SWRP Timeline 5 Abridged Version


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Star Wars Legacies

SWRP Timeline 5 - Abridged Version


I'm working on an abridged version of Timeline 5 of TheStarWarsRP's Fifth Timeline. It will focus on the main events of the timeline (particularly Part 1). At this time I've not decided if I'll do Part 2 later; depends on Part 1 goes. The segments will be posted on FanFiction.net (to help promote SWRP and to let others read the story this site has constructed), with entries appearing in Fan Works (in a separate thread titled "Star Wars Legacies") a couple weeks before it appears on FanFiction.net (to allow for pre-screening and review prior to its publishing on the other site). The stories are somewhat condensed, so not everything appears in it. Things have been cut in some places and other elements combined together. Some things changed to allow story to flow better (such as retconning Lamia's fall to a more progressive fall). To try to limit the appearance of so many characters (which even then there's a lot of characters who will show up), some characters have been cut and been replaced by others (for example, Ayumi Pallopides was cut and some of her stuff was given to Matsu Ike, and I may have Apollo Ordo be Royston's Ubiqtorate disguise, rather than Apollo and Royston being two characters). I do apologize in advance for any alterations; if someone wishes to contest a change, please let me know and I'll change it. As not everything was written out (such as the Trap at Lehon, Mandalorian Civil War, and Fel Conspiracy), some plots and segments will be created for the Abridged Version. Help is appreciated and critiques helpful.

The Abridged Version of Timeline 5 will be titled "Star Wars Legacies" on FanFiction.net after the timeline epithet. The Abridged Version will focus largely on the adventures of Andraste, Jhon Cordatus, Ebberla Daw, and Corden Vencu. Deuteragonists will include Darth Exodeus, Della Frey, Aiysha Remy, and Geist Weiss. The Chiss Ascendancy is largely been omitted from the Abridged Version, obtaining maybe a few mentions, but nothing past that.

Aÿisha Remy
Apollo Ordo
Apollo Ratler; Ratler
Bellatrix La Rouge
Beric Kanasur
Corden Vencu
Daisuke Fuyu; Dai
Darth Judicar
Darth Exodeus
Darth Vereor
Della Frey
Ebberla Daw
Fyston Sutsgy
Geist Weiss
Iona Peller
Jhon Cordatus
Lain Derisma
Lamia Kressh
Makkun Telkanin
Matsu Ike
Nathaneau Bastele
Predor Logeth
Roxton Dagger
Royston Spektor
Sigur Vainkainen
Sogar Derisma
Tach Enarai

To clarify now, I've cut down the number of Grandmasters who commanded the Jedi Order in the Abridged Version. The Abridged Version starts with Beric Kanasur, then Jhon Cordatus, then Ratler (to ease confusion between Apollo Ordo and Apollo Ordo, Ratler will be single-named, like Yoda), and finally with Sigur, until his death.

The Abridged Version will take a while to complete, as such it's divided into entries (comprised of a few thread posts). The Abridged Version at this time consists of 108 arcs comprised of 120 threads. The arcs are as followed:

