Part III" while still allowing the story to play out. Here's my idea:

1.) So, after Rey was abducted by Ren, she would have been taken to General Hux's ship, The Finalizer, instead of the Starkiller Base. Once aboard, however, things could have literally played out exactly the same in regards to her scenes in captivity at the Base. With this change, I am also suggesting that the base never exists in the first place, and since the Finalizer is so massive, it could have just possessed an "as-of-yet" unseen capability to raze planets but not obliterate them outright in exchange. Thus, we get the feel that, while the First Order is not yet as resourceful, as powerful, or as massive as the Empire was (in order to have constructed the Starkiller Base) they are still a force to be reckoned with.

1.2) Also, I felt the reason Kylo Ren would have taken her aboardThe Finalizer is a simple one: Ren could have already had the intention of turning her to the Dark Side by this point, just as he did later, and so was perhaps planning to get Snoke's help in converting her by taking Rey directly to him. I don't have a reason why the First Order would not have made the jump to hyperspace immediately other than perhaps due to the The Finalizer's immense size maybe the hyperspace drive requires more time than usual to "charge up" before every jump.

2.) Moving on, the follow-up scenes could have still had the same structure and dialogue that takes place at the Rebel base; the Resistance plots out their plan of attack, Han makes clever quips, etc etc.

3.) Here's where things begin to get slightly different: instead of an atmospheric aerial battle, like what took place at the end of TFA, there would be a huge space battle that takes place outside of the Finalizer in order to distract those inside long enough for Han, Chewie, and Finn to board. Again, once they were onboard I would have the same sequence of events play out UNTIL Han is killed. I would then have Chewie wound Kylo Ren (as he already does), which allows for Finn and Rey to escape to emergency shuttle pods and jettison off from the ship, while Chewie escapes with the Falcon.

4.) Finn/Rey would then crash on a snowy ice planet that the Finalizer is in orbit around (because, once again, I just loved the look of the final battle in terms of atmosphere, the lightsabers striking solid ground, etc). Kylo, either taking his own ship or using an escape pod himself, follows them, landing not too far away, and the exact same duel happens. However, maybe instead of having Ren defeated in combat as he was in the film, Poe Dameron swoops down majestically alongside the Falcon and begins firing at Ren (which would serve as payback for the torture he endured at the hands of Ren at the start of the film) and this provides enough distraction for Ren and Finn to hightail it out of there on the Falcon and escape.

This was the idea I had in mind and chose to flirt with on here. Thoughts?
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aka Bg04h8934wh`~cvbnodti
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Mar 8, 2014
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Jax Vos

Light in Darkness
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Jul 8, 2011
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Initially, the whole bit about the "Starkiller Base" in TFA honestly didn't bother me all that much; I saw it as biting, of course, but it served its purpose rather well in my opinion and I loved the "look" of the landscape during the final duel between Rey, Finn, and Kylo Ren. However, upon further reflection, I realized that the climax of the film could have used an entirely different "set piece" so that fans wouldn't dog the film for including a "Death Star Part III" while still allowing the story to play out. Here's my idea:


I actually think that would have made for a better movie. To add to this, I think that "Starkiller Base" should have been mentioned as being worked on. Then it should have been first revealed and tested in VIII, but it would not yet be operational. It would be worked on and then used in IX to attack the Republic, which would have been well enough established by then for the attack to be upsetting for those watching the movie.


The Slightly Above Average RPer.
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2014
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I'm sure it has been mentioned before, but I'mmnot willing to comb through a quarter thousand posts to find it :(

I have two issues:

1) Did I just watch an OT reboot? Why essentially redo the OT, when people can just go out and watch the films themselves...? I feel like the only reason I enjoyed it was because of the fact that it brought back as much nostalgia due to them copy and pasting the plot from episodes 4-6 to episode 7.

2) Why is it that Fin, with zero trqining with a lightsaber at all can weild one without lopping an arm off? Secondly, why is it that Rey can defeat a highly trained Kylo the first time she picks up a lightsaber? Where is the build up to the next fight scene where she gives Kylo a rematch?

PS. How nifty is that new Force ability revealed at the start of the movie?! I would like to learn how to freeze a blaster... Cuz taht doesnt seem very OP ;)

Ser Gregor

M*A*S*Hed Potatoes
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2006
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Kylo was shot in the gut by Chewie's bowcaster, which is enough to kill a regular human outright. That's, directorialy, why he kept slamming his fist into his side, so the audience would remember his being shot. In universe it was to harness the pain to keep himself standing. He was, essentially, fighting at like 25% of his ability.

I have the same issues with the copy pasting of the OT as well. Also I feel the plot was sloppily handled in places. Specifically how they were able to take out Starkiller Base, something far more powerful and heavily defended than the Death Star, with the superficial knowledge of a stormtrooper and a few flights of X-wings (which aren't meant for bombing runs). Meanwhile they needed detailed schematics and an entire battle group to take down the Death Stars.


The Slightly Above Average RPer.
SWRP Writer
May 9, 2014
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Kylo was shot in the gut by Chewie's bowcaster, which is enough to kill a regular human outright. That's, directorialy, why he kept slamming his fist into his side, so the audience would remember his being shot. In universe it was to harness the pain to keep himself standing. He was, essentially, fighting at like 25% of his ability.

I have the same issues with the copy pasting of the OT as well. Also I feel the plot was sloppily handled in places. Specifically how they were able to take out Starkiller Base, something far more powerful and heavily defended than the Death Star, with the superficial knowledge of a stormtrooper and a few flights of X-wings (which aren't meant for bombing runs). Meanwhile they needed detailed schematics and an entire battle group to take down the Death Stars.
I still can't get it out of my head though that Rey never even touched a lightsaber (let alone knew the Jedi truly existed) until earlier that day (or the day before, it is unclear how much time had passed), and yet she could wield it like that... I mean, wielding a lightsaber isn't something that can be done all willy nilly; It is a complicated weapon that requires actual training to use.

Also, yes, the Death Star vs the StarKiller Base issue is a whole other thing...


Your Senpai
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Aug 9, 2014
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Pertaining to Flamejet's qualms about Finn wielding a lightsaber, I think y'all have forgotten that this is a thing:


Three untrained people, with only one of them being Force-Sensitive, wielded lightsabers pretty handily. The new canon has established the fact that lightsabers can virtually be used by anyone, even if they aren't FS. I think Brandon said in some discussion thread about how all lightsabers are are just swords made out of energy. You don't need to spend years upon years of intensive training just to swing a sword, you just need to be competent enough to not shove your own body parts in the way of the swing.


Cranky Jedi
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Jan 8, 2014
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@StandbyRanger that comic frame has actually made me stop reading the new comics, pretty much. Rubbish, imho. I'll buy the #15 Kenobi journal one and maybe go back and get some of the Kanan ones.

Ser Gregor

M*A*S*Hed Potatoes
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2006
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There's actually no indicator in the new canon that lightsaber requires previous training or force sensitivity to use at a rudimentary level. The leader of Death Watch wielded the darksaber to great effect against Anakin and Obi-Wan.