Code & Character Sheet Templates


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Yo, I put together this thread to help those who aren't savvy at the sites code. I'm completely self taught and learned what I have by spending hours dissecting character profiles I've liked in the past and wanted to offer a way for people on the site to do the same. All of the profiles below are free to use without asking. The only thing I ask is that you leave the "Template by Zaypat" on the templates that have it.

To help those trying to learn I'm going to put all of the code used and what they do. I know there are a few posts with this info, but I wanted to basically make a one stop shop for all things code. Of course I'll link any threads that I find helpful.

Also, complements are encouraged. :D

Basic Code




The three above are super straight forward. Each alters the look of words within the code. I use Bold and Italics constantly, not only to pretty up my profiles, but also to help add extra emotion or feeling to a post. I don't use Underline very often. If you use the URL code it auto underlines things so keep that in mind when you're using it.


This code is great for showing an edit or being snarky. lol. I don't personally use it, but it's a fun code to whip out when you wanna add something fun to a post.


[URL=]Link to a page.[/URL]

For more info on the above I recommend checking this post out by the amazing @Vosrik. In this post Vosrik covers changing font's and color. With it being laid out so well in their post I didn't see a need to cover it here.

Font Size

[SIZE="1"]Font sizing.[/size]

[EXSIZE=12]Font Sizing.[/EXSIZE]
This font size is great for finding the font that's just right for whatever your trying to do. It gives you way more control thank the regular size code and is the one I use most. Both work and both have instances where they work better than the other.

Text Alignment

[CENTER]Alignment - Center[/CENTER]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.​

[LEFT]Alignment - Left[/LEFT]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.​

[RIGHT]Alignment - Right[/RIGHT]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.​

[JUSTIFY]Alignment - Justify[/JUSTIFY]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.


Float is a really cool tool that allows you to drop pictures into text. It can be used in other ways, but this is the main way it will be seen on this site.
[float_right][img]image link[/img][/float_right]Filler text that will display the text bending around the picture.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.

Sed finibus, lectus a sagittis aliquam, nulla orci ullamcorper dolor, vel tempor lacus enim id mauris. In sit amet eros imperdiet neque feugiat euismod. Praesent et ipsum eget justo semper molestie in at odio. Curabitur fringilla fringilla nulla ut ultricies. Sed pharetra posuere dapibus. Nulla ullamcorper augue in dignissim tincidunt. Sed pulvinar sem ut placerat ultrices. Nullam pretium aliquet elit nec sollicitudin. Curabitur lectus mi, varius nec magna in, finibus cursus est. Maecenas luctus placerat congue. Ut non sem dignissim, pulvinar urna non, rutrum magna.

[float_left]][img]image link[/img][/float_left]Filler text that will display the text bending around the picture.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.

Sed finibus, lectus a sagittis aliquam, nulla orci ullamcorper dolor, vel tempor lacus enim id mauris. In sit amet eros imperdiet neque feugiat euismod. Praesent et ipsum eget justo semper molestie in at odio. Curabitur fringilla fringilla nulla ut ultricies. Sed pharetra posuere dapibus. Nulla ullamcorper augue in dignissim tincidunt. Sed pulvinar sem ut placerat ultrices. Nullam pretium aliquet elit nec sollicitudin. Curabitur lectus mi, varius nec magna in, finibus cursus est. Maecenas luctus placerat congue. Ut non sem dignissim, pulvinar urna non, rutrum magna.


Example. Hover your mouse cursor over this text.

Anchor (A.K.A The table of contents code)
[JUMPTO=anchor_1]Anchor link[/JUMPTO]
[ANAME=anchor_1]Anchor destination[/ANAME]
This code actually requires two parts which can be confusing for those new to this feature. The JUMPTO code is what sends the viewer to the anchor. The anchor is established by the ANAME code. When put together correctly one can create a thread that's really long but, gives the reader the ability to jump around quickly without needing to manually scroll. It's also a fancy feature. lol 10/10 am using it in this thread.


  • Example1
  • Example2
  • Example3

  1. Example1
  2. Example2
  3. Example3

List is one of my favorite codes to use when working on a profile. It's a really versatile code that can be manipulated to create some cool effects. Also, that maybe the nerdiest thing I've ever wrote... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Google Fonts

Google fonts are back! But they're a little funky right now. The code to use a google fonts is:

[gfont=font name] CONTENT [/gfont]

Be very careful when using this code. I've run into two little glitches with it. The first one seems to interfere with the preview function. The second completely deletes your code. If you want to use Google fonts I'd wait until you've completely finished the code you're working on and then add in the code. Be sure to copy your code before you hit save just in case. I'll update this once it's all sorted. I know @Aberforth is aware so I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.

[TR][TH]TH example[/TH][TH]This is a header cell.[/TH][/TR]
[TR][TD]TR example[/TD][TD]This is a default row.[/TD][/TR]
TH exampleThis is a header cell.
TR exampleThis is a default row.
This is a basic example of a table. It utilizes the Header code (TH) in the top section and then uses the regular row code in the second section. Thats where the color difference comes from. There are two other colors you can use by changing The TR to TR1, or TR2.


[TR1][TD]TH example[/TD][TD]This is a header cell.[/TD][/TR1]
[TR2][TD]TR example[/TD][TD]This is a default row.[/TD][/TR2]


Boxes on this site are the main way to lay the foundation for anything from your latest character profile to a planet submission. They keep things in order and allow us to dictate how big or small our submissions are. There are two different ways to control the size of boxes on the site: Percentage, and Pixel size. Percentage (%) is based on the current screen the box is being viewed from. % is the best when one is using a very simple layout. In my opinion, % allows for content to be easily read on both your computer and a mobile. Pixel is based on how many pixels wide you want the box to be. This size, once set, will not mold to the size of the screen the box is being viewed on. Mobile users will find that some pages cant full be viewed because their screen simply isn't big enough. Computer Master-race! FTW!! :D

There are three normal box styles and two special box styles. I will not be displaying every version of each box, but I will provide the code needed to use them and a brief description of the variation.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.

The Abox is transparent. It's perfect for tightening up posts, or sizing pictures for your layout.
Abox Variations:
  • abox, transparent box
  • abox2, transparent box w/border
  • abox3, transparent box, centered
  • abox4, transparent box, centered w/border


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.

  • cbox, darkest box
  • cbox2, darkest box w/border
  • cbox3, darkest box, centered
  • cbox4, darkest box, centered w/border

Special Boxes

These boxes are uniquely acting boxes that add extra style or creativity to a post/profile. The Fancy Box is a box that requires no size limit. It automatically stretches to the size of the screen it's on. Of course, it's size can be determined by another box. I use the abox to alter the size of my fancy boxes. The second special box is the PBOX. This code is really cool. It allows you to place a picture as the background of your box. It's become super popular recently so chances are you've seen it around.

Fancy Box

Example 1:
Example 2:

Example 1:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.

Example 2:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet nulla. Nullam aliquam justo sit amet mi finibus interdum. Donec dignissim varius convallis. Nullam vel justo sed justo varius facilisis. Ut et auctor sapien. Nam rhoncus orci eget luctus sodales. Suspendisse vitae massa id elit sagittis laoreet. Morbi quis fermentum ipsum. Sed tristique vestibulum dolor, ut elementum odio. Suspendisse eu ante sem.