1. Dark Hearts: prologue; focus on acolytes (Andelka, Andraste, Gabriel, Inquitious) vs. Makkun {flashback for later on; Battle of Konstellan new prologue}
2. Battle of Konstellan: GA giving aid to oppose dictator; Vereor and Varek vs. 2 Jedi; Padawans’ heads sent to Battlemaster (Grandmaster instead?)
3. Raid on Yaga Minor (Peller, Bellatrix, & _______ raid shipyard, stealing Excalibur and kidnapping Mortenroete; IK learn of Judicar’s upcoming trips to Ilum & Lehon from Morgenroete, which is actually a trap)
4. Trap at Lehon: Peller leading Lehon ambush, Bellatrix leading Ilum ambush; Judicar’s fleet arrives at Lehon and actually ambushes Peller’s fleet; Peller vs. Judicar; Peller slain, Judicar wounded
5. Bellatrix senses Peller’s death and her fleet flees before imperial fleet arrives at Ilum; Morgenroete killed either by Bellatrix or accidentally by imperial fleet at Lehon
6. Imperium learns ELF and IK at Lehon funded by Muunilinst; Exodeus learns of Judicar’s wounds; Exodeus usurps Judicar
7. Muunilinst Bombing led by Exodeus, Lucian Fel (from later Fel Conspiracy, not Lucifel), & Vereor/Konstantine (cameo)
7.1. [flashback] Mission to Zebitrope IV: flashback depicting Jedi thwarting orphanage experiments run by Geist; Lain rescued by Jedi (Lain having been there after kidnapped from her home due to Force sensitivity)
7.2. Mission to Pamarthe (replacing Kamino): Lain (Andreus) encounters Sogar (Oseth), who reveals his connection to her
7.3. Injured Lain meets with Councilors
8. Predor, Dai (Daisuke; may just keep nameless rather than filled-in name), Matsu, Ebberla, Chora, and Valafar attend discussion about vote of no confidence against Beric; add some cameos? {Lain brought in as dissidents thought her brawl with Sogar would motivate her involvement}
9. Beric (may not include Augustus’ existence to limit names) ousting led by Predor and Dai (or another future Councilor)
10. Lamia trains, demonstrating Dark-Sided Force Lightning; maybe switch Deloi with another Jedi?
11. Lecchamemnon (or Jhon, to limit extra people since Lecchamemnon disappears soon after bombing) exiles Lamia
12. Matsu joins Lamia in exile; Chora (Matsu’s retconned lover or husband) decides to stay with Jedi (due to Saleucami participation); Matsu and Lamia (and maybe a few other Jedi) join up with Imperial Knights
13. Bellatrix interviews Lamia, establishing a rapport
14. First Battle of Tanaab: Andraste, Inquitious, & Varek vs. Predor, Remy, & Nikola; Predor looking to bring fight to the Sith (possibly one of motivations for ousting Beric due to inaction)?
15. Remy tortured by Sith; needed?
16. Attack on Will of the Force done by Remy, Varek, Thaed & 2 Sith; Remy vanishes (giving impression she left them when she encounters IK on Hoth); event possibly timed with recent resignation of Valafar?
17. Galactic Alliance declares war on Imperium; cameos by Cyeon, Bastele, Sigur, and Iril’dor
18. Imperium declares war
19. Battle of Saleucami: battle in response to war declaration; Sogar or Varek&Andraste vs. Ebberla; Ichabod captures Chora; cameo by STROST (Corden, Tach, Brok, Lyco); maybe have Varek note Andraste not feeling good (signs of pregnancy)?
20. Remy encounters Bellatrix & Matsu (Ayumi not existing in AV)
21. Remy bonds with Lamia at Sith’s Folly; Bellatrix suggests meeting with Council (or discussion leads to Remy deciding it); Bellatrix assigns Lamia to mission on Sarka?
22. Duel on Sarka: Geist captures Lamia
23. Lamia tortured on Lacrima with visions of Matsu & Bellatrix’s deaths; Matsu rescues Lamia rather than Mira?
24. Remy confronts Jedi temple (Jhon GM rather than Lecchamemnon); Jedi temple bombing (Ratler replacing Lecchamemnon in that segment as hologram)
25. Sith’s Folly destroyed; by Bhalr or Exodeus?
26. Ichabod lures Matsu to ExGal-4 using Chora as bait; Ichabod reveals himself creator of Remy’s bomb; Matsu & Chora killed; Bellatrix & Matsu’s deaths final tipping point for Lamia to fall to dark side
27. Lamia reveals HOMEFRONT to Remy; Lamia sent to Sogar/Roxuli?
28. Cyrillia poisoned & Sogar’s team destroys Harrowing
