Anyone need a ride?


SWRP Writer
Apr 4, 2022
Reaction score
New to the site this week and looking to jump into some action as soon as I can.

I would like to drop in Brinnon Castalli, unaffiliated new pilot and even better travel companion, looking to carry on his transport shuttle business with some interesting space travelling types. He is open to any kind of transport work, but definitely prefers the type where he gets to hand the ship over to the protocol droid for several hours and discuss in depth Galactic politics with his passengers.

I am looking to get into the "lighter" parts of the galaxy, but am happy to take on anything that might include bad things, as long as you don't mind Brinnon not liking it. Any RP contacts I can build up for future stories would be greatly appreciated! Currently unaffiliated but happy to join up to factions once I have built up a good backstory for doing so.