  • fancybox, box with single border
  • fancybox2, box with double borders
  • fancybox3, box with single border & image
  • fancybox4, box with double borders & image


This box is covered extensively in Vosrik's post because of that I won't go over it here. If you have questions feel free to ask. :)

Tabs, Column, & Etc.

Both of these brand new codes are amazing and really simplify the profile creation process. To learn more about them and the other super helpful things that have been added check out Aberforth's post. It gives you all the info needed to utilize the code effectively. Of course, if you have questions, I'm happy to help however I can. ;D

Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet binks antilles windu dantooine skywalker antilles yavin skywalker mandalore calamari. Windu kashyyyk lobot chewbacca. Wookiee jabba calrissian leia luuke jade vader kenobi sebulba. Organa ahsoka yoda droid r2-d2. Coruscant antilles tusken raider endor mon antilles obi-wan. Jar ackbar fett hutt amidala mara. Grievous grievous skywalker binks windu dagobah jinn jar skywalker. Palpatine moff bothan padmé yoda calrissian ponda. Antilles hutt skywalker baba greedo fett kenobi organa.

R2-d2 watto ponda darth moff yoda ben. Wicket moff darth moff. Hutt lars antilles jar. Lobot yoda antilles wedge. Skywalker kit luke padmé antilles. Jar ewok palpatine dagobah darth aayla ackbar yoda. Obi-wan hutt thrawn skywalker tatooine moff. Greedo lando solo luke. Chewbacca wicket fisto skywalker antilles. Solo mustafar watto obi-wan tatooine. Mace jawa lars cade qui-gonn skywalker owen. Darth solo mon qui-gonn organa windu. Moff hutt zabrak dagobah maul chewbacca. Ewok moff darth ackbar lars binks.

Jawa k-3po droid moff kenobi calamari yoda aayla. Moff organa wookiee padmé. Dooku darth skywalker darth. Ponda owen jar antilles dantooine obi-wan jar vader. Dantooine solo amidala skywalker sith lando. Solo darth kessel moff wampa endor organa. Amidala vader antilles skywalker jango moff solo moff. K-3po jade droid solo jar. Kit hutt yoda jabba. Maul qui-gonn coruscant jar skywalker mara. Yavin yavin biggs coruscant grievous fett. K-3po darth anakin chewbacca binks skywalker kit darth darth. Hutt jabba wedge yavin calrissian jabba.

Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet binks antilles windu dantooine skywalker antilles yavin skywalker mandalore calamari. Windu kashyyyk lobot chewbacca. Wookiee jabba calrissian leia luuke jade vader kenobi sebulba. Organa ahsoka yoda droid r2-d2. Coruscant antilles tusken raider endor mon antilles obi-wan. Jar ackbar fett hutt amidala mara. Grievous grievous skywalker binks windu dagobah jinn jar skywalker. Palpatine moff bothan padmé yoda calrissian ponda. Antilles hutt skywalker baba greedo fett kenobi organa.

R2-d2 watto ponda darth moff yoda ben. Wicket moff darth moff. Hutt lars antilles jar. Lobot yoda antilles wedge. Skywalker kit luke padmé antilles. Jar ewok palpatine dagobah darth aayla ackbar yoda. Obi-wan hutt thrawn skywalker tatooine moff. Greedo lando solo luke. Chewbacca wicket fisto skywalker antilles. Solo mustafar watto obi-wan tatooine. Mace jawa lars cade qui-gonn skywalker owen. Darth solo mon qui-gonn organa windu. Moff hutt zabrak dagobah maul chewbacca. Ewok moff darth ackbar lars binks.

Jawa k-3po droid moff kenobi calamari yoda aayla. Moff organa wookiee padmé. Dooku darth skywalker darth. Ponda owen jar antilles dantooine obi-wan jar vader. Dantooine solo amidala skywalker sith lando. Solo darth kessel moff wampa endor organa. Amidala vader antilles skywalker jango moff solo moff. K-3po jade droid solo jar. Kit hutt yoda jabba. Maul qui-gonn coruscant jar skywalker mara. Yavin yavin biggs coruscant grievous fett. K-3po darth anakin chewbacca binks skywalker kit darth darth. Hutt jabba wedge yavin calrissian jabba.

TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)

[center][exsize=50][color=white][glow="Grey"]Character Name[/glow][/color][/exsize][/center]

[justify]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet binks antilles windu dantooine skywalker antilles yavin skywalker mandalore calamari. Windu kashyyyk lobot chewbacca. Wookiee jabba calrissian leia luuke jade vader kenobi sebulba. Organa ahsoka yoda droid r2-d2. Coruscant antilles tusken raider endor mon antilles obi-wan. Jar ackbar fett hutt amidala mara. Grievous grievous skywalker binks windu dagobah jinn jar skywalker. Palpatine moff bothan padmé yoda calrissian ponda. Antilles hutt skywalker baba greedo fett kenobi organa.

R2-d2 watto ponda darth moff yoda ben. Wicket moff darth moff. Hutt lars antilles jar. Lobot yoda antilles wedge. Skywalker kit luke padmé antilles. Jar ewok palpatine dagobah darth aayla ackbar yoda. Obi-wan hutt thrawn skywalker tatooine moff. Greedo lando solo luke. Chewbacca wicket fisto skywalker antilles. Solo mustafar watto obi-wan tatooine. Mace jawa lars cade qui-gonn skywalker owen. Darth solo mon qui-gonn organa windu. Moff hutt zabrak dagobah maul chewbacca. Ewok moff darth ackbar lars binks.

Jawa k-3po droid moff kenobi calamari yoda aayla. Moff organa wookiee padmé. Dooku darth skywalker darth. Ponda owen jar antilles dantooine obi-wan jar vader. Dantooine solo amidala skywalker sith lando. Solo darth kessel moff wampa endor organa. Amidala vader antilles skywalker jango moff solo moff. K-3po jade droid solo jar. Kit hutt yoda jabba. Maul qui-gonn coruscant jar skywalker mara. Yavin yavin biggs coruscant grievous fett. K-3po darth anakin chewbacca binks skywalker kit darth darth. Hutt jabba wedge yavin calrissian jabba.[/justify][/abox3][abox3=60%][cbox=99%][center][exsize=25][color=white][glow="Grey"]Header[/glow][/color][/exsize][/center]
[justify]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet binks antilles windu dantooine skywalker antilles yavin skywalker mandalore calamari. Windu kashyyyk lobot chewbacca. Wookiee jabba calrissian leia luuke jade vader kenobi sebulba. Organa ahsoka yoda droid r2-d2. Coruscant antilles tusken raider endor mon antilles obi-wan. Jar ackbar fett hutt amidala mara. Grievous grievous skywalker binks windu dagobah jinn jar skywalker. Palpatine moff bothan padmé yoda calrissian ponda. Antilles hutt skywalker baba greedo fett kenobi organa.

R2-d2 watto ponda darth moff yoda ben. Wicket moff darth moff. Hutt lars antilles jar. Lobot yoda antilles wedge. Skywalker kit luke padmé antilles. Jar ewok palpatine dagobah darth aayla ackbar yoda. Obi-wan hutt thrawn skywalker tatooine moff. Greedo lando solo luke. Chewbacca wicket fisto skywalker antilles. Solo mustafar watto obi-wan tatooine. Mace jawa lars cade qui-gonn skywalker owen. Darth solo mon qui-gonn organa windu. Moff hutt zabrak dagobah maul chewbacca. Ewok moff darth ackbar lars binks.

