Canon M4-78

The Good Doctor

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Jul 4, 2017
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The planet M4-78 is a droid planet located in the Inner Rim. Originally it was a arid desert world that was gifted with an abundance of resources and had a droid expedition sent to it to prepare it for colonization under the intelligence known as M4-78. But over time the directive changed and the planet that would be coined as M4-78 had taken on a life of it's own, becoming a droid world.

M4-78 shares grid coordinates with the two monarchy governments Hapes and Onderon, but is well separated by a thick nebula as wells as being closer to the edge of the rim.

After the planet's rediscovery by Blackwell Technologies in 141 ABY, seven years later the droid intelligence fell under the mega-corporations control, as did the planet.

Climate & Terrain​

M4-78 was naturally an arid world, dry with little in the way of rain. Now in the present the droid world M4-78 is only hospitable to non-organic life, with heavy polluntants filling the planet's atmosphere entirely. Due to the extreme amounts of pollution filling the air, no weather phenomena exists. Temperature wise, the planet stays hot to warm. There are no clouds aside from heavy pockets of smog and industrial gas. Any organics looking to set foot on M4-78 need to prepared before coming, such as having a filter.

The droid planet's terrain is that of a droid ecumenopolis, a massive world spanning droid cityscape. The mechanization of the planet left behind no water, no native organic flora and fuana .etc By 156 ABY, the planet's surface has almost entirely been replaced with machinery and droid structures. Not only that the planet also has a metallic layer on top of it used for additiona infrastructure.

Similar to Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, tall structures and spires across the planet dot the planetscape; although being built but droids, these structures are designed to be functional and efficient, not in regards to any aesthetic art form. Although the planet's surface has been mechanized, the droids are looking to expand underground and unto the planet's moons.



Before the Sith War circa 1000 BBY, a group of colonists eyed this desert world, having scouted and surveyed it and found that the world as well as the system as an abundance of natural resources. With that in mind, those colonists send a sizable expedition of labor droids to prepare the place for colonization. The droids would begin extracting resources and construction of infrastructure for the colony to come. These droids would be led by a intelligence acting as the foreman known as M4-78, with lesser droid intelligences acting as subleaders known as Archons.

The droids kept developing, waiting for the colonists to arrive, but then the war would begin again, so the colonists never showed. Fortunately, the war never came to the world though. They knew that the would-be colonists were behind schedule, but it took a century to realize that realize that they weren't coming. As decades went on by without memory wipes, M4-78 developed a life and personality of his own. With that, M4-78 would have the expedition to continue developing, to expand, and to build for themselves.

Before too long, there would be rumors of a droid planet surfacing, although the planet's coordinates aren't standard in navicomputers. Rogue or formerly shackled droids looking for escape would also attempt journey to the planet that would assume on the name M4-78, some successful, although others may not be as fortunate. Very few organics have caught sight of the planet, and even then, this planet is still not officially charted.

The planet M4-78 has continued to develop, to expand it's infrastructure, to build new droids and tools. It came to the point circa 400 BBY where the pollution and over-development on the planet caused all the indigenous flora, fauna .etc to go extinct. The droid planet keeps tabs on the rest of the galaxy, and it's isolated status kept it out of the way of all the major wars, from the Sith wars of 1000 BBY, to the Clone Wars, even to The Resistance-First Order war and the Final Order.

Culture & Government​

In the present, M4-78 has a very high population of droids, with many new droids being produced over time, and a few droids finding this world from time to time. The droid inhabitants of M4-78 all have some functional purpose/role on the planet they must carry out. Although the inhabitants are droid, they can develop personality over time and develop a sense of culture that comes from it. The droids are not hostile to organics, they do view the rest of the galaxy's inhabitants with suspicion.

The droid intelligence M4-78 has survived over the long years due to constant maintenance and continues to direct the planet and it's droids inhabitants to what it is today. Although unknown to everyone, Blackwell Tech CEO Newton Arden has M4-78 under the control of his SERVITOR Virus, leaving the droid overrmind under his control, them both being considered property of Blackwell Tech.

Purpose-made battle droids serve as the bulk of police to keep order and planetary defense force to safeguard the system. There also exists an emergency protocol where all droids would take up defense of the world in the event of invasion. The droids also have squadrons of starfighters with integrated droid brains and droid capital ships to protect their home system and air space.

Resources & Technology​


M4-78 is planet rich in natural resources, mostly ores, fuels, and metals as well as a wide variety of them, with it's rarest resource being Chromium. Geothermal energy is also harnessed by the inhabitant droids, providing a lot of power as well as solar energy and more conventional power reactors. M4-78's atmosphere-less moon is also gifted with plentiful amounts of resources, with extensive mining operations set up on it's moon. M4-78 also has other mining operations set up on other worlds in the system and asteroids, which include more metals, tibanna gas .etc, leaving the droid planet self-sufficient in terms of resources. The droid world is completely devoid of food and water, with the droids having no need for any.

The droid planet has noteworthy manufacturing capabilities, easily able to produce batches of droids. After Blackwell Tech took over the M4-78, the corporation started using the droid planet to produce mechanical consumer goods as well, in vehicles, electronics, droids .etc

Although before Blackwell's arrival the planet produced starfighters, after their ship manufacturing capabilities were expanded to include capital ships.

Technologically, M4 is as advanced and on par with the rest of the galaxy, the Core Worlds in particular.

Related Pages​


• [Location] M4-78 Environmental Safe Zone
• [Tech] U9-XX Droid
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