Mission Pack [Rancor Squadron] Contruum Physics


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Contruum Physics

Attention Rancor Squadron! The defunct Mandalorian Crusading Fleet that was provided and developed by Fenyang and Nox Solus is still out there, scattered and isolated. We can reach out to them and hope to convince them to return to Mandalorian space and join the new defensive fleet. Some of these assets may have already fallen into the hands of other enemies so be on your guard. However if you encounter Mandalorians please do not kill each other. You may stun and incapacitate them but even if we are in disagreement, we are still brothers and sisters all.

We have limited numbers so we cannot pursue the extremely large ships like the star destroyers just yet but have no fear, we are prioritizing speed and mobility for mercenary work outside of Mandalorian space. Take the time and care needed to properly complete your missions.

Nearest to Mandalorian space we have gathered intelligence of one of the most amicable Mandalorian mercenary battle groups in and around the Contruum system. It is possible that they have fallen in with pirates or are being employed by the local authorities. This system has a long history with Mandalorians and in particular, the Kelborn clan so do not be surprised if the locals understand Mando'a as they speak a dialect of their own.

Six Feet Under - (Ask) Self DM - FULL/ACTIVE
Participants: @Hauron Solus + @Van'Aria Solus + @Foe’guth Rook (preferably Solus or related)
Contruum Six is the name given to the outpost planet. It’s position makes it an excellent outpost for us as the Perlemian Trade Route and Hydian are easily accessed from this world. We have old clan records that mention a base used by House Solus. It is remote and away from the only two cities on Contruum Six so make sure you are bundled up and careful.

Chief Among You - (Ask) Self DM - FULL/ACTIVE
Participants: @Iviinyc Eldar + @Van'Aria Solus + @Foe’guth Rook (preferably PCs desiring leadership roles or Alor status)
We need volunteers to meet with the leader of the warbands. This is best done in smaller groups to not provoke hostilities. You must be a capable warrior or a respected leader to have a chance at convincing these estranged brothers and sisters to rejoin us. They are operating around the Contruum system from a Hunter class frigate and a Neo-Crusader class corvette with numerous small craft of varying Mandalorian designs. Suffice to say they are well armed and relatively comfortable with their set up. At the very least, don’t make enemies of our kin.

A Calculated Gambit - (Ask) Self DM - FULL/ACTIVE
Participants: @Mysha Kelborn + @Kotii Solus + @Genova Veren (preferably Kelborn related)
Burkhart Kelborn is a name that would cause some to spit if their heads weren’t covered. But to some he was a legend. Regardless of the opinions of the infamous Morling criminal, he left his own mark on Contruum before he passed. A Shereshoy class space station separate from the Ship Yards is a tourist attraction and vacation spot. Aside from those visiting the jungle surface on safari, this is where a great deal of the credits flow into the system. Visit the space station and get to know the Black Market element. Smuggling has been ignored for a long time and we don’t want to get rid of it. Instead, we want to capitalize on it if possible. Make some connections and maybe even some friends over some drinks and some cards or whatever.

Remembered Embers - (Ask) Self DM- FULL/ACTIVE
Participants: @Mysha Kelborn + @Reiel Mal Crowholde + @Hokaan Veren (preferably armorer or death watch related)
Thanks to some gathered intelligence we know that a Mandalorian Armorer has long since been under the employ of the Contruum Ship Yards. The Armorer has a tribe of their own that follows them and operates a few miles outside of Torian City. Some of them are descendants of those that worked at Kalevala Spaceworks or MandalMotors before moving for one reason or another. Now they are employees of the Ship Yards. They do not trust the recent arrival and have kept their distance even from the mercenary battlegroup so do not expect them to warm up to your presence. All the same, their few numbers limit what they can do. Travel to their remote hideout on the surface of Contruum and take with you a hundred kilograms of beskar. They have foundlings that deserve to have a suit of their own. But before you even manage to speak with them, beware, these are still jungles and dangerous predators are known to prowl in the shadows.

Please use the below template to submit your interest in participating. Thank you and enjoy!

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Name: @Reiel Mal Crowholde
Faction/Rank: Independent (Mandalorians)/Ver'alor (Lieutenant)
Mission: Remembered Embers

Thank you! 😄
Name: @Mysha Kelborn
Faction/Rank: Mandalorian (Ver'alor)
Mission:A Calculated Gambit, Remembered Embers

Thank you!
Updated! We are good to start Remembered Emberes whenever you two are ready. Armorer @Hokaan Veren will be joining you as a new recruit to Rancor Squadron ;-)

A Calculated Gambit can start with Mysha and Kotii as well but there's still a spot open for a third person to join.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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@Darasuum @Van'Aria Solus preferably for Chief Among Us ( Sus ) and Six Feet Under. The latter on flex if others have priority.
We are go to start with either or both of those. I can also drop Iviinyc and Hauron from one or both if other people show interest so I'll keep those open to 2 additional participants.


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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We are go to start with either or both of those. I can also drop Iviinyc and Hauron from one or both if other people show interest so I'll keep those open to 2 additional participants.
Very well, since I know your aversion to OPs. ill get it started momentarily.


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
Reaction score
Designing OPs for:
Six Feet Under
Chief Among You

Will link them when created momentarily.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Mission pack has been updated with correct statuses and links to the threads that have been started.

Dara, if you would pls? ❤️
Sounds good. I'll try to work on one today or this weekend.