[Interest Check] Rebuilding the Pyke Syndicate


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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One of the great things about @Versok decision to do terrible things to the people of Mon Cala has been the increase in activity across the Five Syndicates. With the Hutts (in the form of me, @Cinderella @Mockingjay @Wit and @Die Shize) back in business, there's also been an increase in interest for one of the more violent groups within the group - the Pyke Syndicate.

A small group of us (@Tom @LouJoVi and myself) are most likely making a little gang of Pykes, to roleplay out the effects of the family losing the spice mines of Kessel, and other key locations. We'd like to try and rebuild the group, and then go on the offensive - which is why I am posting this interest check!

Are you interested in being part of a roleplay group that seeks to rebuild the largest drug cartel in the Star Wars Universe? If so, this is the place to sign up!

What are we looking for?

We are looking for several different 'types' of character. Firstly, we are looking for more members of the infamous Pyke species to come on board and join the core group of players, who will be working on finding new narcotics, producing them, and building up supplies (weapons & ships) to expand the families turf and push out the competition.

We are also looking for smugglers, gunmen and more, to get the product our group shall make, out there to the wider galaxy. Basically, we make it, smugglers move it, and other crime groups probably sell it.

What's the goal?

In the short term, to get some new operations up and running, and carve out some turf for the Pykes. This will be used to fuel a rearming of the Pykes, with the end goal of reclaiming Kessel, and the other spice worlds, through a direct invasion.

So what are you waiting for?

If you want to join our little team, and throw in your lot with the sites next* biggest drug cartel, let me know below, on discord, or through a carrier pigeon.


Die Shize

The Laughing Man
SWRP Writer
Jul 25, 2010
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@Jon Dromon can serve as a gunman. He’s primarily a bounty hunter but that can mean different things.

As I told Norb I MAY make a Pyke but not sure how active mine would be. If nothing else they could be a tool to help facilitate things no matter how active I am with the character overall. 🤔

Die Shize

The Laughing Man
SWRP Writer
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
A new challenger appears !
