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SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2023
Reaction score



► 26
► Senko - Fiani
► 63” / 1.6m
► 120lbs / 54kg
► Yellow
► Black
► Corellia
► Female
► Five Syndicates
► Freelancer Pilot
► N/A


L’Arra’s early life was less than ideal, but not particularly bad. Her mother and father cared for her and loved her, despite her pitch black hair and fur. It was everyone else in the community that dragged her down. The kids bullied her for being cursed. The adults were more cordial, but their stares of displeasure weren’t lost on her. The idea that she’d carry on the familial legacy and take on the name Lightdancer was gone before she hit her teen years.

Luckily for L’Arra, Corellia is a big place, and as she grew older she explored what it had to offer. Her horizons broadened despite living in a traditional Fiani community. Even with a love for her family, a sense of independence grew within her.

That independence came to a head when she decided to leave Corellia, and her family, in search of something greater. A search that landed her, on her eighteenth birthday, in an Imperial Navy recruiting center. L’Arra wasted no time in signing the five year contract with an extra 7500 credit signing bonus. If she’d had that many credits back home she’d be considered rich!

She was trained, first how to be a good soldier and second how to be a pilot. Flying came naturally to her, like her home had been the cockpit of a starfighter all along. L’Arra was top cadet at her graduation, having beaten every instructor except one in simulated combat operations. So she was assigned a unit, issued a starfighter, and played her role in the Imperial Navy’s exploits.

By the time her five years were up, she’d flown too many sorties to count. Most were bombing runs or close air support, but a few where ship-to-ship dogfights. She’d earned her cocky attitude behind a pair of gold-trimmed aviators, but underneath it all she’d seen things she wish she never had.

Much like signing the recruitment papers, it didn’t take much thought to leave Imperial service at the end of her contract. She’d done her time, and it was time to let some other poor bastard do theirs. She used the credits she’d been saving in her career to buy a light freighter, naming it Lightdancer in memory of her family, and began picking up small transport jobs here and there.

It wasn’t long before she fell into the smuggling arena, fitting right in with most rings with her alcoholic vises and bad decisions. Turns out the things she saw in the Imperial Navy were nothing compared to what she saw in certain smuggling rings; the training and combat experience certainly helped though.


+ 1x AMS-8500 Light Freighter - The Lightdancer
+ 1x EZPhone
+ 1x EZPods
+ 1x Vibroblade
+ 1x AZ-1 Blaster Pistol
+ 1x EC-17 Holdout Blaster Pistol
+ 1x Busted up IG-87

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