Organization Jedi Research Corps

Fantasy Liver

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SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2012
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The Jedi Order, throughout its history and various incarnations, have had a strong tradition of scientific and historical research. From Jedi Consulars dedicating themselves to the pursuit of learning and diplomacy, to the Jedi Exploration Corps discovering something new on every voyage, to the great Jedi biologists like the famed Masteer Bowspritz, there have been many Jedi over the years who have used the Force to pursue the mysteries of the galaxy.

At its peak, the Order hosted the galaxy's greatest archives and had an active research staff dedicated to the research of archaeology, geology, linguistics, astronomy, the history of the galaxy and more. After Order 66, of course, most of that knowledge (and its researchers) were lost and the new Order is trying to rebuild what once was.

Nowadays, the organization is looser and the Corps is more of a way to pool resources and provide peer review instead of being a strict organization with hierarchical ruls. There's a small but up-to-date stable of droids available to members of the Jedi Research Corps to assist with their investigations and members not actively researching are encouraged to raise funds and pursue galactic grants in order to give other Jedi the resources they need to make discoveries.

Engaging in combat is a matter of personal preference. Some Knights and Masters that are part of the Corps choose to dedicate solely to research, emulating the path of the Consular from years ago. However, there are others who are happy to volunteer their blade to protect others when they're in between research projects. All published research papers, instead of being cloistered away in the archives of the Jedi, are instead made public domain to the galaxy at large.


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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This seems fine.
