Battle Of BloodBorne Hollow


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2019
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Location: Bloodborne Hollow, Zanbar
Date: Late Winter, 7 ABY
Mandalorians: 947: 353 Rytts, 150 Clan Gar, 88 Clan Solus, 356 Clan Wren
Yariin Rytt
Tenjin Gar
Graaine Solus
Hetsu Wren
Finok Rytt
30 Fang-class Fighters, 20 Various others fighters,
7 J-1 Proton semi-autonomous Cannons in fortified positions,
IEDs of various kinds,
Entrenchments and
Entrenched heavy automatic Blasters
3 Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport/infantry laiden with explosives

Imperial remnant: 8,000 stormtroopers, 20,000 navel and vehicle operators
General Dennis Sylvester
Captain Ivan Ferris
10 AT-AT
20 AT-ST
48 Tie-fighters, various types
1 Imperial I class Star destroyer (The Imperial Revenge)

The Great Purge had reached its 3 year , Many Clans had made their escape but some had decided to hide out on Planets within the Sector, trying to scratch out an existence within secret. Among those who attempted to hide under the Empire's Nose were Clan Rytt, Clan Gar and cadet branches of Clan Wren and Clan Solus. Their small Settlement, known as BloodBorne Hollow, was home around 1035 Mandalorians with most of their dwellings, shops and places of worship consisting of Earthen longhouses made from the stone and sod cut from the marshes and swamps on Zanbar. They had dug fortifications into a rock formation, known formally as Fort Hope, to defend to settlement. Their existance was unknown, even to other Mandalorians and largely the only way to have become a settler was to have been on Zanbar during the time of the Purge.

First day of the battle:
The Imperial remnant arrived before dawn on the planet, its Scouts having reported of a large Mandalorian settlement. General Dennis Sylvester Radioed the settlement demanding the Mandalorians surrender and become his enlistees, producing Armor for his soldiers in return for their lives. The Mandalorians would refuse the offer, causing the General to deploy his units to the planet in an attempted show of force. The General insisted the ground forces would be enough to break the will of the Mandalorians, a critical error. The AT-AT's were deployed in the afternoon along with 8,000 stormtroopers. TIE fighters were scrambled once the Mandalorians deployed their Fang-class star fighters and a 3 hour long dog fight ensued with the Mandalorians coming out in top and routing the TIE squadrons. On the ground (eastern trenches) an attempt to push was made by storm troopers who wished to take advantage of The heavy mist. This attempt would end in disaster as the zealous war Chaplains of Clan Gar, led a counter attack under the command of Tenjin "katyise" Gar engaging storm troopers in close quarters combat with their beskads and scatter guns rather than allowing the troopers to gain a foothold. This counter charge would cause the troopers to route while under fire by the Mandalorians heavy blaster cannons and 2 of theirJ-1 semi-autonomous Cannons. This victory emboldened the Mandalorians and they would use the mist to harass imperial camps and sabotage their equipment throughout the night.

Second Day of the Battle:
The second day began with TIE Bombers attempting to bombard Fort Hopes postions. Another Dogfight began once the Fangs were again scrambled, this time, however, the Tie interceptors managed to come out victorious. This would lead up to a full assault by all imperial forces, with their heavy equipment leading the attack. The Mandalorians J-1s would manage to achieve multiple major strikes, as their heavy ammunition would destroy 3 AT-AT'S and multiple AT-ST'S. These clumsy and cumbersome vehicles would be forced to act as blaster sponges and stationary Gun platforms rather than being part of the charge. General Sylvester then ordered his Storm troopers to charge the entrenchments of the settlement, resulting in a blood bath for both sides, with the cost of each trench becoming larger and larger with each engagement. In the Fighting Tenjin Gar would fall and Yariin Rytt would become mortally wounded. It is saif that Yariin Refused easing of his pain stating;
"When I rise again I shall reap terrible vengeance on their souls for eternity. Each moment of pain I suffer is another moment I owe them. "
He would linger for hours before succumming.
Finally, despite heavy losses, the imperials forced a route of the mandalorians who retreated in the fort. The Warriors of Clan Solus would however, Remain outside the fort, Keeping the Imperials at bay in the entryways while the rest of the Mandalorians entered and closed the heavy durasteel doors. Graaine Solus chose to fall with his men, just beyond the Northern Porticullis.

Day three of the battle.
The loss on leadership distressed the Mandalorians greatly and feeling trapped amd beaten nearly surrendered when the new head of Clan Rytt, a 19 year old male by the name of Finok, rallied his forces for one final counter charge, Having his men charge through all 4 Porticullae to challenge the storm troopers. The remaining Fang Fighters would fight thw ground forces as well, even attempting to send their wreckages into the enemy lines in kamakazee style crasges. The close fighting succeeded and the Storm troopers would route once again, leaving the fort for the day. The Mandalorians would not be able to perform another charge, their losses suffered having been too great. In the night, Finok Rytt and Hetsu Wren would devise a plan which would require yet more sacrifice.

Day Four of the Battle
The next morning the Mandalorians would offer their full surrender, as well a large amount of beskar Mined from within Zanbar and Fort Hope in particular. This offer was a ruse, however, and instead of sendijg three freighter of beskar they would send three freaighters filled with J-1 shells and tabana gas. These freighters would be completely able to attack unharassed and would attempt to enter hyperspace, aimed at the heavy star destroyer. They each had a singular target: the shields, the bridge and the hangar. Which once achieved not only crippled the Star Destroyer but killed the general who was on the bridge. The storm troopers, with their Command cut off, largely came to a standstill, with this suicide attack buying the Mandalorians time to escape the planet before reinforcements could arrive.

the three remaining clans would travel together, their small groups feeling intertwined. The losses suffered by each side was great but the Phyrric stalemate achieved by the imperial remnant came at greater loss to them. The three clans would eventually more or less merge together with Wrens from the Bloodborne Cadet Branch becoming common within Rytt ranks. Many songs and stories would be told of the "Mad Martyrs of Bloodborne Hollow" with these men becoming heroes of legend among the descendants of the survivors of that battle.
3,362 Storm troopers
15 AT-ST's
General Dennis Sylvester
48 TIE fighters
1 Imperial I class Star destroyer (Crippled)

763 mandalorians
25 Fang-Class fighters
18 various other fighters
Tenjin Gar
Graaine Solus
Yariin Rytt
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2019
Reaction score
@Sreeya Hi! I just wanted to point out the spambot. Im not quite sure what to eo about it .


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
While the article itself is.. interesting, can you tell me what purpose it actually looks to serve in the RP? I'm not sure a lore article for a random battle you made up really necessitates a lore article submission.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2019
Reaction score
While the article itself is.. interesting, can you tell me what purpose it actually looks to serve in the RP? I'm not sure a lore article for a random battle you made up really necessitates a lore article submission.
It was just a history thing, something for others to reference I guess. I was going to do a whole set of stuff like that to give the universe a little depth...


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
While wanting to give the universe more depth is commendable, I don't think this is the way to do it. I'd rather not normalize people submitting articles for random battles that they invent in their head. Generally for articles about battles, they've always been about battles that actually happen in the RP. I think that is the way I would like to keep it.

I am going to archive this submission.