29. Sogar forces Lamia to watch Excalibur sink at Roxuli; Lamia killed
30. HOMEFRONT destroyed by Lucian Fel & Konstantine
31. Andraste gives Lana to Jhon
32. Duel on Lehon: Jhon vs. Exodeus; Jhon fakes death
33. Andraste & Exodeus’ wedding
34. Jhon reveals Lana to Ratler (Grandmaster after Jhon), Ebberla, Kara, Skhai, & Iril’dor (switched from Adalii/Bektar)
35. Death Watch Saren gives Mandalorian Balkk to Geist or other Sith; mention only?
36. Corden urges Roxton to send Mandalorians to rescue Balkk from imperial prison
37. Imperium commands Mandalorians evacuate Mandalorian Space
38. Mandalorians evacuate
39. Imperium invades Mandalorian Space
40. Galactic Alliance gives Endor region to Mandalorians (not include Roon as not to focus on different areas in civil war?)
41. Corden challenges Roxton
42. Roxton resigns; Oderyn declines (or doesn’t exist); Danielle becomes Mandalore
43. Corden attacks Danielle at Fenris (change locations due to fanon planet?); Jenna self-destructs base
44. Saren vs. Lucius at Fenris witness base exploding; flashback revealing Saren was the one that sold Balkk to Imperium?
45. Mandalorian peace talks turn sour
46. Battle of Zaddja, Gannaria, or Codia; add NPC who suspects Imperium mole (initially believes it is Saren but is revealed to be Royston/Apollo; NPC killed during battle); other battles only mentioned
47. Della Frey rescued by Shi-Gel-Hu, Fyston & _______(Ebberla?)
48. Fyston and Della bond
49. Sebastian (switch to Ebberla?) trains Della; mention only?
50. Geist recruits Lain; Sogar revealed to be missing (actually having left order); flashback to Sogar mentioning Lain to Geist?
51. Lain infiltrates Jedi and befriends Della
52. Della, Fyston, and Lain go on mission
53. Skirmish on Ossus: Varek cameo; Thaed vs. Ebberla; Ebberla captured
54. Ebberla interrogated and Force taken
55. Second Battle of Tanaab: Tach vs. Arcturus & Geist (switching from Vhalanestilliegan)
56. Geist or Royston captures Brok; other is mentioned to have captured Lyco
57. STROST evidence planted
58. Operation Aruetii: Lucian Fel ‘almost assassinated trying to save Corden’s life’ (Lucian switched from Lucifel; not put in coma); Apollo or Carien ‘finds’ STROST evidence
59. Geist encounters Della
60. Geist mocks Jedi Council to hide hacking attempt in joint with Lain on Jedi database; Lain flees; hacking done to allow Sith to get close to Sage Halls for First Battle of Empress Teta using Ebberla’s codes?
61. Varek obtains lightsaber bomb from Ichabod (switched from Geist)
62. First Battle of Empress Teta: Varek & Arcturus vs. Iril’dor; Royston captured by Kara; Varek leaves behind lightsaber bomb
63. Remy vs. Ratler at First Battle of Empress Teta; Ratler discovers lightsaber bomb and sacrifices self to take bomb away from Sage Halls
64. Vitium’s announcement
64a. Exodeus dies
65. Thaed taunts Ebberla, eventually letting the despaired ex. Councilor go
66. Ebberla encounters Jhon (masquerading as Vitium)
67. Duel on Redemption: Jhon vs. Geist; Andraste defeats Jhon and manipulates memories
68. Bastele captured
69. Carien (never Mandalore) or Corden reveals Bastele captured
70. Mandalorian-GA negotiations end with Cyeon’s declaration; replace Maier with Guhoo?
71. Carien or Corden returns Bastele to Guhoo or Stazi
72. Bastele inquires about Jedi and Cyeon’s actions; mention only?
73. Corden & Carien meet with Imperium; needed?; Balkk released?
73a. Bastele returns to Jedi Order & confronts Sigur
74. Sigur makes deal with Lain (revelation of Jhon not Vitium reviving interest in investigating Aruetii?)
75. Lain hacks Geist’s computer
76. Lain shares some stolen data with Sigur about Operation Aruetii
77. Lain captured by Geist or another (switched from Arch’elie’lia)
78. Geist (to make up for files stolen) helps Thaed & Arcturus locate and free Royston
79. Vereor returns & travels with Geist; SD Aevum investigation detailed
80. Duel at Jorj Lu Castle: Vereor & Geist vs. Carnaj & apprentice
81. Fel Conspiracy: Vereor, Geist, & Arcturus thwart Lucian Fel’s coup (merge with Vandergruff’s? if so, replace Tyrn with Bhalr serving as Regent for Andraste); Vereor becomes Dark Lord
