Ask Nar Shaddaa Sunset: Davani Gaizott vs Chysim Reech

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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When one had plans as ambitious as Nor'baal the Hutt, it was important to ensure the people carrying them out were the best of the best. Therefore, the great Hutt had thrown on a series of fights between applicants for this particular job, the winner 'graduating' through to the final team. Sat at the ringside, flanked by heavy-set Gamorreans and a security droid with an attitude problem, Nor'baal chuckled to himself in a somewhat sadistic manner - he had forgotten ho much he enjoyed blood sports.

<Yabee bu dopa see uba cay dokoi wa dohopka bauicaka, du bu hhobela bkeua see Locay. Woy boya see nobata bahcola, nobata bkeciua, tee dooo bacaia, lwaa uba doth nyowkee biweoo bai wonwohana see fa, bu dopa see kuna kee boya ata mee whache wahkala, an wa vaamba-yopei.> he commanded, as the weapons where made available to his champions. Nor'baal stopped speaking, instead calling for refreshments to be brought over for himself.

After a few moments, his Majordomo stepped forward "His Excellency also reminds you that this is not a death fight. First blood, or the first to submit to the other, will serve my master needs sufficiently." he added, keen to ensure that his master didn't need to pay off any grieving relatives after this fight came to a grizzly end.

OOC - @ByakuyaXVMarkov @Charles

Davani Gaizott


Character Profile
Apr 27, 2022
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Davani signed up for another mission with the Hutt, but this one was different than anything she had done before. Before even getting a chance at obtaining the reaping of rewards, she'd need to prove her capabilities first. To her it seemed like just a fight for Nor'baal's entertainment, but it didn't matter, as long as she got some fun and materialism out of it.

Once the Chiss arrived at the arena, she came wearing the attire requested: limited armor and unarmed. She was initially surprised by the parameters of the duel, but then she realized that she'd be doing it in the style of Gamorra. Shit. she thought. Not because of incompetence in fighting but due to her opponent. A Trandosian would be able to beat her in a mere duel of strength alone. She will need to find a means to overcome this opponent using her cunning like she would as a Bounty Hunter.

Davani took one of the two vibro-axes as instructed and returned to her corner of the arena, not showing any form of what her stance could be, but also calculating how she could overcome this challenge. Something was most certainly different though, she had dexterity, and maybe her speed and brains could give her an advantage.

Let The Mightiest Win

@Charles @Nor'baal

Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

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May 24, 2021
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The Hutts were the best creatures in this galaxy. Or at least Chysim thought so. They always paid handsomely for their jobs well done, and for a Bounty Hunter like Chysim, that was good for business. Surprisingly, if you treated the Hutts right, they could be your best friend- and some of them Guild Masters were a pain to appease. In the end, the Trandoshan had no problem working for Nor'baal again. It was because of Norbs that Chysim's father went free on Kessel, and it was because of Norbs that Chysim's hospital bills could be paid off.

The Bounty Hunter entered the arena wearing a simple blast vest along with his normal rustic attire. Today, he would be fighting in a pit arena for a job Nor'baal hadn't explained yet. But if the Hutt Boss was having tryouts for such a spot, Chysim could only fantasize about the worth this bounty could reel in. Chysim was facing a smaller humanoid- a Pantoran, or something, by the looks of things. Yes, Chysim was far bigger than the woman, but time and time again smaller creatures would tend to bug the hell out of the guy. Chysim was quick an powerful in close combat, however, so hopefully he'd have this in the bag.

After picking up a vibro-axe as his opponent did, he dipped his head respectfully towards the Davani.

"The Scorekeeper watches...Ain't gonna let 'er down."

@ByakuyaXVMarkov @Nor'baal

Davani Gaizott


Character Profile
Apr 27, 2022
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Davani was most certainly at a disadvantage on paper. She was tiny compared to the Trandoshan, and she was much lighter as well, but she came up with a plan that could work. Her opponent would likely be more brawn while the cold and calculating Chiss could rack her brains in this. Perhaps this fight would be more fair and fun than she thought. After all, this mission seemed much more casual than others. To qualify for this mission would mean most certain riches. The only certainty is that she wouldn't be severely injured or killed outright upon a loss.

Her red eyes would scan the arena to see what she could take advantage of, but there wasn't anything clear as the arena was completely empty; just her and Chysim. At least there was plenty of room for her to maneuver. She'd bow her head in response, trying to reciprocate respect to the Trandoshan. "May the best win." she said simply before the round began.

She awaited for moves first, calculating the possibility to see what she can do first. She changed her stance to an aggressively sturdy stance, knowing that someone of high strength could immobilize her. She clenched the vibroaxe forward infront of her body, ready to defensively strike at whatever the Trandoshan could do. Her grip was strong so she couldn't be disarmed, and if she was charged fast she would most certainly be able to slink away with her dexterity...


Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
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Really close combat and really far away combat was what Chysim was best at. The lady looked like she had already formulated a plan with that prideful gaze of hers. The Trandoshan would stay on the defensive and let his prey come to him. Ambushes were his forte, and it would've been easier for him to overpower her regardless of her speed due to his strength. Yes, he was a bigger target, but he wasn't stupid. Chysim Reech wasn't going down without one hell of a fight.

