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  1. Orys

    Ask We Need A Bigger Boat

    Coruscant - Lower Market Districts 0500 Local Time The area and people that made up the lower market districts were beginning to spin back to life as dawn approached. The sun had just begun to creep over the horizon, though still obscured by the dense clouds in the sky. Across the street...
  2. Orys

    Ask Plot Nar Shaddaa O Brother, Where Art Thou?

    Nar Shaddaa - Corellian District 0315 Local Time Nar Shaddaa never ceased to amaze Orys, especially in times like this. He, Vara, and Jacelle had all arrived just outside of their first step towards finding Lucius Quinn. The dive bars barely functional neon sign stood over them like an angry...
  3. Orys

    Ask Plot Nar Shaddaa Tattletales are Bad

    Nar Shaddaa - Corellian District - Nightfall 0200 Local Time The smell of tobacco smoke lingered heavily around the bar Orys and his companions were sitting at. The three had been enjoying themselves for the last couple of hours, Orys ordering several rounds of drinks. The bar was sparsely...