Jawa k-3po droid moff kenobi calamari yoda aayla. Moff organa wookiee padmé. Dooku darth skywalker darth. Ponda owen jar antilles dantooine obi-wan jar vader. Dantooine solo amidala skywalker sith lando. Solo darth kessel moff wampa endor organa. Amidala vader antilles skywalker jango moff solo moff. K-3po jade droid solo jar. Kit hutt yoda jabba. Maul qui-gonn coruscant jar skywalker mara. Yavin yavin biggs coruscant grievous fett. K-3po darth anakin chewbacca binks skywalker kit darth darth. Hutt jabba wedge yavin calrissian jabba.[/justify][/abox3][abox3=60%][cbox=99%][center][exsize=25][color=white][glow="Grey"]Threads[/glow][/color][/exsize][/center]
[justify][color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)[/justify][/abox3]


► XX​
► N/A​
► XX​
► XXX​
► Color​
► Color​
► Planet​
► XX, XY, XYZ​
► N/A​
► N/A​
► N/A​
Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.
Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.
Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.
Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.
  1. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status
  2. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status

[color=grey][b]AGE[/b][/color] [indent]► XX[/indent]
[color=grey][b]SPECIES[/b][/color] [indent]► N/A[/indent]
[color=grey][b]HEIGHT[/b][/color] [indent]► XX[/indent]
[color=grey][b]WEIGHT[/b][/color] [indent]► XXX[/indent]
[color=grey][b]EYE COLOR[/b][/color] [indent]► Color[/indent]
[color=grey][b]HAIR COLOR[/b][/color] [indent]► Color[/indent]
[color=grey][b]HOMEWORLD[/b][/color] [indent]► Planet[/indent]
[color=grey][b]GENDER[/b][/color] [indent]► XX, XY, XYZ[/indent]
[color=grey][b]FACTION[/b][/color] [indent]► N/A[/indent]
[color=grey][b]RANK[/b][/color] [indent]► N/A[/indent]
[color=grey][b]FORCE SENSITIVITY[/b][/color] [indent]► N/A[/indent][/exsize][/Font][/color][/justify][/abox3][/fancybox3][cbox3=500px][Font=calibri][b]BIOGRAPHY[/b][/font][/cbox3][cbox3=500px][justify][font=Verdana]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.[/font][/justify][/cbox3][Font=calibri][cbox3=500px][Font=calibri][b]Header[/b][/font][/cbox3][cbox3=500px][justify][font=verdana]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.[/font][/justify][/cbox3][cbox3=500px][Font=calibri][b]Header[/b][/font][/cbox3][cbox3=500px][justify][font=verdana]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.
[/font][/justify][/cbox3][cbox3=500px][Font=calibri][b]Header[/b][/font][/cbox3][cbox3=500px][justify][font=verdana]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet besalisk saché zuckuss calamari windu lobot polis iktotchi quelli lars. Vedder wedge beru gerb. Porkins su colton thistleborn aparo arvel ev-9d9 joelle. Chommell xizor evazan devaronian veers. Biggs zuggs jabba opress moor teek. Hutt gossam wicket ima-gun. Billaba hutt watto bren nien kael evazan bith. Thrella rotta winter whitesun stass hypori thrackan anomid. Whitesun mohc myneyrsh moff garm saesee calamari di calrissian. Oswaft thul dexter ti wicket. Raymus gado cathar lars miraluka durge.
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NAME: Name
AGE: Age
SPECIES: Species

FACTION: Faction
RANK: Rank/Job

HEIGHT: Height
WEIGHT: Weight

Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet dagobah gonk grievous kenobi darth luuke k-3po binks mon luke. Yoda owen skywalker mace ben. Skywalker wicket naboo k-3po ahsoka. Wedge leia binks fett yoda darth skywalker. Wedge antilles solo darth darth hutt boba windu tatooine. Luke sebulba moff darth. Skywalker kashyyyk lobot bothan hutt secura endor jango skywalker. Darth thrawn skywalker ventress droid yavin luke. Dantooine jango han dantooine. Sidious moff jar wicket. Calrissian skywalker k-3po fett chewbacca mara.

Mon jar lars ahsoka dagobah. Wampa skywalker hutt fisto. Moff qui-gon jawa organa darth vader leia skywalker. Maul greedo lobot fett. Organa lando baba ahsoka jade droid tatooine skywalker. Tusken raider ackbar calamari darth. Moff utapau kashyyyk mustafar. Antilles mandalorians darth lando padmé skywalker moff mandalorians. Wedge binks calrissian palpatine tatooine. Coruscant mandalore darth qui-gon. Qui-gonn darth jango darth dooku moff. Jango ben greedo ackbar skywalker. Anakin binks alderaan fett secura mace amidala owen.

Alderaan organa lando skywalker alderaan windu boba. Watto baba tatooine dooku. Organa jabba solo chewbacca. Jawa wedge calrissian mon antilles leia. Antilles leia kessel moff moff thrawn luuke palpatine. Darth dantooine dantooine k-3po. Luke sith kenobi skywalker antilles skywalker solo kenobi. Tusken raider dantooine skywalker grievous darth. Skywalker skywalker solo calamari. Leia mustafar bespin palpatine hoth aayla gamorrean wedge. Bespin r2-d2 hutt skywalker mon ben leia chewbacca moff. Hutt leia wampa ewok sidious sith organa solo moff.

Boba greedo alderaan yavin mace skywalker mandalore darth sith. Yavin qui-gonn mace alderaan binks. Mara kenobi jabba solo owen antilles jade organa padmé. Kenobi darth skywalker solo skywalker mace skywalker organa thrawn. Ben windu sith baba wookiee cade wedge skywalker. Palpatine baba dooku skywalker lars binks ewok. Qui-gonn grievous organa hutt grievous mandalorians hutt kamino ben. Maul boba utapau darth organa coruscant. Calamari mara skywalker yoda. Sidious padmé hutt dantooine jango. Wicket jar ewok skywalker mothma mon chewbacca yavin grievous.

Darth wicket ben luuke maul wedge. Darth twi'lek endor endor watto antilles. Secura ben mara fett owen antilles ben organa. Solo mara obi-wan solo. Jade jabba cade cade darth. Yoda tatooine kenobi ventress k-3po padmé calrissian luuke. Dantooine ackbar jabba darth kashyyyk wampa. Skywalker antilles kessel solo twi'lek c-3p0 darth. Anakin yoda binks dagobah anakin mandalorians coruscant baba. Solo kessel baba darth darth skywalker. Tatooine ewok yoda hutt jabba moff qui-gonn hutt kashyyyk. Gonk jabba naboo zabrak mon qui-gon organa.


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet dagobah gonk grievous kenobi darth luuke k-3po binks mon luke. Yoda owen skywalker mace ben. Skywalker wicket naboo k-3po ahsoka. Wedge leia binks fett yoda darth skywalker. Wedge antilles solo darth darth hutt boba windu tatooine. Luke sebulba moff darth. Skywalker kashyyyk lobot bothan hutt secura endor jango skywalker. Darth thrawn skywalker ventress droid yavin luke. Dantooine jango han dantooine. Sidious moff jar wicket. Calrissian skywalker k-3po fett chewbacca mara.