82. Ebberla reminisces with rogue Sogar
83. Boonta: Imperium vs. GA
84. Carien & Corden lead Mandalorians against GA at Brentaal
85. Evacuation of Anaxes: Ebberla & others leave Anaxes to fortify Alsakan & Coruscant
86. Battle of Alsakan
87. Battle of Tython 1: Della and Rhonun (switch with Fyston or Delun?) fight to escape; they flee to Empress Teta
88. Battle of Tython 2: Ebberla vs. Arcturus
89. Battle of Tython 3: Jhon vs. Bhalr
90. Second Battle of Empress Teta: Jedi & Cinnagarans flee Empress Teta; Geist & brainwashed Lain capture Della
91. Bastele arrests Sigur
92. Battle of Coruscant 1: Naval combat setting mood; switch Stark with Konstantine?
93. Battle of Coruscant 2: #16 fights; setting mood
94. Battle of Coruscant 3: Guhoo vs. Remy at GA Defense Force HQ
95. Battle of Coruscant 4: Jhon vs. Corden
96. Battle of Coruscant 5: Drakus storming temple gates setting mood
97. Battle of Coruscant 6: Lecchamemnon encountered at Jedi hangars (if Lecchamemnon appears in prior entries)
98. Battle of Coruscant 7: Raide goes after database; Ebberla prevents all data stolen; Ebberla picks up Jhon while evacuating
99. Bastele frees Sigur
100. Battle of Coruscant 8: Congress Hall fight
101. Battle of Coruscant 9: Sigur vs. Vereor
102. Responses to Sigur’s death
103. Bastele’s warning
104. Coruscant evacuated
105. Devastation of Coruscant
106. Geist and Konstantine observe Coruscant’s destruction (epilogue?)
Dark Hearts
Operation Gothic Shield House of Representatives
Trap at Lehon
Seeds of Rebellion
Let the Pages Turn
Trial by Fire
A More Elegant Touch
Fear and Worry
The Witch and the Demon
The Battle of Tanaab
(Chiss-Mando conflict not mentioned)
Slaying the Juggernaut
Declaration of War
The Emperor's Address
Battle of Saleucami
-Final Genesis
-Paradise Lost
-Sundered Heavens
-Lake of Fire
To Cleanse Both Mind and Body
Ackbar's Premonition
Tears for the Future
Forming Bonds within a New Order
Facing Judgment
Cradle of Fire
Quest for Chora
A Message to What Isn't There
Food for the Poor
Azure Shadows
Evacuation from Cyrillia
Sword in the Stone
Final Acts
Where Flowers Bloom So Does Hope
Till Salvation Do Us Part
Celebration of Matrimony (needed?)
Memories of Obi-Wan
Mandalorian exodus/Civil War
-Hunters and Witches
-Honor Against All Odds
-Evacuation from Sith Space
-Evacuate First
-No Man Left Behind
-Come, the Conquerors
-A New Beginning
-The Challenge
-My Fellow Mandalorians
-Battle of Fenris Ice Fields & Command Center
-Fate of the Clans
-Looking back: OOC discussion mentioning fights on Zaddja, Gannaria, Codia, and Roon
Journey to Tython
A Talent Within
The Education of the Rabbit
Feeling Better Today
Toughen Up
Skirmish on Ossus
-Encounter on Ossus:
-Thaed vs. Ebberla
All Fires Fade
Rematch on Tanaab
Soldiers in Arm
Encore on Geonosis
STROST Reminiscence
Under Masks Are Truths
Justice's Illusion
King's Touch
Battle of Empress Teta
Epitaph of a Ghost
Thy Kingdom Come
Thaed taunts Ebberla
-There Is No Peace
-Through My Passion is Borne My Strength
-At the End of Change
The Days That Are No More
Duel on Redemption
Battle of Teth (needed?)
Robinson Crusoe
Mandalore Speaks
Diplomacy Redux
To Honor a Promise
Master and Commander
Meetings and Gifts
The Road Back Home
Low Voltage
Impending the Divulgence of Resources
Simple Meetings
Back in the New Sith Groove
Stare Into the Abyss
My Dark Heart Will Go On
Angels We Have Heard on High
Crushing the Plighting Carnage
Requiem of the Fallen Dynasty
Three Sheets to the Wind
Battle of Boonta
Battle of Brentaal
Evacuation of Anaxes
Battle of Alsakan
Battle in the Ruins of Kaleth
Battle of the Jedi Temple
Ebberla Daw vs. Arcturus
In Andraste's Shadow
Skirmish on Empress Teta
Song of Two Houses' Legacy
A Return to Normalcy
A Grim and Foreseeable Future
Clash in the Skies
A Monument to Their Sins
GA Defense Force Command Center
There Is Another
Jedi Temple Main Gates
Jedi Temple Hangars
Jedi Temple Archive Mainframe
The Galactic Congress Hall
The Duel for the Soul of Coruscant
Witnesses of Despair
Last Full Measure
The Coming Storm
As the Force Weeps

