Ask Corellia State Visit

Garr Antilles


Character Profile
Jan 31, 2023
Reaction score
"There's bloody hundreds of them out there." Garr peered through his office window, down at the assembled snappers below. "Maybe we should do this sort of thing more often?" he laughed before turning away and checking himself in the mirror. He has snappily dressed a navy blue suit, no tie - his shirt buttoned up in the Corellian style, and a chromium lapel pin showing the flag of Corellia. He looked ever bit the Corellian statesman, which was just what he wanted.

"There's a few dozen, Mr Mayor." the bored voice of his chief of staff returned to him. Garr rolled his eyes.

"Hundreds sounds better." he turned to face the man "Gun or no?" his chief of staff shook his head.

"You're not trying to shoot the Onderon delegate Sir."

"Maybe I am, pal; maybe I've lost it; perhaps I'll fly off the handle any second now." he laughed and walked out of the office, down to meet the delegate from Onderon, who, according to their schedule, should be arriving reasonably soon. The visit today was an important one, starting with a meet and greet, then on to a tour of the yards, followed by a sit down which hopefully would net a trade agreement between Corellia and Onderon.

If all went to plan, that would boost his polling as he launched his campaign to be the next President of Corellia.

He smiled, straightened up, and walked out of the waiting area and into the Corellian Docks to meet his visitor as cameras flashed and the local press shouted questions at him. A handful of local law enforcement kept the press back, with a few others standing in ranks around the docks, keeping a close eye on the goings on - after all, Corellia was a troubled world, and tension across the planet was bubbling up. One could never be to careful.