Information Navigating the Lore Forum

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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all, and welcome to the Lore Forum! In this short little how-to I'll give you a run down of the various types of Lore that exist on SWRP and the easiest way to navigate the board without having to dig through a bunch of articles and pages when you're looking for something specific.

Here's a quick rundown of the types (they may sometimes be referred to as prefixes) that the Lore forum uses:

  • Verbal: This tag would be used for something like languages, if you were looking to expand upon an existing but ill defined language or make a new one of your own.
  • Location: This tag is used for articles about places that exist within the galaxy, like bases, fortresses, or Jedi and Sith temples for example.
  • Force Power: This tag is used to submit expanded or brand new force powers.
  • Family: This tag is for things like clans, noble houses, or any other things like surnames of note.
  • Resource: This tag is for expanding upon or creating new consumable resources to be used in the RP.
  • Squadron: This tag would be for detailing a particular squadron that characters are a part of. An example would be Star Squadron or Rogue Squadron, which were both fighter squadrons.
  • Artifact: This tag would be for submitting ancient and powerful relics.
  • Organization: This tag would be used for businesses or groups.
  • Tradition: This tag would be for expanding upon noteworthy cultural things of a species or people to help give depth to them for other players.
  • Historical: This tag would be for historically significant details of things like battles, wars, or revolutions.
  • Mythology: This tag would be for more fantastical elements that could live within our Star Wars canon here at SWRP.
  • Religion: This tag would be for institutions inside of other groups, such as Ha'rangir's Chosen or a particular dark side cult.

So the easiest way to navigate through all of these various types and multitudes of Lore is to let the site do the work for you with filtering!

To use filtering in the lore forum, the first thing you need to do is find the button:


Once you do that, it will bring up a box where you can select the prefix for the type of Lore you are looking for. You can also choose multiple prefixes to sort by if you want to look at more than one type of Lore at the same time:


After you've selected your preferred prefixes and filled in any of the other info in the filtering box you want, you just hit the filter box at the bottom and the Lore forum will now be filtered to your inconvenience!


Hopefully this little instruction guide can help you navigate the Lore forum and all the wonderful articles within it.
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