All credit is being given to their respective authors. On FanFiction.net, credit will be given to the authors whose works are used for segments of the Abridged Version. An acknowledgement of the authors and the site will also appear in the first entry.

More details to come.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
I really like the idea of a sort of Fanfic of the sites' goings on during the 'Part 1'. I was not here for it, obviously, and would like to know what happens in a story-wrought manner. I look forward to reading it!
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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
I really like the idea of a sort of Fanfic of the sites goings on during the 'Part 1'. I was not here for it, obviously, and would like to know what happens in a story-wrought manner. I look forward to reading it!

Well, you could read all 120 of those threads :charmed::charmed:


SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Jedi Temple Gates was so fun, Satoryu played Drakus' Eleena Daru haha.

Also, which is the thread where Andraste kills Exodeus? I've been looking for it for ages.

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
Jedi Temple Gates was so fun, Satoryu played Drakus' Eleena Daru haha.

Also, which is the thread where Andraste kills Exodeus? I've been looking for it for ages.

Good lord that was an amazing thread, if Weiss finds it I'd love to give it a reread as well. I'm sure it'll be included in this.


SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks Bac.

Holy crap that thread was posted the exact same day I joined the site O.o


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks Bac.

Holy crap that thread was posted the exact same day I joined the site O.o

Finding out that I'd been a member for 6 years on the 8th of August was a shocker, haha.

This is a really cool idea for a fanfic, Weiss. If you need an editor or something feel free to hit me up.


Mr. Long Post
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
This is awesome! If you need a reviewer, I'd be happy to help where I can.


perpetual dissonance
SWRP Writer
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Jedi Temple Gates was so fun, Satoryu played Drakus' Eleena Daru haha.

Woah, woah, woah. Drakus wasn't the only name that stormed those Gates.

Hell, let's remember that Sith that burst through those massive doors and viciously murdered that Jedi Master in that savage duel. I'd like some sort of honorary mention.
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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Jedi Temple Gates was so fun, Satoryu played Drakus' Eleena Daru haha.

Also, which is the thread where Andraste kills Exodeus? I've been looking for it for ages.

Thy Kingdom Come. Link can be found in the thread list.


Oops, didn't realize there were other posts and Bac already supplied the thread.
Good lord that was an amazing thread, if Weiss finds it I'd love to give it a reread as well. I'm sure it'll be included in this.
Yep, it'll be included.
This is a really cool idea for a fanfic, Weiss. If you need an editor or something feel free to hit me up.
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
Woah, woah, woah. Drakus wasn't the only name that stormed those Gates.

Hell, let's remember that Sith that burst through those massive doors and viciously murdered that Jedi Master in that savage duel. I'd like some sort of honorary mention.
Not sure how much of the Jedi Gates will appear in it. Originally I was going to use it as an opening the setting for the Jedi stuff such as the Mainframe plot and possibly Lecchamemnon's reminiscence. I'll have to give it another read to see if I'll add it. Even then, it may be possible I'd be focusing on Drakus, as he would appear in future stuff should I advance past Part 1. Others may get mentioned too.
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Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Saren 100% ruined the peace summit. Only guy to initiate on his own. If need be, I'll find the thread. As for Balk, I can find his thread too.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Saren 100% ruined the peace summit. Only guy to initiate on his own. If need be, I'll find the thread. As for Balk, I can find his thread too.

Sure. Originally I had wondered if I should replace Saren with the Imperial mole, but found Saren to play a bigger role than I initially thought. I'm also going to play him as the red herring for the imperial mole for readers initially, only to have it be revealed later that Saren is no one's pawn and that Apollo is the mole.

I found the peace summit thread and the thread where he gives Balkk to the Dathomir Moff, but I wasn't able to find the thread in which Balkk was captured.

Also, I'll be fleshing out unwritten battles for Zaddja, Gannaria, or Codia. If you're interested, I could use your help in writing one of those battles with you, having a focus on Saren's involvement.


SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Pretty big project you have planned there buddy. I really like the idea though and wish you sir good luck. I'll try and follow the entries to the best of my ability. Or might just read everything at once.

Either way sounds like a quality read, and I'm glad at least one of my guys is going to appear.


SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
Throw in Whisper if you like, although I basically stopped writing role plays.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score

Good lord that was an amazing thread, if Weiss finds it I'd love to give it a reread as well. I'm sure it'll be included in this.

Finding out that I'd been a member for 6 years on the 8th of August was a shocker, haha.

This is a really cool idea for a fanfic, Weiss. If you need an editor or something feel free to hit me up.

Woah, woah, woah. Drakus wasn't the only name that stormed those Gates.

Hell, let's remember that Sith that burst through those massive doors and viciously murdered that Jedi Master in that savage duel. I'd like some sort of honorary mention.

Throw in Whisper if you like, although I basically stopped writing role plays.

I was considering adding Whisper due to her involvement in the evacuation of Coruscant. She do anything prior to that?