Mon jar lars ahsoka dagobah. Wampa skywalker hutt fisto. Moff qui-gon jawa organa darth vader leia skywalker. Maul greedo lobot fett. Organa lando baba ahsoka jade droid tatooine skywalker. Tusken raider ackbar calamari darth. Moff utapau kashyyyk mustafar. Antilles mandalorians darth lando padmé skywalker moff mandalorians. Wedge binks calrissian palpatine tatooine. Coruscant mandalore darth qui-gon. Qui-gonn darth jango darth dooku moff. Jango ben greedo ackbar skywalker. Anakin binks alderaan fett secura mace amidala owen.

Alderaan organa lando skywalker alderaan windu boba. Watto baba tatooine dooku. Organa jabba solo chewbacca. Jawa wedge calrissian mon antilles leia. Antilles leia kessel moff moff thrawn luuke palpatine. Darth dantooine dantooine k-3po. Luke sith kenobi skywalker antilles skywalker solo kenobi. Tusken raider dantooine skywalker grievous darth. Skywalker skywalker solo calamari. Leia mustafar bespin palpatine hoth aayla gamorrean wedge. Bespin r2-d2 hutt skywalker mon ben leia chewbacca moff. Hutt leia wampa ewok sidious sith organa solo moff.

Boba greedo alderaan yavin mace skywalker mandalore darth sith. Yavin qui-gonn mace alderaan binks. Mara kenobi jabba solo owen antilles jade organa padmé. Kenobi darth skywalker solo skywalker mace skywalker organa thrawn. Ben windu sith baba wookiee cade wedge skywalker. Palpatine baba dooku skywalker lars binks ewok. Qui-gonn grievous organa hutt grievous mandalorians hutt kamino ben. Maul boba utapau darth organa coruscant. Calamari mara skywalker yoda. Sidious padmé hutt dantooine jango. Wicket jar ewok skywalker mothma mon chewbacca yavin grievous.

Darth wicket ben luuke maul wedge. Darth twi'lek endor endor watto antilles. Secura ben mara fett owen antilles ben organa. Solo mara obi-wan solo. Jade jabba cade cade darth. Yoda tatooine kenobi ventress k-3po padmé calrissian luuke. Dantooine ackbar jabba darth kashyyyk wampa. Skywalker antilles kessel solo twi'lek c-3p0 darth. Anakin yoda binks dagobah anakin mandalorians coruscant baba. Solo kessel baba darth darth skywalker. Tatooine ewok yoda hutt jabba moff qui-gonn hutt kashyyyk. Gonk jabba naboo zabrak mon qui-gon organa.





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[aname=GT_3][exsize=80][color=grey][font=Trajan Pro]Name[/font][/color][/exsize][/aname][/center][/abox3][abox3=575px][cbox4=575px][center][font=Trajan Pro]BIOGRAPHY[/font][/center][/cbox4]

[justify][size="2"][b][color=grey]NAME:[/color][/b] Name
[color=grey][b]AGE:[/b][/color] Age
[color=grey][b]SPECIES:[/b][/color] Species

[color=grey][b]FACTION:[/b][/color] Faction
[color=grey][b]RANK:[/b][/color] Rank/Job 

[color=grey][b]HEIGHT:[/b][/color] Height
[color=grey][b]WEIGHT:[/b] [/color] Weight
[color=grey][b]HAIR COLOR:[/b][/color] Color
[color=grey][b]EYE COLOR:[/b][/color] Color

[justify][font=Euphemia][exsize=11.4]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet dagobah gonk grievous kenobi darth luuke k-3po binks mon luke. Yoda owen skywalker mace ben. Skywalker wicket naboo k-3po ahsoka. Wedge leia binks fett yoda darth skywalker. Wedge antilles solo darth darth hutt boba windu tatooine. Luke sebulba moff darth. Skywalker kashyyyk lobot bothan hutt secura endor jango skywalker. Darth thrawn skywalker ventress droid yavin luke. Dantooine jango han dantooine. Sidious moff jar wicket. Calrissian skywalker k-3po fett chewbacca mara.

Mon jar lars ahsoka dagobah. Wampa skywalker hutt fisto. Moff qui-gon jawa organa darth vader leia skywalker. Maul greedo lobot fett. Organa lando baba ahsoka jade droid tatooine skywalker. Tusken raider ackbar calamari darth. Moff utapau kashyyyk mustafar. Antilles mandalorians darth lando padmé skywalker moff mandalorians. Wedge binks calrissian palpatine tatooine. Coruscant mandalore darth qui-gon. Qui-gonn darth jango darth dooku moff. Jango ben greedo ackbar skywalker. Anakin binks alderaan fett secura mace amidala owen.

Alderaan organa lando skywalker alderaan windu boba. Watto baba tatooine dooku. Organa jabba solo chewbacca. Jawa wedge calrissian mon antilles leia. Antilles leia kessel moff moff thrawn luuke palpatine. Darth dantooine dantooine k-3po. Luke sith kenobi skywalker antilles skywalker solo kenobi. Tusken raider dantooine skywalker grievous darth. Skywalker skywalker solo calamari. Leia mustafar bespin palpatine hoth aayla gamorrean wedge. Bespin r2-d2 hutt skywalker mon ben leia chewbacca moff. Hutt leia wampa ewok sidious sith organa solo moff.

Boba greedo alderaan yavin mace skywalker mandalore darth sith. Yavin qui-gonn mace alderaan binks. Mara kenobi jabba solo owen antilles jade organa padmé. Kenobi darth skywalker solo skywalker mace skywalker organa thrawn. Ben windu sith baba wookiee cade wedge skywalker. Palpatine baba dooku skywalker lars binks ewok. Qui-gonn grievous organa hutt grievous mandalorians hutt kamino ben. Maul boba utapau darth organa coruscant. Calamari mara skywalker yoda. Sidious padmé hutt dantooine jango. Wicket jar ewok skywalker mothma mon chewbacca yavin grievous.

Darth wicket ben luuke maul wedge. Darth twi'lek endor endor watto antilles. Secura ben mara fett owen antilles ben organa. Solo mara obi-wan solo. Jade jabba cade cade darth. Yoda tatooine kenobi ventress k-3po padmé calrissian luuke. Dantooine ackbar jabba darth kashyyyk wampa. Skywalker antilles kessel solo twi'lek c-3p0 darth. Anakin yoda binks dagobah anakin mandalorians coruscant baba. Solo kessel baba darth darth skywalker. Tatooine ewok yoda hutt jabba moff qui-gonn hutt kashyyyk. Gonk jabba naboo zabrak mon qui-gon organa.[/exsize][/font][/justify][/abox3]
[abox3=575px][cbox4=575px][center][font=Trajan Pro]PERSONALITY[/font][/center][/cbox4]

[abox=180px][size=2][center][color=grey][b]PRACTICAL SKILLS[/b][/color][/center][/size][TABLE]
[size=1]Invest.[/size][/center][/TD][/TR][/TABLE][/abox][abox=180px][size=2][center][color=grey][b]COMBAT SKILLS[/b][/color][/center][/size][TABLE]
[size=1]Espionage[/size][/center][/TD][/TR][/TABLE][/abox][/cbox2][/float_left][justify][font=Euphemia][exsize=11.4]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet dagobah gonk grievous kenobi darth luuke k-3po binks mon luke. Yoda owen skywalker mace ben. Skywalker wicket naboo k-3po ahsoka. Wedge leia binks fett yoda darth skywalker. Wedge antilles solo darth darth hutt boba windu tatooine. Luke sebulba moff darth. Skywalker kashyyyk lobot bothan hutt secura endor jango skywalker. Darth thrawn skywalker ventress droid yavin luke. Dantooine jango han dantooine. Sidious moff jar wicket. Calrissian skywalker k-3po fett chewbacca mara.