So, Chysim held his Vibro-axe, which was lighter than he expected but maybe that was due to his size, in a more defensive manor. The Trandoshan's size made it harder for him to jump around, but that didn't mean he didn't have fast hands. Or claws. Chysim could easily hold the axe with just one hand, giving his other hand some leeway. Now, Chysim had two weapons and one shield, that being the axe. Getting close to Chysim was her only option, and it was a death trap either way. If he managed to grab her, this fight would be over faster than you could say 'It's High-Noon.'


Davani Gaizott


Character Profile
Apr 27, 2022
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The sheer size of the Trandosian would be what the Chiss could take advantage of. She began holding the vibroaxe infront of her more similarly like a spear, the sharp end pointing at Chysim as she would proceed to move forward calmly, maintaining a sturdy ground to not be made prone, but also to not get grabbed.

Davani would not completely close the distance through, taking advantage of the length of the vibroaxe in order to make a swing from such a difference that she couldn't be deflected and then grabbed. The axe wasn't hard for her to wield, but she treated it more like a pike. The swing would be speedy, yet controlled, with Davani making a step back as she finished the diagonal swing. If Chysim would attempt to disarm her, she'd be able to evade by moving further back than before and then go for a even quicker poke. The Trandosian would probably not want to have to touch the weaponized end of the axe that was infront of him...


Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
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She might have had speed on her side, but she lacked strength. Chysim parried the attack, swinging with enough force that it could've knocked the blade out of her hand if she didn't have as good a grip. The Trandoshan was going to temper patience, however, and did not take the opportunity to swing at her as she took a few steps back. For now, he was simply reading and learning about his opponent, waiting for the right time to counter and kill her. Or...not kill her. That was the rule, right?

If Davani was going to use her axe like a spear, Chysim was going to have to pin it to the ground the next time she tried poking him with it. With the blade stuck, all Chysim had to do was sock her in the side of the head with his freehand and the fight would be over. All he had to do was wait. And he could wait all day. It was a matter of how long Davani would last against the Trandoshan.


Davani Gaizott


Character Profile
Apr 27, 2022
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As she would slide back and analyze her opponent, Davani realized how she couldn't do any distance of combat safely. She was most certainly at an unfair disadvantage. The game was rigged against her race! These thoughts would begin to frustrate her as she tried to come with.. what was it Plan D now? She was running out of ideas that she hasn't even tried because there was no way she could do most things as the arena had zero advantages she could establish. This was the perfect combat sport for her opponent, but not her whatsoever.

Realizing what would be the likely most effective means of attack, instead of using her axe like a spear, she would swifly lower her stance, using her height difference to her advantage, to make a side swing at his unarmed side. This would do two things for her if done correctly: She would be too low to the ground for Chysim to be able to effectively punch or even grab her unless he would lower himself, and in that case she could hit the arms or other portions of his body as well, and secondly Davani would injure a leg which would give her even more of a speed advantage, one thing she definitely needs right now.

A grab from this low would mean she could take advantage of it as well, knowing full well her advantage. Once she concluded her assault, she'd make sure to stance backwards so she wasn't vulnerable to counterattack.


Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
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When the attack came his way, Chysim simply side stepped and parried the attack, but Davani was still too low and fast for his liking so he didn't engage in a follow up attack. The Trandoshan was going to stick with his guns and primarily go on the defensive. However, he swung pretty hard to parry the side swing, attempting to knock the blade out of her hand. Either way, it was going to ware the woman out. And Chysim could wait all day for her to drop. His strength dwarfed the woman's and he wasn't afraid of fighting no woman.

After she backed off from her assault, Chysim chuckled as he got into his defensive position again.
"C'mon, lass. Tha' all yuh got?" The Trandoshan rolled his shoulders and awaited another attack with a sly grin spread across his reptilian face. This game was going to be about endurance more than anything. Chysim could take a beating- he'd been slashed up and stabbed before, even shot -so it was all on how much he wagered the Pantoran with a bad eye infection had until she was spent. Chysim wanted this job just as badly as she did- he wasn't going to let her have it so easily.


Davani Gaizott


Character Profile
Apr 27, 2022
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As expected, Chysim would parry. For this parry she would have to move her strategy slightly. Her backstep would decrease the force of the parry, yet she would need to change moves. The Chiss knew full well she'd need some way to make Chysim have a disadvantage against her speed so she had more of a hand.

Davani had one option left, really. She had to see if it would work otherwise she would be screwed. She began losing hope for ever having this job, and she was pissed about it. Why even bother when its in a sport she was outclassed by default at? She had to go full in for the next attack.

Expecting another parry, she swung upwards this time, going for Chysim's armed hand, with the intent of minimizing a parry but also throwing his grip off guard. If this were to succeed, she'd be able to disarm him afterward. A simple slide on the ground would prevent her from being grabbed so easily by the towering Trandoshan.
