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  1. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    It was terrifying considering what other habits Zira might find. Would they be as charming as those already witnessed, or would she find them detestable? Familiarity bred contempt, as it was, but so too was it constructing something new between them in this moment. How she could see anything in...
  2. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    “Friends,” Milo echoed, as if tasting the word on his tongue once again before following the half-Anfynn into the ship, cradling Cyrus securely. If that had been the animal’s intention, Milo wasn’t keen enough to realize it. Instead he stroked its fur, remaining present in the moment. “I guess...
  3. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Her nudging drew out a small laugh, Zira had the opposite effect on the addict. Rather than push her away he craved that simple closeness, an alien feeling yet not an unwelcome one. Milo’s smile faltered for a second as she highlighted his desire to leave Kuat and see the galaxy, and in his...
  4. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Zira’s words did more than reassure him as she took his hand, looking between it and the tiefling with those wide blue eyes, breath held in his throat. Milo was a creditless vagrant, infinitesimally tiny when compared to the scale of the galaxy, yet he had mattered to someone, to Zira. She...
  5. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    Not expecting the Jedi to put it lightly, the vagrant scowled. Of course not, and neither would the half-Anfynn let him get any for the trip. Perhaps this was a terrible idea, wasting time with an ascetic who wouldn’t even give him the mercy of his chemical relief when he needed it. All the...
  6. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Each of Zira’s reactions was a balm upon his unease, not a cure but a remedy, that was reserved for the tiefling’s alien tail whose writhing and tightening he took as a good sign. Her sniffling and tear-wiping had come as an unexpected surprise, he hardly knew how to react, the movie had made...
  7. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    “Huh, can they?” Milo mused aloud, clearly working with old information given his interest in the past. There did not appear to be any sort of revulsion, just simple curiosity. All his manuscripts were old digital copies plucked from libraries. They had been lost for a time, during the old...
  8. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    Milo was quick to follow, throwing all thoughts of leaving to the wayside for the time being. He tugged on his stained jacket and for once held his head a bit higher. “Surprised they did, I know the window for keeping wild animals with humans is tiny but,” he shrugged. “I also don’t know...
  9. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Her nudging had earned an innocent shrug. “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” Milo had spent so long with barely the ability to take care of himself that being able to afford another was satisfying on an internal level. It was only a few days since he had been roughing it on the street with...
  10. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    Milo couldn’t recall ever seeing an Anfynn or half-Anfynn for that matter, slowly nodding his head. The galaxy was a vast place and, despite knowing quite a bit of its history it was only the broad strokes. He barely scratched the surface when it came to its inhabitants. “Bond?” He assumed the...
  11. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Despite having practiced his lines more than once the moment the door opened it was as though he were seeing Zira for the first time, her sigh stealing the words right from his mouth as he echoed her, albeit more quietly. He had seen her dolled up before, to entertain crowds both high and low...
  12. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    Milo was just about to open his mouth to ask another question when Elidan spoke up about his death. Unsurprisingly, Milo deflated. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said simply, a frown growing on his face as he rubbed his hands together nervously. Luckily the half-Anfynn carried on as though nothing had...
  13. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Those few days were especially trying for Milo as he not only worked at tables but took a second job which began before his shift even ended, the first time he had done anything of the sort. Even though Zira repeated, over and over, that money wasn’t necessary, Milo wanted everything to be...
  14. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    “Reptiles with acid for blood? Got any burn scars?” The vagrant snorted, not disbelieving but rather amused. Elidan had clearly lived a far more interesting life, and whether it was because of the idea of the grass being greener, Milo wondered what sort of life that was to live. A story to ask...
  15. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    Milo continued wolfing down his food as Elidan spoke, flashing him quick looks and small grins whenever his mouth was empty, nodding every so often. “Hah, I’d hope so. Think surviving a ship crash is one of those life changing events you always hear about. Either way it's still funny, if you...
  16. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Zira’s flicking tail did nothing to calm his nerves against the silence, he had never known a tiefling, how was he supposed to read that thing? Her blush wasn’t much of a response either; yet Zira’s eyes, pools of auric wonder, never faltered or looked away and neither did she retrieve her hand...
  17. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    “Oh. I just assumed you had an additional reason,” he said with a shrug. Milo nearly walked into the Jedi as he came to a stop, half tripping on his own feet as he stepped around Elidan before letting out a slight sigh as he kept his balance. As the half-Anfynn explained his history with Yavin...
  18. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Amusement crossed his eyes at her quip, trying to maintain a collected grin which broadened as her hand touched his. Not much better than a teenager in his own right, a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead and there was a slight clamminess to his palms, but that did not stop him from gently...
  19. Milo Corr

    Ask Stones over Sand

    The vagrant did his best to bite back the sudden rising bitterness, Elidan especially didn't deserve any of it given the kindness he had shown since the very moment they had met. Reality was just a cruel thing and they all did what they could, what they had to, within it. To enjoy what life has...
  20. Milo Corr

    Ask Getting Off This Rock

    Milo wasn’t quite there himself, he didn’t owe the galaxy any amount of altruism and neither did he seek to give it some. Idiosyncratically, while he held everything he spoke as an ideal, he only lived by them where it was convenient or necessary. When the cost weighed down his guilt more than...