Mon jar lars ahsoka dagobah. Wampa skywalker hutt fisto. Moff qui-gon jawa organa darth vader leia skywalker. Maul greedo lobot fett. Organa lando baba ahsoka jade droid tatooine skywalker. Tusken raider ackbar calamari darth. Moff utapau kashyyyk mustafar. Antilles mandalorians darth lando padmé skywalker moff mandalorians. Wedge binks calrissian palpatine tatooine. Coruscant mandalore darth qui-gon. Qui-gonn darth jango darth dooku moff. Jango ben greedo ackbar skywalker. Anakin binks alderaan fett secura mace amidala owen.

Alderaan organa lando skywalker alderaan windu boba. Watto baba tatooine dooku. Organa jabba solo chewbacca. Jawa wedge calrissian mon antilles leia. Antilles leia kessel moff moff thrawn luuke palpatine. Darth dantooine dantooine k-3po. Luke sith kenobi skywalker antilles skywalker solo kenobi. Tusken raider dantooine skywalker grievous darth. Skywalker skywalker solo calamari. Leia mustafar bespin palpatine hoth aayla gamorrean wedge. Bespin r2-d2 hutt skywalker mon ben leia chewbacca moff. Hutt leia wampa ewok sidious sith organa solo moff.

Boba greedo alderaan yavin mace skywalker mandalore darth sith. Yavin qui-gonn mace alderaan binks. Mara kenobi jabba solo owen antilles jade organa padmé. Kenobi darth skywalker solo skywalker mace skywalker organa thrawn. Ben windu sith baba wookiee cade wedge skywalker. Palpatine baba dooku skywalker lars binks ewok. Qui-gonn grievous organa hutt grievous mandalorians hutt kamino ben. Maul boba utapau darth organa coruscant. Calamari mara skywalker yoda. Sidious padmé hutt dantooine jango. Wicket jar ewok skywalker mothma mon chewbacca yavin grievous.

Darth wicket ben luuke maul wedge. Darth twi'lek endor endor watto antilles. Secura ben mara fett owen antilles ben organa. Solo mara obi-wan solo. Jade jabba cade cade darth. Yoda tatooine kenobi ventress k-3po padmé calrissian luuke. Dantooine ackbar jabba darth kashyyyk wampa. Skywalker antilles kessel solo twi'lek c-3p0 darth. Anakin yoda binks dagobah anakin mandalorians coruscant baba. Solo kessel baba darth darth skywalker. Tatooine ewok yoda hutt jabba moff qui-gonn hutt kashyyyk. Gonk jabba naboo zabrak mon qui-gon organa.     
[abox3=575px][cbox4=575px][center][font=Trajan Pro]LEGACY[/font][/center][/cbox4]




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Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
NAME: Character Name
AGE: 100


FORCE: Maybe


  • Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet padmé calamari coruscant baba solo darth alderaan jabba darth amidala. Dagobah luke ben organa leia tusken raider solo. Bothan darth vader tatooine amidala darth. Maul darth leia ben chewbacca kenobi moff. Owen owen moff ventress kessel ponda. Sidious kessel coruscant kamino utapau. Wampa mara jango yoda leia sidious cade leia windu. Cade darth ahsoka yoda skywalker endor chewbacca endor. Hutt mace dooku antilles solo solo c-3p0 calamari skywalker. Boba darth hutt chewbacca grievous.
  • Antilles jabba sebulba darth alderaan moff. Thrawn organa maul skywalker solo boba secura padmé luuke. Obi-wan wookiee mon hutt skywalker tatooine. Ventress fett c-3po jabba. Mon obi-wan yavin k-3po utapau. Organa jade ackbar greedo grievous palpatine sith. Jabba zabrak c-3po zabrak organa mace sidious secura. Cade biggs aayla darth jinn anakin solo solo. Kenobi mace hutt calrissian dagobah solo organa. Chewbacca coruscant solo kashyyyk dagobah. Obi-wan darth hoth darth chewbacca. Endor vader dooku sith.
  • Solo organa yoda solo tatooine c-3po. Jar mon chewbacca kenobi solo gamorrean solo organa. Mace jango zabrak skywalker jabba wookiee jade dantooine. Binks skywalker lobot boba darth moff. Fisto darth skywalker wedge alderaan. Yavin palpatine mon mon qui-gonn obi-wan yavin dantooine palpatine. Kit qui-gonn coruscant palpatine skywalker hutt yavin. Skywalker mara moff moff skywalker jango palpatine. Amidala hutt k-3po wedge dantooine chewbacca cade windu. Sebulba moff jade k-3po bothan. Grievous solo maul hutt leia fett kenobi.
  • TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
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  • .
Template by @ZayPat

[abox3=45%][float_right][img][/img][/float_right][justify][size=3][color="grey"][glow=black][b]NAME:[/b][/glow][/color] Character Name
[color="grey"][glow=black][b]AGE:[/b][/glow][/color] 100
[color="grey"][glow=black][b]SPECIES:[/b][/glow][/color] Alien

[color="grey"][b]FACTION:[/b][/color] Open
[color="grey"][b]RANK:[/b][/color] DA BOSS

[color="grey"][b]HEIGHT:[/b][/color] Tall
[color="grey"][b]WEIGHT:[/b] [/color] Fat
[color="grey"][b]HAIR COLOR:[/b][/color] What?
[color="grey"][b]EYE COLOR:[/b][/color] N/A
[color="grey"][b]FORCE:[/b][/color] Maybe

[abox3=60%][Tabs][Tab=Biography][justify]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet padmé calamari coruscant baba solo darth alderaan jabba darth amidala. Dagobah luke ben organa leia tusken raider solo. Bothan darth vader tatooine amidala darth. Maul darth leia ben chewbacca kenobi moff. Owen owen moff ventress kessel ponda. Sidious kessel coruscant kamino utapau. Wampa mara jango yoda leia sidious cade leia windu. Cade darth ahsoka yoda skywalker endor chewbacca endor. Hutt mace dooku antilles solo solo c-3p0 calamari skywalker. Boba darth hutt chewbacca grievous.[/justify][/tab][tab=Appearance][justify]Antilles jabba sebulba darth alderaan moff. Thrawn organa maul skywalker solo boba secura padmé luuke. Obi-wan wookiee mon hutt skywalker tatooine. Ventress fett c-3po jabba. Mon obi-wan yavin k-3po utapau. Organa jade ackbar greedo grievous palpatine sith. Jabba zabrak c-3po zabrak organa mace sidious secura. Cade biggs aayla darth jinn anakin solo solo. Kenobi mace hutt calrissian dagobah solo organa. Chewbacca coruscant solo kashyyyk dagobah. Obi-wan darth hoth darth chewbacca. Endor vader dooku sith.[/justify][/tab][tab=Personality][justify]Solo organa yoda solo tatooine c-3po. Jar mon chewbacca kenobi solo gamorrean solo organa. Mace jango zabrak skywalker jabba wookiee jade dantooine. Binks skywalker lobot boba darth moff. Fisto darth skywalker wedge alderaan. Yavin palpatine mon mon qui-gonn obi-wan yavin dantooine palpatine. Kit qui-gonn coruscant palpatine skywalker hutt yavin. Skywalker mara moff moff skywalker jango palpatine. Amidala hutt k-3po wedge dantooine chewbacca cade windu. Sebulba moff jade k-3po bothan. Grievous solo maul hutt leia fett kenobi.[/justify][/tab][Tab=Threads][justify][color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
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[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)[/justify][/tab][tab=Close][color=transparent].[/color][/tab][/tabs][right][size=1][color=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/color][/size][/right][/abox3]

XXXX FILE #000000

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  • Password:********

    Clearence Verified

    • What!? Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. Dantooine. They're on Dantooine. Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this?

      Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? As you wish. I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan-- I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan--

      I find your lack of faith disturbing. I call it luck. A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

      No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly… You mean it controls your actions? Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away!
    • Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. I call it luck. Red Five standing by. All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, ain't it?

      Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money. Red Five standing by. Don't act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.

      What?! He is here. Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. As you wish.

      Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? Red Five standing by. As you wish.

      No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly… I'm trying not to, kid. Red Five standing by. All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, ain't it?all the content!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. I call it luck.

      No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly… You're all clear, kid. Let's blow this thing and go home! Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly…

      Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

      Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful Force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense. Partially, but it also obeys your commands.
    • ........
Template by @ZayPat

[center][aname=Anchor_2][exsize=36][font=Agency fb][color=#1975ff]The Wrap-sheet[/color][/font][/exsize][/aname][/center]
[abox3=485px][border3=grey][abox=455px][fancybox3=][center][img]][/img][/center][abox3=380px][TABLE][TR][TH][font="courier new"]XXXX FILE #000000[/font][/TH][/TR][TR][TH][font="courier new"]CHARACTER NAME[/font][/TH][/TR][/table][/abox3][/fancybox3]

[tabs][tab=Welcome][color=transparent].............[/color][/tab][tab=Sign in][color=white]Password:********
Clearence Verified
[color=lime][b]ACCESS GRANTED[/b][/color][tabs]

[tab=Info][justify][color=white]What!? Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. Dantooine. They're on Dantooine. Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this?

Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? As you wish. I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan-- I don't know what you're talking about. I am a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan--

I find your lack of faith disturbing. I call it luck. A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. I find your lack of faith disturbing.

No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly… You mean it controls your actions? Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. You are a part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take her away![/color][/justify][/tab]
[tab=Descrip.][justify][color=white]Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. I call it luck. Red Five standing by. All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, ain't it?

Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money. Red Five standing by. Don't act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you.

What?! He is here. Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you. As you wish.

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? Red Five standing by. As you wish.

No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly… I'm trying not to, kid. Red Five standing by. All right. Well, take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, ain't it?all the content!!!!!!!!!!!!![/color][/justify][/tab]
[tab=Personality][justify][color=white]Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this? A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. I call it luck.

No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly… You're all clear, kid. Let's blow this thing and go home! Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them. No! Alderaan is peaceful. We have no weapons. You can't possibly…

Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful Force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense. Partially, but it also obeys your commands.[/color][/justify][/tab]
[/tabs][/tab][/tabs][/abox][/border3][right][size=1][color=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/color][/size][/right][/abox3]

Last edited:


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score


NAME: Damon Kross
AGE: 100


FORCE: Maybe


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet qui-gonn antilles dagobah darth mon moff obi-wan organa wampa yavin. Darth grievous qui-gon palpatine mothma organa yoda. Baba dooku moff secura kessel kashyyyk. Kessel kenobi fett ackbar bothan r2-d2. Hutt mace jar dagobah. Ponda fett gamorrean binks dantooine coruscant organa r2-d2. Solo zabrak windu coruscant. Boba darth jango wedge coruscant wedge amidala. Leia darth skywalker tusken raider amidala mace. Kessel qui-gon darth hutt. Moff jabba utapau thrawn dagobah grievous vader jabba.

Darth kamino wedge skywalker darth wedge. R2-d2 ewok mon kessel leia mace organa solo qui-gon. Darth utapau antilles jade c-3po ben palpatine sebulba lando. Kenobi solo qui-gon tatooine droid baba tusken raider antilles. Kenobi darth leia moff jinn calrissian han kit darth. Tatooine skywalker darth wookiee. Dagobah ben leia kessel padmé twi'lek darth. Ben windu yoda kessel kessel. Skywalker organa biggs hutt calamari windu. Biggs mon darth mon. Dooku antilles greedo utapau sebulba skywalker mon organa.

Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet qui-gonn antilles dagobah darth mon moff obi-wan organa wampa yavin. Darth grievous qui-gon palpatine mothma organa yoda. Baba dooku moff secura kessel kashyyyk. Kessel kenobi fett ackbar bothan r2-d2. Hutt mace jar dagobah. Ponda fett gamorrean binks dantooine coruscant organa r2-d2. Solo zabrak windu coruscant. Boba darth jango wedge coruscant wedge amidala. Leia darth skywalker tusken raider amidala mace. Kessel qui-gon darth hutt. Moff jabba utapau thrawn dagobah grievous vader jabba.

Darth kamino wedge skywalker darth wedge. R2-d2 ewok mon kessel leia mace organa solo qui-gon. Darth utapau antilles jade c-3po ben palpatine sebulba lando. Kenobi solo qui-gon tatooine droid baba tusken raider antilles. Kenobi darth leia moff jinn calrissian han kit darth. Tatooine skywalker darth wookiee. Dagobah ben leia kessel padmé twi'lek darth. Ben windu yoda kessel kessel. Skywalker organa biggs hutt calamari windu. Biggs mon darth mon. Dooku antilles greedo utapau sebulba skywalker mon organa.

Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet qui-gonn antilles dagobah darth mon moff obi-wan organa wampa yavin. Darth grievous qui-gon palpatine mothma organa yoda. Baba dooku moff secura kessel kashyyyk. Kessel kenobi fett ackbar bothan r2-d2. Hutt mace jar dagobah. Ponda fett gamorrean binks dantooine coruscant organa r2-d2. Solo zabrak windu coruscant. Boba darth jango wedge coruscant wedge amidala. Leia darth skywalker tusken raider amidala mace. Kessel qui-gon darth hutt. Moff jabba utapau thrawn dagobah grievous vader jabba.

Darth kamino wedge skywalker darth wedge. R2-d2 ewok mon kessel leia mace organa solo qui-gon. Darth utapau antilles jade c-3po ben palpatine sebulba lando. Kenobi solo qui-gon tatooine droid baba tusken raider antilles. Kenobi darth leia moff jinn calrissian han kit darth. Tatooine skywalker darth wookiee. Dagobah ben leia kessel padmé twi'lek darth. Ben windu yoda kessel kessel. Skywalker organa biggs hutt calamari windu. Biggs mon darth mon. Dooku antilles greedo utapau sebulba skywalker mon organa.


TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
TITLE — Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)

Template by @ZayPat

[size="2"][justify][color="grey"][glow=black][b]NAME:[/b][/glow][/color] Damon Kross
[color="grey"][glow=black][b]AGE:[/b][/glow][/color] 100
[color="grey"][glow=black][b]SPECIES:[/b][/glow][/color] Alien

[color="grey"][b]FACTION:[/b][/color] Open
[color="grey"][b]RANK:[/b][/color] DA BOSS

[color="grey"][b]HEIGHT:[/b][/color] Tall
[color="grey"][b]WEIGHT:[/b] [/color]Fat
[color="grey"][b]HAIR COLOR:[/b][/color] What?
[color="grey"][b]EYE COLOR:[/b][/color] N/A
[color="grey"][b]FORCE:[/b][/color] Maybe

[abox=88%][pbox3=][font=Mistral][color=grey][exsize=50]HEADER[/exsize][/color][/font][center][img][/img][/center][/pbox3][justify][font=Trebuchet ms][size=3]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet qui-gonn antilles dagobah darth mon moff obi-wan organa wampa yavin. Darth grievous qui-gon palpatine mothma organa yoda. Baba dooku moff secura kessel kashyyyk. Kessel kenobi fett ackbar bothan r2-d2. Hutt mace jar dagobah. Ponda fett gamorrean binks dantooine coruscant organa r2-d2. Solo zabrak windu coruscant. Boba darth jango wedge coruscant wedge amidala. Leia darth skywalker tusken raider amidala mace. Kessel qui-gon darth hutt. Moff jabba utapau thrawn dagobah grievous vader jabba.

Darth kamino wedge skywalker darth wedge. R2-d2 ewok mon kessel leia mace organa solo qui-gon. Darth utapau antilles jade c-3po ben palpatine sebulba lando. Kenobi solo qui-gon tatooine droid baba tusken raider antilles. Kenobi darth leia moff jinn calrissian han kit darth. Tatooine skywalker darth wookiee. Dagobah ben leia kessel padmé twi'lek darth. Ben windu yoda kessel kessel. Skywalker organa biggs hutt calamari windu. Biggs mon darth mon. Dooku antilles greedo utapau sebulba skywalker mon organa. 

[justify][font=Trebuchet ms][size=3]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet qui-gonn antilles dagobah darth mon moff obi-wan organa wampa yavin. Darth grievous qui-gon palpatine mothma organa yoda. Baba dooku moff secura kessel kashyyyk. Kessel kenobi fett ackbar bothan r2-d2. Hutt mace jar dagobah. Ponda fett gamorrean binks dantooine coruscant organa r2-d2. Solo zabrak windu coruscant. Boba darth jango wedge coruscant wedge amidala. Leia darth skywalker tusken raider amidala mace. Kessel qui-gon darth hutt. Moff jabba utapau thrawn dagobah grievous vader jabba.

Darth kamino wedge skywalker darth wedge. R2-d2 ewok mon kessel leia mace organa solo qui-gon. Darth utapau antilles jade c-3po ben palpatine sebulba lando. Kenobi solo qui-gon tatooine droid baba tusken raider antilles. Kenobi darth leia moff jinn calrissian han kit darth. Tatooine skywalker darth wookiee. Dagobah ben leia kessel padmé twi'lek darth. Ben windu yoda kessel kessel. Skywalker organa biggs hutt calamari windu. Biggs mon darth mon. Dooku antilles greedo utapau sebulba skywalker mon organa.[/size][/font][/justify][/abox]

[abox=88%][pbox3=][font=Mistral][color=grey][exsize=50]HEADER[/exsize][/color][/font][center][img][/img][/center][/pbox3][justify][font=Trebuchet ms][size=3]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet qui-gonn antilles dagobah darth mon moff obi-wan organa wampa yavin. Darth grievous qui-gon palpatine mothma organa yoda. Baba dooku moff secura kessel kashyyyk. Kessel kenobi fett ackbar bothan r2-d2. Hutt mace jar dagobah. Ponda fett gamorrean binks dantooine coruscant organa r2-d2. Solo zabrak windu coruscant. Boba darth jango wedge coruscant wedge amidala. Leia darth skywalker tusken raider amidala mace. Kessel qui-gon darth hutt. Moff jabba utapau thrawn dagobah grievous vader jabba.

Darth kamino wedge skywalker darth wedge. R2-d2 ewok mon kessel leia mace organa solo qui-gon. Darth utapau antilles jade c-3po ben palpatine sebulba lando. Kenobi solo qui-gon tatooine droid baba tusken raider antilles. Kenobi darth leia moff jinn calrissian han kit darth. Tatooine skywalker darth wookiee. Dagobah ben leia kessel padmé twi'lek darth. Ben windu yoda kessel kessel. Skywalker organa biggs hutt calamari windu. Biggs mon darth mon. Dooku antilles greedo utapau sebulba skywalker mon organa.      

[/TR][TR][TD] []Link[/url][/TD][/TR][TR][TD][color=grey][b]MISC.[/b][/color][/TD]
[justify][size=2][font=trebuchet ms]
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)[/font][/size][/justify][/pbox3]
[right][size=1][color=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/color][/size][/right][/abox][/abox3]


Character Name

► None
► Human

► Female
► 1.78m
► Slender
► Brown
► Brown
► Brown

► Shawken
► Jedi

► Confirmed

"So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." -Padmé Amidala


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet galen hutt feeorin moff jamillia frozarns ewok neti jango ric. Iblis lorth shaddaa ikrit dalonbian mace elom moor. Soontir noa lah binks alderaan. Spar hypori thul vaathkree antilles hutt aqualish allana garindan. Massans haruun ruwee letaki hutt sabé. Nomi dashade typho thistleborn winter hssis tsavong ablajeck. Beru nute himoran kashyyyk solo davin danni sebulba. Sarn nal rukh taun. Droch tchuukthai golda cabasshite massa isolder abrion. Quadrinaros metalorn mothma anakin r5-d4 zam darth.


Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mandalore sing gamorrean bel vurk thisspiasian desann yuuzhan rishi calrissian. Asajj cordé vima-da-boda tyranus cathar. Tavion falleen dressellian calrissian keyan. Antilles phlog droch klaatu mccool cathar. Finis tagge mara yarael. Rex jodo rhen asajj moor moore maarek. Dak yaka weequay omas polis woostoid monkey-lizard piett. Sunrider raymus neimoidia d8. Aparo dantooine wicket yavin tapani triclops walon rotta kyp. Naberrie fortuna defel han. Wilhuff ansion cb-99 mandalorians drall skirata ruwee.

Ahsoka mirax kamino kamino wirutid kyle skakoan frozarns. Chiss clawdite bibble rune. Darpa quadrinaros gavyn anakin organa maximilian mimbanite su darpa. Isard breha owen jobal darth rom jusik altyr. Latter ahsoka trioculus jax zam rex piett. Corran jango kitonak natasi ansionian windu daala hypori. Leia rishi togorian aqualish zam gizka. Gora joh jettster nunb snivvian palpatine. Zeltron jodo solo falleen skywalker ahsoka. Wedge naberrie duros beru watto sneevel dorvalla chadra-fan. Tono boss thakwaash tarkin jagged mon aayla pavan yané.

Valorum farlander solo neimoidian grodin utapau rugor kamino grodin. Sunrider ebe polis nunb zam hssis dengar togruta. Corellia sidious alderaan mace moddell massassi. Derlin allana terentatek yoda orrin. Skywalker rieekan gossam wessell cathar sanyassan lannik utapau lando. Yaddle mustafar paploo rendar ozzel yoda ackbar wicket ventress. Shawda quadrinaros tano naboo noa. Iblis kenobi kanos vuffi nahdar annoo nahdar gand rishi. Yowza nal kamino muun kendal zann. Sunrider wuher tharen moff nelvaanian borvo codru-ji boba.

Frozian altyr jubnuk mirax mandalorians talortai emtrey d8. Abyssin h'nemthean piell neimoidia obi-wan gonk. Yaddle jinn ooryl grodin tahiri kendal mara durge ansuroer. Woostoid solo nas omas greeata ponda qui-gonn. Aayla shaddaa moff valorum beru aparo. Ebe polis anzati thistleborn oppo monkey-lizard. Mirax skywalker droid kasan saché vong kwa tenel. Lars freedon wedge ismaren elom jabba. San organa darth aramandi. Auril cornelius jango pau'an nal reach evocii greedo. Thrella yoda dengar valorum fisto shi'ido croke derlin jamillia.



Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mandalore sing gamorrean bel vurk thisspiasian desann yuuzhan rishi calrissian. Asajj cordé vima-da-boda tyranus cathar. Tavion falleen dressellian calrissian keyan. Antilles phlog droch klaatu mccool cathar. Finis tagge mara yarael. Rex jodo rhen asajj moor moore maarek. Dak yaka weequay omas polis woostoid monkey-lizard piett. Sunrider raymus neimoidia d8. Aparo dantooine wicket yavin tapani triclops walon rotta kyp. Naberrie fortuna defel han. Wilhuff ansion cb-99 mandalorians drall skirata ruwee.

Ahsoka mirax kamino kamino wirutid kyle skakoan frozarns. Chiss clawdite bibble rune. Darpa quadrinaros gavyn anakin organa maximilian mimbanite su darpa. Isard breha owen jobal darth rom jusik altyr. Latter ahsoka trioculus jax zam rex piett. Corran jango kitonak natasi ansionian windu daala hypori. Leia rishi togorian aqualish zam gizka. Gora joh jettster nunb snivvian palpatine. Zeltron jodo solo falleen skywalker ahsoka. Wedge naberrie duros beru watto sneevel dorvalla chadra-fan. Tono boss thakwaash tarkin jagged mon aayla pavan yané.








Template by @ZayPat


[exsize=26]Character Name[/exsize]

► None
► Human

► Female
► 1.78m
► Slender
► Brown
► Brown
► Brown

► Shawken
► Jedi

► Confirmed

[center][size=2]"So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause." -Padmé Amidala

[justify]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet galen hutt feeorin moff jamillia frozarns ewok neti jango ric. Iblis lorth shaddaa ikrit dalonbian mace elom moor. Soontir noa lah binks alderaan. Spar hypori thul vaathkree antilles hutt aqualish allana garindan. Massans haruun ruwee letaki hutt sabé. Nomi dashade typho thistleborn winter hssis tsavong ablajeck. Beru nute himoran kashyyyk solo davin danni sebulba. Sarn nal rukh taun. Droch tchuukthai golda cabasshite massa isolder abrion. Quadrinaros metalorn mothma anakin r5-d4 zam darth.[/justify][/size][justify][/justify][/column][/abox3][abox3=600px][img][/img]

[column=2][justify]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mandalore sing gamorrean bel vurk thisspiasian desann yuuzhan rishi calrissian. Asajj cordé vima-da-boda tyranus cathar. Tavion falleen dressellian calrissian keyan. Antilles phlog droch klaatu mccool cathar. Finis tagge mara yarael. Rex jodo rhen asajj moor moore maarek. Dak yaka weequay omas polis woostoid monkey-lizard piett. Sunrider raymus neimoidia d8. Aparo dantooine wicket yavin tapani triclops walon rotta kyp. Naberrie fortuna defel han. Wilhuff ansion cb-99 mandalorians drall skirata ruwee.

Ahsoka mirax kamino kamino wirutid kyle skakoan frozarns. Chiss clawdite bibble rune. Darpa quadrinaros gavyn anakin organa maximilian mimbanite su darpa. Isard breha owen jobal darth rom jusik altyr. Latter ahsoka trioculus jax zam rex piett. Corran jango kitonak natasi ansionian windu daala hypori. Leia rishi togorian aqualish zam gizka. Gora joh jettster nunb snivvian palpatine. Zeltron jodo solo falleen skywalker ahsoka. Wedge naberrie duros beru watto sneevel dorvalla chadra-fan. Tono boss thakwaash tarkin jagged mon aayla pavan yané.

Valorum farlander solo neimoidian grodin utapau rugor kamino grodin. Sunrider ebe polis nunb zam hssis dengar togruta. Corellia sidious alderaan mace moddell massassi. Derlin allana terentatek yoda orrin. Skywalker rieekan gossam wessell cathar sanyassan lannik utapau lando. Yaddle mustafar paploo rendar ozzel yoda ackbar wicket ventress. Shawda quadrinaros tano naboo noa. Iblis kenobi kanos vuffi nahdar annoo nahdar gand rishi. Yowza nal kamino muun kendal zann. Sunrider wuher tharen moff nelvaanian borvo codru-ji boba.

Frozian altyr jubnuk mirax mandalorians talortai emtrey d8. Abyssin h'nemthean piell neimoidia obi-wan gonk. Yaddle jinn ooryl grodin tahiri kendal mara durge ansuroer. Woostoid solo nas omas greeata ponda qui-gonn. Aayla shaddaa moff valorum beru aparo. Ebe polis anzati thistleborn oppo monkey-lizard. Mirax skywalker droid kasan saché vong kwa tenel. Lars freedon wedge ismaren elom jabba. San organa darth aramandi. Auril cornelius jango pau'an nal reach evocii greedo. Thrella yoda dengar valorum fisto shi'ido croke derlin jamillia.[/justify][/column][/abox3]

[justify]Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet mandalore sing gamorrean bel vurk thisspiasian desann yuuzhan rishi calrissian. Asajj cordé vima-da-boda tyranus cathar. Tavion falleen dressellian calrissian keyan. Antilles phlog droch klaatu mccool cathar. Finis tagge mara yarael. Rex jodo rhen asajj moor moore maarek. Dak yaka weequay omas polis woostoid monkey-lizard piett. Sunrider raymus neimoidia d8. Aparo dantooine wicket yavin tapani triclops walon rotta kyp. Naberrie fortuna defel han. Wilhuff ansion cb-99 mandalorians drall skirata ruwee.

Ahsoka mirax kamino kamino wirutid kyle skakoan frozarns. Chiss clawdite bibble rune. Darpa quadrinaros gavyn anakin organa maximilian mimbanite su darpa. Isard breha owen jobal darth rom jusik altyr. Latter ahsoka trioculus jax zam rex piett. Corran jango kitonak natasi ansionian windu daala hypori. Leia rishi togorian aqualish zam gizka. Gora joh jettster nunb snivvian palpatine. Zeltron jodo solo falleen skywalker ahsoka. Wedge naberrie duros beru watto sneevel dorvalla chadra-fan. Tono boss thakwaash tarkin jagged mon aayla pavan yané.[/justify][/column][/abox3]






[img][/img][/column][/abox3][abox3=600px][img][/img][right][size=1][color=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/color][/size][/right][/abox3]
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